50 Women Finally Work Up The Courage To Ask Men The Questions They Were Embarrassed To Ask
InterviewBeing curious about the world isn’t a sin. In fact, it’s a great thing if you’ve got a growth-oriented mindset and constantly push the boundaries of your knowledge about science, psychology, history, etc. That being said, certain topics are a bit more sensitive than others.
Not everyone, no matter who they are, can find the courage to ask the questions they really want to get to the bottom of. However, anonymity can protect you from a lot of that embarrassment. The women of the internet took to two discussions on AskReddit to finally ask men the delicate questions they’ve always wanted to hear the answers to. Scroll down for a whole bunch of honesty and—hopefully—to learn something new.
Bored Panda reached out to u/Emil_Jorgensen05, who sparked one of these interesting discussions for their thoughts on curiosity, anonymity, and learning. You'll find our interview with them below.
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Why do some guys catcall inappropriately and think us women are flattered?
This isn't flattery. This is a child in an adults body that never learned to treat women with respect.
Being cat called is frightening, especially for young girls. The first time it happened to me, I was terrified. I'm a bit to old to be cat called now, but if it happened, I'd be transported back to that very frightened little girl. There is nothing okay with this behaviour.
According to the author of one of the online discussions, anonymity can be a huge boon for people who are curious about the world but might be feeling a bit shy.
"Embarrassment can get in the way, but being anonymous helps," u/Emil_Jorgensen05 told Bored Panda.
"Most people are just curious, and if you don’t take it too seriously, it’s easier to ask whatever’s on your mind," they gave some advice for anyone who's feeling embarrassed by certain topics.
As a bartender, I would love to know why men always try to ask me out when I'm working? It's my job to serve you, and you see me being just as nice to everyone else as I'm being to you... I just don't get why it happens so often.
There are men out there that are so starved for positive (this is key) attention from women that it's not that big of a jump from "she's being nice to me" to "there's something more here". It doesn't entirely register that it's your job to be friendly. Alcohol also acts as a social lubricant and that may also add to a guy seeing things that aren't necessarily there.
Why do you tug on your junk every couple of minutes? Are you afraid it’ll fall off or go wandering?
It sticks to the inside of our legs, or our b**l sack, or some other random part of our lower genitallia area - and it is very uncomfortable... so we move it to prevent it from packing its bags and leaving us for another man.
I think it's bloody gross as well. I have never, EVER adjusted myself in public... Put up with it until you get to a restroom..
We were curious to get the author's perspective on how the school system could be (re)structured to empower students to learn about sensitive but important topics earlier on in life.
"I think schools could help by creating a space where students feel comfortable asking questions without fear of judgment," u/Emil_Jorgensen05 said.
"Maybe some kind of anonymous Q&A exercises or discussion games would work—something that lets them be curious without the awkwardness," they suggested.
Meanwhile, u/Emil_Jorgensen05 also opened up about the inspiration behind the intriguing discussion. "I was just curious to see what questions women had for men, so I threw it out there," they said.
"I think it took off because it gave people a chance to ask things they might not usually bring up."
Would you be ok with random compliments/hugs throughout the day?
Edit: For every person who replied(and any male who sees this): you are amazing, you are valued, Your feelings are real and you can rant to me if anything is wrong, you look great and you deserve to get hugs. Have a good day/night! Stay safe
A lot of men are starved for compliments and will not only appreciate that, but also remember it for years.
I’m a cashier and I try to compliment guys as much as I can at work since I have a brother and he says he never gets complimented. Do you guys like non-creepy compliments from strangers?
We love it but you need to be careful because a lot of guys will take it as a sign that you're into them.
When I worked, there were 4 guys in the office sitting together, I always said "Good Morning, Gentlemen" to them.
Why do some men think women being lesbian is a turn on?
I like one chocolate, you know what’s better than one chocolate? Two chocolate.
It’s just that our simian brain doesn’t really understand that the two chocolates prefer to eat each other.
Because on a primary level, men are visual creatures; we like what we see. Most straight men like b00bs. Two girls = four b00bs, thus more to look at. It's the same reason many women read gay male p0rn. And if you don't believe that's true, look at BookTok.
Like it or not, if you truly want to get to the bottom of serious questions, you have to be able to weather a bit of discomfort and embarrassment. It’s easier said than done, but you can’t let those feelings get in the way of you learning more about the world. If all you ever did was study what was easy and comfortable, you probably wouldn’t know all that much about biology, history, psychology, and other important subjects.
At the end of the day, science revolves around facts, not how all of us feel about asking certain questions. And if you don’t ask questions, you’ll only restrict your entire learning process and potential. There are two main ways to move past this dilemma: you can either develop the habit of courageously embracing your discomfort, or you can look for ways to feel more comfortable asking the questions that matter to you.
You’re always getting us flowers. So what’s your favourite flower(if you have one)? 🥺👉👈
I probably speak for quite a few guys when I say I've never been asked that question before
Yup, I’d love to be asked one day. I think I’d answer violets
Do you think you will still be able to find your SO attractive when you're getting older and older, compared to all those younger girls?
Yup. We come for the t*ts, we stay for the personality
My personal experience is that young women are still attractive, but the upper age that I find attractive has advanced with my own age. There are plenty of women up to 10 years older than me that I find very attractive, and 50 can be downright hot.
Are looks as important to (the majority of) men as everyone says?
I’ve learned that, as I grow older, I’m more looking for someone I can get along with (personality wise). To me, personality amplifies looks so much. That being said, some form of physical attraction is obviously needed, but that all fades away with time anyway.
My gf is one of the few people in the world that I don’t mind being in the same space with 24/7, to me that’s a definite indicator that she’s a keeper.
Men are primarily visual creatures; we're kind of hardwired mentally to react to things we see first. So physical attraction is usually the first thing we notice. But it's far from the only thing.
In the former case—developing your courage—you’re focusing on changing your character, personality, and how you react to certain situations. You might feel embarrassed to ask tough questions at school or university at first, but with enough practice, you’ll get into the habit of speaking up in public. It’s a good skill to have, no matter what you end up doing later in life.
In the latter case—looking for ways to increase your comfort with asking certain sensitive questions—you can do a lot of independent studying. In this day and age, it’s easy to have access to the internet. There are tons of free and paid resources on every topic imaginable in text and video form. Meanwhile, you can always go to your local library to brush up on biology and psychology, too.
What does it feel like to get hit [between your legs]?
This is the best way I can describe it. When the pain first starts if feels like if you were to put a lot of pressure on your eyeball. Then it starts to feel as if you were being stabbed with knives. The pain goes from the balls into the stomach. You also get nausea. The pain can last a while depending on how bad the hit was. TDLR: It sucks
Do men miss their first loves as much as we think they do?
I don't know how much you think, but my first love is a soft spot in my heart that won't go away.
I miss most of my exs. Even when I was the one who got away. I don't miss them in a "I want to go back with her" way, but in a "we shared something, it's sad we don't share that any more". In this context, I'm not sure I miss my first love more than other exs. That maybe because I had two first love at the same time (complicate story, with no infidelity)
Do guys notice cellulite?
notice? yes. care? no
Here's a little secret. All women are beautiful. All of them. Ladies, you are hot AF. And most women have some cellulite. But they are still women, ergo still hot AF.
Something else that can help is having a discussion about those topics with generative AI programs. Though they are far from perfect (they still have issues with ‘hallucinating’ certain ‘facts’), they can provide a safe space for you to ask whatever you want.
And if that’s not your jam, well, the internet is full of forums and communities where you can anonymously talk about whatever you want. It’s easier to feel brave and confident talking about something sensitive when you don’t use your own name and photo. Though, as we mentioned before, getting into the habit of embracing discomfort has its upsides, too.
Why are you guys always so hard on yourselves? (Obviously because of societal pressures or the expectations of being a *man* ) But why do so many of you kings/princes always give yourselves s**t for no reason? Has society really made it so you guys can't be happy without some sort of doubt lingering? Do you truly know what unbiased happiness is? Why do you think you deserve anything less than true happiness?
Basically you're right on the point, vast majority of men don't get that kind of support (hence why a single honest compliment can sit with us a lifetime. Girl in highschool told me I had nice eyes and I still hold it dear) and and beaten over the head with competitiveness and the polar opposite of the above. Society's an a*s to men too, just in a different way and it sucks.
You nailed it. Society has trained us to be miserable and unhappy and constantly discontented with our lot it life. And it's very hard to unlearn that habit.
This isn't really inappropriate, just curious.
When a girl eats more food than you, do you view her differently?
I view her as a competitor and battle her. If i lose... she's a keeper
Guys, what will you think of us if we ask for your number?
Our self confidence pretty much goes from a 4 or 5 to a 10 instantly.
What are some sensitive questions about biology and psychology that you’ve personally always wanted to hear the answers to but felt uncomfortable asking dear Pandas?
Have you ever asked questions on certain topics anonymously online? If you have a moment, we’d like to hear your thoughts on all of this. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.
What is it like to be man strong? I'm a small chick (120lb) and curling and carrying a 70lb dog is a tough! I for sure can't easily carry a similarly sized woman. Whats it like to carry a full frown man or lift heavy things like costco dog food bags?
I guess it feels the same as when you carry something a toddler can't.
It just is something that you can do.
Now, adjusting to decreasing strength as you grow older is a different thing altogether...
I sometimes forget that natural base strength stats of men and woman are wildly different. It just does not compute that certain things are vastly heavier for a woman than they are for me. So their amazement when I just casually lift and move something they had been struggling with always makes me feel as if they are patronizing me. I've never considered them weaker, and still don't.
Do men gossips with other men about their lady's skills in bed?
I have never heard it happen, it's more just a general "was it good or bad?" With no further elaboration
I'm always too scared to be forward (sexually) with what I want. Is being too honest about what you like a turn-off? I'm scared that if I flat out say something it'll make the guy want to stop (because this is what normally happens for me)
I had an ex who didn't tell me what she wanted(sexually)......
it is hard please someone who doesn't know what she wants
personally I find a girl who knows what she likes arousing....
It's one of the BIGGEST turn on's, a woman who lets you know what she desires.
Do y'all constantly think about s*x, a guy told me once that he has no interest in being friends with a girl unless there's a chance they might get to have s*x, please tell me that's not true
Nah, the guy just was too horny, the rest of us just want a hug
Do you check out other girls even if you have a girlfriend or wife? What are you thinking, are you thinking wow she's hot, I want to f**k her or I wish my girl looked like that?
Yes I look, I think its hardwired into the brain. Most of the time its something like the first one, "wow she's hot." Its never "I WANT to f**k her"...it's more like, "she looks like she'd be a fun f**k". Never once have I thought "I wish my girl looked like that". When noticing beauty, it does not mean that you are comparing the beauty to your partner, for me that's never the case. I love my girl more than life itself and wouldn't trade her in for anything. Doesn't mean I don't think Gal Gadot would be a fun f**k.
People don't get ugly just because you are in love.
I was told in psych class long ago that the human brain cant help but notice 3 things. Food, danger, and an attractive possible mate.
Or as my happily married father of 40+ years would say..."just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you cant look at the menu"
This goes for many women too, myself included. I love my husband of 29 years with all my heart, I still find him handsome. That said, we have BOTH managed to gain a lot of weight over the years, and frankly, neither of us looks like we did at 25. It's ok. It's life. Both of us also acknowledge, if we see an attractive person , there is no shame in having eyes to see with, lol. I always admire art, doesn't mean I want to buy the painting.
What kind of surprise would you like from a significant other ? I rarely see any articles on this and the only things are sexual in nature.
A piece of clothing. A jumper, comfy socks or something else that's warm would remind me of that person everytime I put them on.
Just my girlfriend laying her head on my shoulder as I hold her is nice. It doesn't happen as often as it does in movies apparently.
The only thing I can really think of is like me discovering that they have been doing research and learning about something that only Im interested in so that it's something we can share. That would be such a genuinely touching and emotional discovery.
A lot of men seem to have/had a lack of self-confidence and seem to think they are not good enough to have a girlfriend. Who put this idea in your head? When have you been able to see that you were like everyone else and that was a good thing?
It doesn't have to be "society" or a person, but it can also come from a lifetime of failure in the pursuit of romantic relationships.
Get rejected once, it hurts but you get over it eventually.
Get rejected five times, stings but at least you learned something.
Ten times, now it starts to get into you, something is clearly not right.
Twenty+ times, yeah, I guess it's time to just take the hint and leave it be, clearly love is not for me.
That will happen to some of us, and at some point you will cut your losses and just accept you are unlovable.
Literally thousands of rejections, plus everyone in my life (parents, friends etc) in non romantic ways making it clear that I'm not good enough sends a clear message. When I spend every day alone, when I get shot down every time I put myself out there, when its like pulling teeth to get my friends to do things with me, it makes it clear that I'm unwanted. And I put myself out there a lot. Not just on dating sites, but in person. I have TWO different events now that host formal balls, and at those balls I've been made unnoficial staff (one I have been made the official opening 'act' and first dance), because of how fun and outgoing I am. But I'm still not good enough.
If you’ve had relatively short hair throughout your life, do you ever want to really grow it out so you can tie it up and whatnot?
No,I get irritated when my hair is getting too long. For me it is physically uncomfortable.
Do you guys think that toxic masculinity is real? If so, are you guilty of it or do you show all of your emotions in healthy ways?
Edit: I'm obviously not a guy lol, so I don't know toxic masculinity as well as literal guys
I think toxic masculinity is real, but not in the way women think, largely because most women don't understand the experience of being a man, and then tried to accurately describe it.
A lot of it comes down to men feeling disenfranchised from not being able to meet the impossible standards put upon them.
Be sensitive, but also be stoic on command. Be masculine, but only as masculine as we want. If you're as masculine as you want and we don't like it, then you're the wrong one and you need to change everything. Chase your dreams, but only if it can pay for a family and kids. Make all the moves in dating, but if you're too aggressive based on a sliding, randomly changing scale, you're the problem.
Is acting out violently or not getting consent wrong and justly punished? Absolutely. But that's the fault of individuals and men as a whole are blamed for it.
Men are, on average (and there is nothing wrong with differing), more aggressive, more competitive, more object driven, and less emotional. This is genetic, but we're being treated like we should suddenly be able to act like women, but also only when it's convenient for society. 78% of suicides are men for a reason. That being said, there is likely a strong social component to the genetic reason why men commit and are the victims of most non-sexual crimes, and are the perpetrators of almost all sexual crime.
It's a hard line to tow in figuring out where that line is in order to protect society from the worst manhood has to offer, while not placing incredible double standards on our shoulder. Finally, some people just suck. They suck more when their gender is genetically predisposed to higher levels of aggression and antisocial behavior out of the gate. Unfortunately, we are generally capable of producing worse outcomes for people with the same level of emotional dysfunction because of our genetics.
And while we're on it, you'd better not be gay or bi, either, because that would be not masculine most of the time. I'm still working on the shame from that.
Now, if only we could lower the double standards for both genders, I think we'd find toxic behavior from men and women go down in general. Life sucks. It sucks more when were working against each other.
Being a straight male who's been on this planet for over 60 years, what this guy just said sounds like a bunch of excuses for being an a******. None of that s*** makes you behave that way, that's an actual choice for you to be a jerk.
What seemingly normal/innocent thing does your lady do that secretly turns you on or melts you into a puddle?
Hug from behind.
sits on my lap
Back/head tickles.
sitting on my lap, touching me, looking at me with love in her eyes, depending on me to do the "man-things" in the house (fixing things, drilling holes in the wall and so on), asking me what to wear... There's loads! Girls are great! 😍
Would you like some help cutting firewood for this winter?
No. That's my time to be alone with my thoughts.
I split enough wood growing up to be on the Arbor Day Foundation's most wanted list. You can turn on the gas fireplace if you want though.
Why are guys ashamed to be the little spoon?
Find better guys, jetpack life is best life.
Not ashamed, just find it less comfortable because I'm taller. Feels like my spine is trying to compress to make room for her to bring her knees up.
I'm not uncomfortable, but I really enjoy being able to kiss the top of her head when I'm spooning her, and I can't do that as the little spoon.
For the married men with little kids running around in their lives now, how to you view your wife's changing? Body wise, partner wise, mother wise, etc? Before and after?
3 kids under 3.
Body Wise: Hawt. She birthed our children, some things got bigger, some things got smaller, some things got stretched out. But overall, the fact that her body brought life to children that I can call my own is real sexy, IMO.
Partner wise: It's a little crazy. We don't have as much time for each other as we had before. She has become a hugely protective mother, which I think causes her much stress and anxiety at times. There are many times that I feel that I am last in line in her life, but we talk about it and are always able to reel each other back in. It's part of this stage of life. Keeping a healthy relationship with so many distractions takes a lot of work. We do however communicate a lot better/more since we started having children. Before kids we both just kind of did our own thing, while keeping a very loving and supportive household. Having the children has forced us to have some disagreements, and to work through them. I think that's a good thing.
Mother wise: She's a fantastic mother and loves our children immensely. It's really a trip to watch her be a mom. We were pretty wishy washy about having kids when we first got married, but we are both extremely glad that we have them now.
Is it true that you can completely separate “just friendship” from “love” when having a friend with benefits for a long period of time?
I think this depends heavily on the person and can fit for all gender.
I tried and failed ;-)
How can I be a better partner to my husband?
Initiate s*x. If the bloke always has to start it can end up feeling like begging.
Given that, sometimes we don't want s*x, don't take it personally,
Give him time for peace and quiet, he's not rejecting you if he doesn't want to spend all the time with you,
If we say we were thinking of nothing it's a lie. We were probably thinking of scoring the winning touchdown / goal, some computer game we're playing or how to mix marshmallows with hydrogen so they float.
In my opinion, the most important thing is to make him feel wanted. This can be sexual, but not always. Sometimes its just knowing that you Could have someone else but you Choose him, you Want him. It really sucks when you feel like you are being settled for, like she is only with you because she couldn't get what she really wanted.
How uncomfortable is it to ride a bike?
The junk tend to hang out over the front of the seat when sitting on the chair and is unaffected when riding standing up.
I ride 30-40 miles each time I go out. The only issues I might face is chafing. This is more a problem when doing more than 50 miles. For that, I will prevent it with Vaseline. If it's more than 100 miles, I might need to reapply. But I'm a fatty, so perhaps chafing is less of a problem for fitter men.
Can you tell when our hair is frizzy and has split ends?
Split ends? No, I have no idea what they even look like.
It also has to be VERY frizzy for me to notice it, and I still won't care in the slightest.
Frizzy yes. Split ends? No. Besides I don't care. I'm usually too busy worried about far more pressing matters. I still have no idea who let the dogs out.
Why don't you talk to your friends when you pee? I talk with my friends when I pee. Why can't you?
It feels weird to talk to your friends while holding your p**is.
What is your preferred way to express your emotions? Sad, happy, upset, angry ect.
(My brother has a hard time crying when hes sad so he goes for a long walk to 'deal' with the emotional issue)
i don't.
it's a real problem.
basically, i dig a hole in my mind and just f**king bury them.
it's not some sort of "ugh, me man, no have feelings" mentality, but a "there's nothing anyone can do about this s**t. everyone has their own problems to deal with, and they don't need me adding to them with my head full of issues."
OK, here's a gross one, which I've never asked anybody.
A woman sits down on the toilet, does #1 and then #2, usually in that order, wipes and flushes.
A guy, what do you do? P**s first, then turn around and sit down for #2? Or #2 first, then p**s while contemplating your #2s?
We sit, do both. Usually #1 is easier so that goes first. Then #2. Then wipe. Then another 10 minutes of Reddit on the toilet.
This answer is correct, except it's 45 minutes of BP. I'm on the toilet now
Have you ever seriously liked your good friend's girlfriend/ wife etc? What happened because of it?
Nothing ever happened, because it's against the bro-code. But it has happened, and the best you can do is then just stay away until it goes away.
I absolutely refuse ruin any relationship so I will vanish for a bit until I deal with it.
What would you do if a girl you barely knew came up to you and asked you on a date? (the girl being 7/10).
I'd say sure! Confidence is a big turn on.
I'd be cautious, because I've been asked out as prank before. I'd probably start with something simple, like suggesting we talk a bit first. Or picking something public and less intimate. That also avoids the possibility that she is just asking so I'd pay for a meal for her.
I never feel like I get a sincere answer when I ask this: Deep deep down inside, do you feel smarter, stronger, better, or generally superior to women?
No. But I do have this stereotypical belief that I have to take care of women, that I have to be stronger, more capable, and better at figuring their problems out. It's not that I actually think women are inferior, just that they want me to be superior in all those ways.
Are STDS a complete deal breaker?
They're certainly going to be if you lie about it. Depending upon what it is, even some incurable STDs can be made essentially moot with modern medicine.
Can we just have a pure friendship /plantonic relationship? Is it possible for men?
Yeah but it can be very easy to receive mixed messages. It can be brutal but I prefer when I hear a girl friend say they have an SO or are actively seeking out someone other than me because it makes the relationship easier. It’s the worst when you think a girl is in to you and you start trying to put the moves on only to be told off by an unmentioned boyfriend. Makes it real hard to maintain the friendship afterwards aswell.
Are you able to find a bald woman attractive?
I'd say it suits a relatively smaller percentage of women, but then again, it might be that I'm just a guy who likes hair. If facing alopecia, it actually works to your advantage a bit because a smooth head is preferable to slight stubble on top.
Sure, 100%. Hair color/style/lack thereof is just one factor in attractiveness. There's tons of others.
Though bluntness and/or "beating around the bush" is a preference, which approach do you guys prefer?
I would prefer being up and honest about it. If I get a no, I get a no.
Issue is, I don't think women want that.
How often do guys actually think about s*x? I doubt the old "six seconds" thing.
There's no time intervals. It's just whenever we're bored with nothing else to do.
Do you guys get aroused when seeing a hot stranger? or is this like a myth
No erection, at least not me, but mentally aroused, sure. Like I might imagine what it might feel like to embrace her or wonder what she might look like naked.
Up until about 40 I could easily think myself into a raging hard on with or without visual input, and after that it took more thought. Now I'm old enough that it's hands on job. Random visual input could put the idea in my head, and sometimes some other attribute would get the thought process started. Once started it was just a matter of how far the thought went.
Do guys ever get surprise poop when they're standing up peeing?
It's possible, but really unusual. The pressure is completely different.
When a woman compliments you or makes you feel good about yourself, does that make the woman any more or less attractive to you ?
It is very flattering, and definitely doesn't hurt the cause.
Do you always pee standing up? Seems hard to control.
Yes I’ve always done it. It’s literally like a body movement. I don’t think of aiming or anything. It just happens and it works every time
If I know something is bothering you and you don't want to tell me what it is. Because you where raised as a tuff guy that doesn't talk about s**t.
(Being bullied at work?, Afraid of a lump in your ballsack?, Being depressed or having anxiety?,) How the f**k do I get you to open up to me? When Just asking: "whats wrong?" Doesn't do it?
Be there but don't press for details. We slowly open up on our own if we feel like we need to and that it's safe to do so, but as men we're pre-conditioned to internalize everything and the experiences that shape our adult lives make it very difficult to open up often times.
I don't think there is any one answer. Every guy is different, and how to get them to open up is different. What works for one won't necessarily work for another.
How long does it take you guys to figure out if a woman is shallow and self-absorbed? And… because most shallow and self-absorbed women will try to hide it, at least at first…What are some of the major signs?
look at her Instagram page. if its just a grid of selfies, move along.
someone who is shallow and self-absorbed is difficult to have a real conversation with. a conversation isn't just an exchange of monologues. if someone cares about what you have to say, they won't reply with "here's my story. its like yours, but better. because I'm in it"
When you fall in love- are you quick to tell your partner or friends?
No. I've always been very cautious about this. Always had a lack of respect for people who had a different partner every few months. I want to know that what Im feeling is not a fleeting of feelings or a trick of lust. I have good friends, but many of them don't know my relationship ins and outs, good or the bad because I believe it betrays my partner or ex partners. I don't even speak Ill of my exes..
Poll Question
What is a common misconception about men that you wish to see clarified?
Emotional vulnerability
Parenting skills
Career ambitions
Relationship priorities
when a stranger comes out of the blue and starts complimenting me, i get a bad feeling I'm being setup for something.
I think I might feel that way if it were about my looks. But that has literally never happened to me, so who knows.
Load More Replies...I think it's sweet that so many men on BP answered these questions and tried to upvote you all. Sorry ladies but i think we can take a step back on this list and maybe let just men speak for once? This list is after all about men and wanting to find out more about them so i don't understand why so many women are commenting and answering the questions asked TO MEN?
The compliments thing came up a few times. What sort of things would you guys like to be complimented on?
I enjoyed reading these answers, I have learned a lot about my husband by our long talks hanging out together when our son is in bed. Driving long distances brings out his inner chatty nature that's usually hidden by his stoic personality.
I got really disappointed... Who cares about peeing?? Is THAT what women want to know? .. and then go around asking about shallowness... What about stop being shallow in the first place?
So what is the type of compliment that you would like but wouldn't make you feel uncomfortable? I didn't know compliments were important to men now that I know I'll throw a compliment their way like I do females.
They all make me uncomfortable. I've only ever gotten them from family, so anyone else saying things feels weird.
when a stranger comes out of the blue and starts complimenting me, i get a bad feeling I'm being setup for something.
I think I might feel that way if it were about my looks. But that has literally never happened to me, so who knows.
Load More Replies...I think it's sweet that so many men on BP answered these questions and tried to upvote you all. Sorry ladies but i think we can take a step back on this list and maybe let just men speak for once? This list is after all about men and wanting to find out more about them so i don't understand why so many women are commenting and answering the questions asked TO MEN?
The compliments thing came up a few times. What sort of things would you guys like to be complimented on?
I enjoyed reading these answers, I have learned a lot about my husband by our long talks hanging out together when our son is in bed. Driving long distances brings out his inner chatty nature that's usually hidden by his stoic personality.
I got really disappointed... Who cares about peeing?? Is THAT what women want to know? .. and then go around asking about shallowness... What about stop being shallow in the first place?
So what is the type of compliment that you would like but wouldn't make you feel uncomfortable? I didn't know compliments were important to men now that I know I'll throw a compliment their way like I do females.
They all make me uncomfortable. I've only ever gotten them from family, so anyone else saying things feels weird.