There are things you just don’t ask over dinner. But online? Anything goes.

Women of Reddit took full advantage of this, dropping the spiciest, most awkward, and boldly honest questions they’d been dying to ask men. And with no names attached, they got unfiltered answers from those ready to spill the truth.

Check out some of the most eye-opening ones below, and don’t miss our conversation with love and relationship coach Jessica Elizabeth Opert on how women can build confidence in their dating lives.


Close-up of a person with a nose ring, tongue out, highlighting NSFW questions theme. I know it’s the trend to have big lips, but do you think thin lips are attractive. Thoughts on lips with filler vs naturally thin lips.

Raspberries2: I think big lips from injections look deformed.

[deleted]: Natural is ALWAYS best. Nails. Eyelashes. Bewbs. Everything.

NinjaDi**khead: Thin or big lips are both good. I prefer thin lips rather than unnatural big lips (they just move weird, and it's very noticeable despite what your surgeon told you).

anon , Pablo Merchán Montes/unsplash Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Natural for the win. Fillers just look like you have run face first into a wall like a cartoon character.

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers If the girl makes the first move, does it turns you off or not?

    actuallyanicehuman: Having a girl who owns her power is hot. Definitely sexy.

    VersedFlame: If a girl made a first move on me I'd probably be stunned for the entirety of that day and only thinking about her.

    Sad-Shoe4920 , Dwayne joe/unsplash Report


    Couple kissing in the kitchen, man in white t-shirt and woman in green robe, showcasing intimacy and connection. If married , do you find it easy to stay faithful? If single, would you give up multiple partners for one woman forever?

    Fencius: Married ten years next July. It’s not hard to stay faithful, and if anything it’s gotten easier over time. My life with my wife is too important to s***w around with.

    IJourden: Married, and it’s easy to stay faithful.
    If someone is struggling with it there could be a lot of reasons:
    the relationship is in bad shape/lacks intimacy and validation

    a pathological problem, like low self esteem, narcissism, self destructive, compulsive or risk taking behavior.

    not valuing the relationship or trying to wreck it

    not being in the right kind of relationship dynamic, such as being monogamous when they would prefer polyamory

    But yeah… If you’re honest with yourself, honest with your partner, and in a healthy relationship with good communication, being faithful to the dynamics of the relationship is not difficult.

    anon , We-Vibe Toys/unsplash Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is easy to stay faithful. The people I’ve know who have cheated have done so because they are selfish. No one is forced to cheat.

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    Women today have more freedom in dating than ever before. That doesn’t mean the challenges or lingering biases have disappeared, but if they choose to openly pursue someone, they’re unlikely to draw shocked stares. Still, research shows that just because they can, doesn’t mean they do.

    A survey by found that most single men actually prefer when women take the initiative—95% are in favor of women making the first move for a kiss, 93% want them to initiate sex, and 95% appreciate it when a woman asks for their number. Yet in reality, only 29% of women go for the first kiss, just 23% initiate sex, and only 13% ask for a man's number.

    If men are so enthusiastic, why aren’t more women stepping up? Love and relationship coach Jessica Elizabeth Opert shared her thoughts with Bored Panda:

    “Both men and women in today’s dating scene are experiencing lower levels of resilience to rejection,” she explained. “Dating is seen as a high-stakes, risky business, and of course, heartbreak is a terrible experience. However, we have become so focused on that possibly distressing eventual outcome that even the first message on a dating app is treated with the same caution.”


    A man and woman laughing together in a sunny outdoor setting. Does a girl burping, farting, snorting etc really not bother you? A lot of guys say they don't but I know some who do.

    Omg_a_wee_todd: Nope, I've been with my G/F for 2 years now and every morning we cut an air biscuit and fist bump the other person. However... We have a mutual understanding no heads will be forced under the covers... She doesn't have my Reddit account so I can say this, I cannot wait to propose in March!
    Update!: There were a few things that came up (hence the wait), but she said yes! Also, I should clarify it's most mornings we both fart, at least one of us, but not always both. Hope y'all find the same happiness I have.

    TheeFryingDutchman: Nope. It's a sign that you are comfortable enough around me. So I always love it when a girl just let's it fly.

    birdy_737 , Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 /unsplash Report

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    Don Adams
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not at all. We are humans, we all belch, fart and snort. Why can I, as a man, take pride in an extra loud burp or a. Impressive fart, and expect my girlfriend/partner/wife to not also have these natural body functions? As long as we can smile and laugh, and use the obligatory excuse me, all is good.

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    A couple embracing intimately in bed, highlighting answers to men's NSFW questions. Do you have an urge to moan during sexual activity and hold it back due to some societal bs (or some other reason) or do you just not get that urge as much as women? Stereotyping vs legitimate differences
    Edit: the Vibe I'm getting from this is there's no one answer to this and every man is different. Well no duh. That's a great discovery.
    But now I'm wondering how many women do it out of urge vs for the benefit of their partner. Sensing a theme here.

    MrDownhillRacer: I don't get the urge to moan at all. I pretty much have to remind myself to make sounds because I've read all that "women like it when you make sounds" stuff. I don't know how believable I'm being.

    Wagemage314: I was silent for many years. Wife said she wanted feedback. Turns out, Primal Growls are what I was suppressing. Deep and guttural. Bear like. She likes.

    accountnameisblank , Getty Images/unsplash Report

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    Lost Panda
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Silence... I have no urge to make any noise. I do, but like the one above said it's for her not me

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers I’m very self conscious of being naked with a guy for the first time, I have a very large scar in one of my breasts from when I had a lump removed like two years ago. Do guys care about that sort of thing? I am trying to make the scar look nicer but it’s hard to make it go away completely and I’m worried that it might turn some guys off, especially considering I really like having my b**bs played with or like sucked on. Sorry if TMI 😭.

    NinjasVenom: I don’t. Scars tell someone’s story and how they are there and if you are scared of showing people the scar and you showed me the scar while being naked I’d feel honored that you trusted me that much with your body.

    M-F-W: I dated a woman with breast reduction surgery who was really self-conscious about the scars. They weren’t particularly noticeable but could definitely tell when I was uhhh all up in her business, so to speak.
    I did appreciate her letting me know that she was self conscious and she appreciated me being gentle in return. By the end of our relationship, I’d kiss the scars as foreplay and stuff (that was over the course of a couple years and was very much consensual, I wouldn’t just jump straight to scar-play lol).
    TLDR: You’re good. We’re all self-conscious about something. You can tell your partner you’re self conscious ahead of time and their response will actually tell you plenty. Someone one who isn’t mindful/respectful of that isn’t worth your time, in bed or in romance.

    Muchamatchamuchacha , Baptista Ime James/unsplash Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, and being quite direct about it here, once the clothes come off there is very little that will make us throw the emergency brakes ..

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    Feelings of rejection or even shame, especially for women, can persist through many stages of a relationship—particularly when intimacy comes into play. As a result, they may hold back from expressing their true feelings, avoid voicing concerns, or hesitate to communicate when sex isn’t enjoyable.

    Studies show that anywhere from 15.2% to 50.4% of women aren’t satisfied with their sex lives. Only 36% have never faked an orgasm, and sexual dissatisfaction is cited as a factor in 50% of divorces. In fact, women consistently report lower sexual satisfaction compared to men.

    “Our society has told, and often still tells, women that our sexual pleasure and veracity are shameful,” said Opert. “This is reaffirmed by politics that directly tell us even our bodies, and the decisions we will ultimately carry the largest responsibility for, are not ours to make.”


    Man and woman talking and holding drinks, leaning on a railing, smiling in a casual outdoor setting. If I thought you were hot and I wanted to approach you, what would be the best way to go about it?! I like want to meet more men, but idk how to approach them.

    NinjaD**khead: When I was 14, a girl passing by raised her head and said "you are very handsome". I am 40 now, and I still remember what I was wearing, how she looked like, how her friends looked like... that's how unusual it is for us.
    So yeah, be straight forward, but not too blunt, because we might think it's a joke.
    Come talk to us, that's all it takes.

    Fulminero: We CANNOT, I repeat CANNOT get "hints".
    "Hey, I think you're attractive, wanna chat?"

    DizzyNerd: Unless he’s the guy who thinks he’s gods gift to women, he likely doesn’t know someone is into him. We’re naïve and society has taught us to be somehow. So many guys I know had no idea. He may be secretly hoping but is internally freaking out and doesn’t wanna s***w it up.
    Say hi. Get to know him. If it’s worth it after that, say something if he doesn’t make it obvious first.

    anon , Crook & Marker /unsplash Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just be direct. Subtle hints don’t work. In fact hinting in general does not work. We are oblivious to such things

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    Man in beige shirt holding his arm, wearing rings, addressing questions women are too shy to ask. How often are unwanted public boners an actual issue?

    HyperWolfe: As a young teenager in school they were annoying, 99 percent of the time you aren't even turned on, like a light breeze could go past the front of your pants and it was an instant b***r, now as an adult you don't get them very often and by now you know multiple ways of hiding them. In a weird way I almost miss getting random boners

    candyflip93: You learn how to deal with it by aging, so not that often anymore. It used to be really funny, taking the bus and miss your station bcz you're waiting for your stiffy ti f**k off.

    JosephFDawson: There are 3 kinds of elections
    some are sexual.
    some occur during periods of nervous tension.
    and there's mysterious 3rd kind that no one really understands. It happens when your schlong decides to take matters into its own hands. No reason b***r.

    smolandtuff , Frank Flores/unsplash Report

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    Calvin Smelliott
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Seriously, sometimes it’s like, “What do you want? All I did was make a sandwich.”

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers Can you actually feel us clenching around the d**k?

    BlademasterFlash: And it feels amazing

    arothmanmusic: Depends on the girl and her kegels. I once dated a girl who could literally prevent me from pulling out if she wanted to.

    jakeb71097: Yes one of my exes and I were in bed for the first time and I got her to climax and it took me by surprise the amount of power she had in that muscle

    anon , We-Vibe Toys/unsplash Report

    So it’s no surprise that for many women, the safest place to ask men honest and unfiltered questions—without fear of judgment—is anonymously online.


    However, avoiding difficult conversations doesn’t prevent heartbreak; it only postpones it. If we never speak up about what bothers us or share what we truly want, we end up settling for less.

    And if someone rejects us, that’s not a failure—it’s just proof they weren’t the right person. After all, why invest time in someone who doesn’t care about our pleasure, interests, or needs?

    “My entire coaching ethos is about empowering women to be in the driver’s seat of their romantic lives,” said Opert. With her clients, she helps them recognize that they are just as worthy of choosing as they are of being chosen. “If we have the mindset of ‘What will they like about me?’ instead of ‘What do I actually like about this person I’m on a date with?’ it places women in a powerless position.”


    But you do have power. Taking control of your love life starts with how you see yourself. So next time you go on a date, try changing your perspective—focus on what you want. And if you’re struggling, consider talking to a professional. Just don’t sell yourself short.


    Man and woman smiling at each other over coffee, discussing NSFW questions in an outdoor cafe setting. How do I tell if a guy is being genuine? Sometimes I feel like men just tell me what I want to hear in order to sleep with me and will fake literally everything including the stuff they like. I need help with figuring out what their intentions are especially if they are not being honest.

    [deleted]: My suggestion is to first ask them about what things they like. Not only are you learning about their interests as I hope they are learning yours, but you are also learning how they emote when talking about something they have real feelings about.
    Ditto for asking about things they dislike or hate.
    I'm an autistic male and gauging genuine-ness is hard for me. And what I learn about one person never seems to translate into a general skill I can apply to others.
    I've learned to deliberately invoke something I know they will be genuine about first and then compare subsequent interactions to that.

    McRibEater: Watch out for guys who say all the right things. The biggest players I know are also the ones who really put it on early. Most guys who really like you are nervous to start off like you are.

    RavenousIron: I'm gonna keep it a buck with you. If you are meeting most guys on dating apps, 90% of them are strictly looking to get laid. They will tell you every trick in the book to get this done, and yes that means playing the genuine card. I'd suggest being up front with guys that you meet and telling them that you are looking for something more serious. That is usually a good way to see if they just want a quick f**k or actually want to put in the work.

    anon , Good Faces/unsplash Report


    A hand in a pink glove holding a stick, stirring wax in a container. Do guys really care if a chick’s lowers are groomed/waxed? Or do you not care?

    MacKelvey: I like some grooming. She doesn’t have to be completely bare but trimmed and maintained is always nice.

    [deleted]: I prefer if it is, but can't reasonably demand it. Definitely appreciated though.

    Peelfest2016: I keep my business pretty trimmed up. I’d appreciate the same. I don’t need fully shaved, but trimming is very appreciated. When my gf asked me why I even care what length it’s at if it doesn’t get completely smooth anyway, I told her “you know how you make me trim my mustache because if it gets too long the hairs go up your nose when we kiss? That’s why.”

    [deleted]: A definite plus and turn on. The hair gets wet, sticky, rubs and pull.

    Shelverick , Kateryna Hliznitsova/unsplash Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Depending on the activity expected I'd say, munching a raw-wool carpet isn't a great experience for example

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers If you can’t finish, is it our fault?

    manateewallpaper: only if you start asking mood killer questions like that right in the middle of the act.

    bloodguzzlingbunny: Nope, not ever. I have been on antidepressants before that made it very difficult to orgasm. Honestly, when I am really into the person, I am just happy to be there. Not reaching the top of the hill isn't nearly as important as being with who I am traveling with.

    CramLeFevour , Getty Images/unsplash Report

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    Skara Brae
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's a spectrum of possible reasons. Just plain being tired is one. Another is if a guy (with any concern about mutual satisfaction) notices his partner is losing interest, that kills the mood immediately. This can make him try to hurry up by tensing up his buddy, but that reduces sensitivity, which only makes the situation worse. If she doesn't seem to care either way, that's not good either. Conversely, If she is enjoying the interaction enough, her parts feel tighter and warmer. It's the warmth more than anything that makes things work out really, really well.

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers I'm a very pale woman but my b*tt and v*lva area are pretty dark.
    Even the line for my b**tcrack is dark.
    Is this gross to you guys? LOL.

    maybehun: This is very very normal by the way. It’s from hormones. Most people have darker genitalia.

    ProsperoFinch: As long as the skin is clean, and there are no abnormal smells, we don’t care. If you’re doing stuff with us, we are happy to be there. We are so happy to be there with you, to see you naked, to feel your skin against ours, to experience pleasure with you.
    Anyone who is grossed out by your unique traits isn’t someone you want to be with anyway, so if they ditch you or dump you over it, then they’ve filtered themselves out for you. Those kinds of people are f**kheads who don’t deserve to get f**ked in the fun way.

    anon , Paola Aguilar/unsplash Report

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    Peter Bear
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thank you, Prospero. That really needed to be said, and you said it quite well.

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    Woman hiding under a blanket, expressing curiosity about NSFW questions. Do you guys REALLY enjoy going down on us, or do you just deal?

    Ilmioaccount18piu: Do you really enjoy having a d**k in your mouth? It depends of course, but if the person giving or*l is enjoying it, the person who receives it will clearly notice.

    arothmanmusic: Yes, absolutely. It’s one of my most favorite things in the world.

    ComprehensiveLine105 , Alexandra Gorn/unsplash Report

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    Doctor Strange
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I prefer to use my hands, because I DO enjoy making my partner feel good. I'm a sensualist, and I very much enjoy playing with my partner's body, and I love knowing that I was able to make her feel physical pleasure.

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    A couple in an intimate embrace, focusing on candid questions men answer about NSFW topics. Is the s*x different with a girl you don’t want to see again and a girl you do? Is the intimacy different, the lead up etc?

    RandeKnight: Just making out with someone I love is better than monkey s*x with a stranger.

    MacKelvey: Yes. I’m much more bold with a woman I know I’ll never see again.

    anon , We-Vibe Toys/unsplash Report

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    Peter Bear
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sex is fun. Sex with an emotional connection is way, way better.

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers For my first time, this guy after we had done the deed; 1.Didn’t clean up his mess 2.Started pointing out my flaws “Your chest has a lot of acne, your veins are oddly blue, your knees look weird”. Is this normal? I personally was offended and that made my first time horrible.

    ProsperoFinch: Dude was a massive a**hole, and I’m sorry your first time was a negative experience. You deserve better. Hopefully your future experiences will be much more loving and uplifting.

    ChunksMcGoo: Sounds like they're either really insecure about themselves and that's them coping with it orrr they're an a**hole.

    Savvy_05 , Curated Lifestyle/unsplash Report


    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers I have a very ethnic background and while that means people may find me especially unique/attractive it does mean that I’m “hairy” nothing too crazy
    but I grow a few hairs around my nipples- overall I have a nice chest but there is a bit of scarring from plucking/hair removal (I have ocd ha) …is that a turn off? I’m working on healing and keeping things moisturized 😭.

    packersfan823: If your partner finds a couple small scars or a couple hairs revolting, the problem isn't with you, the problem is with your partner. I'm just happy to see b**bs.

    Ok_Pear6888 Report

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    Bruce Fenton
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Everyone is different, getting to know those differences is part of what makes the journey worth taking. A few hairs around your nipples is definitely NOT an issue.

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    Close-up of a woman's eyes, partially covered by a teal scarf, conveying curiosity about NSFW questions. Does eye contact actually make a difference when we're giving h*ad?

    conquer69: Yes... until I remember I look like a thumb from that angle.

    PatchTheLurker: There's a chance that this is just for me, but, eye contact during ANYTHING is sexy. Eye contact while I'm inside? (in any way, really) Fast pass to c*m town. Eye contact while you sexy talk and all clothes still on? Fast pass to c*m town. Eye contact when she tells me "you're REALLY good at Mario kart and I hate it"? You guessed it baby, c*m town.

    fried__dumpling , Alexandru Zdrobău/unsplash Report

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    Bruce Fenton
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh yes, it is a psychological turn on. Just don't turn it into a starring contest, lol.

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    Man with tattoo riding a bicycle, showcasing a casual outdoor setting. Where do you put your b*lls when you ride a bike?

    AdamBomb_RB: I ride a bike daily at school and I've never once thought about that, lol.
    But for a more detailed answer, they don't really "get in the way" 'cause our, uh, genitals are, like, more forward/higher up than womens', so when we sit down our b*lls are, like, between our legs, and on a bike, or any seat for that matter, the actual part making contact with the seat is just your a**.

    candyflip93: Not kidding, I don't even know how I manage that, like when I really want to find out and do it manually, it doesn't work and hurts a lot. The only way is to just do it and leave the rest to your b*lls memory.

    mammabadamma , Dan Russo/unsplash Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In between the bike spokes if from the city, hanging from the rear of the seat if you’re from the country…

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers Are you looking at my b***hole when you do it from behind?

    dnaoriginal: If lights are on, yes, if lights are off, yes.

    NotBearhound: Focusing on the whole, not the hole.

    Idaho_In_Uranus: I can see it, but I’m not necessarily looking at it. I’m more focused on the jiggle of the buns and my stroke point. The b***hole is just kinda in the periphery.

    mc4as , Bruno van der Kraan/unsplash Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Looking, but not staring. I'm usually looking between several things and then the whole, rinse repeat.

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    Man in white shirt sleeping in bed, representing answers to NSFW questions. Do y’all get post n*t clarity work after you’ve had s*x with someone you love?

    in-a-microbus: Absolutely! It's just a clarity about different things. Instead of "I've made a mistake, I regret this decision" it's more "don't forget to put three garbage bins out".

    SatinWalrus: It comes and it goes, but it never stays long enough.

    mariasYEETS , Getty Images/unsplash Report

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    Forrest Hobbs
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can anyone translate the original question? I have no idea what it means.

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    Man smiling in conversation outdoors, dressed in a dark jacket, discussing NSFW questions. How do we know if you like us, romantically?

    RogueAlt07: We like to hang around you, actively make the choice to pursue your company, smile and look at you in groups and generally get along very well and usually they’re into you.

    [deleted]: You want to know the actual secret? They will mirror you. If you smile at them they will do the same back to you. Men are very sensitive and are really in tune with the one they like, so they will be very reactive to them. Even when they try to hide it. So do let them know because they are thick as bricks and will spite their own feelings.

    theeblackdahlia , Brock Wegner/unsplash Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    An introverted man like me would look at you with a slightly smiling face every time I see you, way longer than at any other person in the room, and hope for the best ;)

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    Man in red shorts standing in a garden, addressing sensitive questions. Do you prefer boxers or briefs?

    Foxsayy: The only true answers.
    Briefs are way too tight and uncomfortable. Boxers are way too lose and they feel like wearing a pair of unruly shorts under your pants.
    Boxer briefs are the goldilocks of underwear.

    Nomad493YT: Briefs. Feels snug and comfy.

    snow_sparklez , Gautier fenestraz/unsplash Report

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    Lost Panda
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Boxer briefs. Wore them for the first time when I bought them by mistake... Now it is all I will wear

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers Do you judge a woman by the s*x on the first time or do you assume it will get better with comfort?

    ChunksMcGoo: It's always kinda awkward the first time but if I'm interested in you, I will definitely try it as many times as it takes.

    neoshadowdgm: The only thing I would judge someone for on the first time is a lack of willingness to put effort into pleasing me. Like the kind of women who expect to receive oral and refuse to give it. Other than that, I expect it to be awkward but amazing anyway. The cool thing about s*x is that you get better at it the more you practice with a new partner. We’ll learn each other’s preferences over time and it will keep getting better. The first time is mostly just “holy s**t, we’re actually having s*x!”

    anon , Getty Images/unsplash Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For me, I figure it's mostly always at least somewhat awkward the first time and would get better over time.

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    Man swimming in ocean waves with an amused expression, representing candid responses to NSFW questions. Do your b*lls really move depending on the weather, if so, does it feel weird?

    ChunksMcGoo: It's temperature dependent and sometimes it can feel weird like if you go from warm house to cold outside or jump into a cold pool in the summer.

    The_WandererHFY: Passive system, it just does its thing. The boys gotta stay climate controlled.
    The reason for that is that sp*rm need a certain temp range, and core body temp is too high. Gotta keep them sh**s air-cooled, but if it's cold then they stay closer to the core body so they don't f**kin freeze.

    anon , Natalia Blauth/unsplash Report


    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers How do you feel about s*x during period?

    McRibEater: Turn off the lights, throw down a towel and get to work. One of the reason I enjoy doing it during this time is Women seem super turned on during their period.

    JBounce369: I'm definitely an outlier here but I could never. Any blood, and especially not my own, makes me nauseous.

    anon , Kenny Eliason /unsplash Report


    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers When a b*ner happens, does your p*nis slowly come up, or does it shoot up straight away?

    [deleted]: Depends... if you notice it sliding up your pants then it'd typically slow, but if your girl is standing in front of you saying she's ready..... kinda just happens and you won't notice

    cheetosysst: Usually slow, it's blood we're talking about, not a freaking star wars light saber

    deleted , Getty Images/unsplash Report

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    Skara Brae
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's definitely situational. A rapid one can take maybe 3-5 seconds. Also, it doesn't have to be just one state or the other. It can be part of the way. A little of the right visual and/or physical stimulation can raise the flag quickly. It can drop just as quickly if the stimulation goes away.

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers What does it feel like walking with your dong between your legs ? Or how does that work...

    [deleted]: You don't really notice it, but at the same time you know *somethings* there.

    GrazYetti: It’s the same as your nose being within your vision. You get so used to your nose being in your peripherals that you don’t see it anymore. Same with your manhood, it’s there and flopping around but, you’re so used to it that you don’t notice it anymore.

    kamakazi339: It literally ceases to be a thought unless you
    A. Get it stuck to your leg (d**k/b*lls) B. Get a b*ner.

    anon , Jonas Jaeken/unsplash Report

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    A couple embracing intimately, with a focus on a woman's back. How do you manage to move it without using your hands? I've seen a couple of guys do it and was absolutely speechless/impressed. They just said, "I don't know how, I just can". I want to know HOW.

    vendetta0311: Same muscle that stops the pee stream, women have it too.

    RogueAlt07: There’s the muscle I think in the glutes that pulls it, it’s primary purpose is to pull the glutes up but a side movement is the phallus moving. Don’t quote me, I’m not a medical professional so I may be wrong but that’s my best guest for how we do it.

    justanotherklutz , Getty Images/unsplash Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd say there is an muscle at the base that twitches during orgasm to push the liquids out but can also be controlled consciously

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    Man in a blue shirt and brown pants holding his abdomen, sitting on a couch, illustrating discomfort or pain. What do 'blue b*lls' feel like?

    IJourden: It’s kind of a dull ache with moments of sharper pain or discomfort, and if it starts to radiate it can start to feel like stomach cramps.
    I would like to note however that you should never let a guy use “blue b*lls” to pressure you into s*x. If it’s really bothering him, I assure you, he is capable of taking care of it on his own. A guy putting the pressure on like that is probably a sign to eject the whole man.

    [deleted]: You know, I’m 40 and I’ve never experienced this. I’ve been in plenty of situations that I feel it would have happened, by the scenarios I’ve heard described. Total mystery to me, these blue b*lls.

    curlygirly-99 , Getty Images/unsplash Report

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    Parmer Engineering
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's like a migraine but in your balls. Best way I can describe it. Very uncomfortable but at the same time, if we have blue balls and we cum, it can be more powerful and sometimes lasts longer than the usual "euphoria".

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers How many times can a man c*m during s*x? I know some guys are one and done, others can go for a round 2 after a break. But I was recently with a guy who claimed he came 4 times. I didn’t know that was possible for a man to do.

    MCXI-1111: I once did a 6 rounder where we basically laid in bed all day for about 4 hours and just went for it.
    By the end I was c*mming, but nothing was coming out…it actually got a little weird because she thought I faked it and I’m like “no, I’m drained”.
    Then we went and got food and drinks. It ended a couple weeks later but was one hell of an afternoon.

    eastbayweird: It's called the refractory period.
    I can't speak for other men, but for me, immediately after finishing I'm so sensitive that any further stimulation is very painful. I need at least 10-15 minutes until I'm ready to try again fortunately that's about how long it takes for my tongue to start getting sore, so it usually works out. And if I'm still not ready I have no issues with her bringing out a toy until I'm ready to try again. I know a lot of guys get seriously offended any time toys come out but honestly i couldn't care less. Whatever helps her get there is fine by me.

    Lyss1292 , Getty Images/unsplash Report


    Why do you find b**bs appealing??

    Lord_Metagross: Life cold. Life hard.
    b**bs warm. b**bs soft.

    UltraLollipop: There is just something about not having them and how the human body doesn’t have strait lines or perfect angles but b**bs just seem so round and soft. And they add a nice curve to the body. Also many men are so curious about them and back to the thing about not having them.

    LatterBlood Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm a straight female. At a "gentleman's club", a pro dancer called me up to stage, put my face vetween her boobs, and boob-smacked my face. I returned to my BFand said, "Ohhh, now I get it!! They were pillow-soft and smelled of baby powder!"

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers How come some guys don’t like to kiss/make out?

    MASTER_L1NK: They probably were made self conscious about it. I'm not that guy but an ex way back when made a comment on my French kissing that made me not want to do it til recently with my current gf. She loves it and she likes the way I do it. So I like it again.

    wegsleepregeling: I only don't want to if our kissing styles aren't compatible. I have totally lost interest in a partner, over time, who didn't kiss in any ways that I found satisfying. I fell quickly in love the woman who kissed me absolutely perfectly, and was clearly getting off on it. (Not the only reason I fell in love but that lit the fire to quickly go all in with her. I'm also still hopelessly in love with her, to this day.
    The ultimate advice IMO: kiss the way you authentically like it, go all in, rather than the way you think he wants it.

    anon , Getty Images/unsplash Report


    Does it feel good when a girl grinds? Bc it feels hella good for me but I don't think it does much for guys so I don't do it much but I don't want to quit.

    MrDownhillRacer: It doesn't do much for me, but that's a good thing. Moves that aren't as stimulating for the man are our opportunity to back away from the edge so that we don't end up finishing too early.

    salimeero: Also, I think i can speak for most men when i say, sometimes it's also nice to change pace and see her enjoy herself.

    yankiigurl Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not as much but that's a good thing, since men statistically need less time to reach orgasm it's a good way for women to "get ahead"

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    Two men chatting outdoors in winter attire, illustrating open communication on NSFW questions. My boyfriend claims that my guy friends have thought about what it would be like to have s*x with me. That’s not true right?

    LoginForMyP*rn: Most of them have, probably.
    But bear in mind that it doesn't mean they WANT to have s*x with you. It's just a thing we think about sometimes.
    And even if they do want to have s*x with you they might not choose to. Part of growing up as a man is learning that you don't have to stick your d**k into every person you find attractive.

    Sick_Sabbat: Difficult truths about both genders. Most of us within the first 10 to 20 seconds of meeting you will have made the decision in our heads if we would have s*x with you or wouldn't. If the answer to this was yes. Then absolutely we have thought about it. Will we try it? Not always. Everyone you know that is attracted to your gender identity has thought about s*x with you at least once. Not necessarily a full on fantasy but the question of "Would I?"

    anon , Anna Vander Stel/unsplash Report

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    Doctor Strange
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry, but no. Not all guys think about their female friends in terms of sex. I have not imagined having sex with any of my female friends, even the ones that I was initially attracted to and trying to be more than friends with. We didn't work out romantically, we became friends, and that was it.

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    How often do you m*sturbate as you get older?

    BrilliantWeight: I'm married and it's about once every 3 days or so on average. Mostly when I'm bored at home by myself when my wife is at work.

    [deleted]: Every other day sometimes, twice a day other times. I think it’s kinda seasonal. Late 30s.

    deleted Report


    Can you feel our b**bs when we hug??? Like obviously you do, but is it noticeable???

    KingLewi92: Yes, and we are aware of that every time.

    DaRUBaX: not always. unless i’m specifically paying attention to that i don’t really notice it. like i’ll feel it but i may not be paying attention to it and because of that i won’t notice it.

    Commercial_Care_2366 Report


    How do you all p*e when you have a b*ner?

    CakeAccomplice12: We become cirque de Soleil gymnasts for a brief minute.

    dimmu1313: with great difficulty.

    kwinckultoss: Medical doctor here: unlike females, males have only one genital orifice for both urinary and genital… necessities. The mechanism of which system’s canal is connected is similar to a trapdoor: when you get an erection, the trapdoor kind of closes/narrows the urinary tract, slowing the passage of urine through bladder, and opens/widens the genital tract. That’s why it takes longer and becomes more difficult to urinate with a boner, because you’re trying to push urine through a more narrow tube.

    ImaginationSad2803 , dimmu1313 Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My answer would be "while sitting", because otherwise it will make a huge mess

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    Man in a casual setting, working on a laptop near a window, reflecting on NSFW questions women are too shy to ask. With all of these s*x questions being flung about; does intense focus on career or hobbies negatively affect your s*x drive?

    hkystar35: 100%. And with traditional stereotypes for gender roles, it just adds to the pressure of the guy being the one to initiate. It's anxiety inducing to weigh "I'm f**king exhausted" with "I'm going be more exhausted f**king" and how that affects the relationship.

    [deleted]: No. For me there's always time for s*x. It improves my mood and makes it easier for me to focus. Not to mention intimacy is important in ones life.

    this-sinner , Yasmina H/unsplash Report

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    Lost Panda
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The guy having to initiate is ridiculous. If I don't intiate it, with little to no signs that she wants it, I'm the a-hole. Then if I'm too tired after work, housework, homework, and it's now midnight and I have to be up in five hours for work, you guessed it... I'm the a-hole

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers Do you actually like it when a girl is inexperienced, or do you guys just say that?

    f**kallthistodeath: Think it just takes the pressure of when you know you’re the more experienced one.

    BrilliantWeight: I've had both in my life. My wife was experienced when we met, and I LOVE having s*x with her, significantly because she is good at it. The fact that her experience comes from practice with people who are not me doesn't bother me at all. I know who she's banging these days, and that's all that matters to me.

    That being said, my girlfriend and I losing our virginities to each other when we were teenagers was pretty special. Neither of us had much of an idea of what to do other than "this goes here", but we were in full-blown teenage love, and I'm thankful I got to do that with her specifically.

    anon , Getty Images/unsplash Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Only liking sex with inexperienced women is a huge red flag, to me. Having said that, sex with both types of women can be fun in their own way. Personally, I like experienced over inexperienced because my personal sex life has matured and I don't know that I necessarily want to have to start over or teach over and over what I've already come to expect as basic skills. Especially since sex with each person is different and you learn what each like, so you're constantly learning anyways.

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    What’s the best way to handle/explore s*x with a man who is maybe starting to experience lower T (we are 40 years old) and we’re in a new relationship and I have a huge crush on him! He seems frustrated about it, and I want to be a good partner…. And I also want to be satisfied….

    HelloBello30: maybe he is eligible for TRT? I am on it. It's dope.

    Questionable_Ballot: Initiate intimacy. As men, we're usually the ones expected to initiate all the time. When a woman initiates kissing/touching, it makes me feel wanted and gets the motor running 0-60 pretty quick.

    Baby_GoatBaby Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tell him (and make him believe it) that it's not important. Removing the pressure can have good results.

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers How often do you actually sit on your b*lls and is it painful?

    Knotical_MK6: Most underwear don't really allow your balls to fall down in a position where you could sit on them.

    DontTrustMeImAllSh-t: Maybe a couple times a year. The pain feels like stubbing your toe but the peak lasts longer and it travels up your spine

    LadySigyn , Antoine Da cunha/unsplash Report

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    Skara Brae
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd describe the pain as a little like having an icepick stabbed up into your belly, only maybe not as strong, depending on how hard the little fellers got squished. This is definitely why guys sit with their legs spread out. Also, getting hit hard can really hurt a LOT. There was a story in the news a few years ago where some woman in China was angry at some guy and she squeezed his danglers so hard that he had a heart attack and died. This is a little surprising, but not unbelievable.

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    30 Women Anonymously Ask Men Their Most Blunt Questions And Get Unfiltered Answers It’s a common claim that men are less attracted to older women. If this is true for some, Is it the way she actually looks physically or the perception that she might have far less of a libido?

    McRibEater: I’m into older Women big time, depends on the Guy.

    [deleted]: It’s probably generally true, people don’t get hotter as they get older (on average)! but by no means is that something that is a hard and fast rule. If you’re a 10 you’re a 10. Everyone gets a little fatter and a little wrinklier in their old age but it’s not like if you’re hot at 25 you’ll be a troll as soon as you turn 40.

    agingcatmom , Jens Lindner/unsplash Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think there's a certain point (for most guys, anyway -- maybe not Leo) where you stop being as attracted to women who are quite a bit younger than you. (No, I'm not talking about underage girls.) Maybe it's when you hit 40, or 50, that 20-something women just aren't anything that turns you on any more. But at any age, a woman who feels comfortable in her own skin, and just *owns* her age, can be very sexy... case in point, Helen Mirren -- who at nearly 80 years old, is definitely still a 'thirst trap' for many men who are much younger than she is... and it's mostly because of her confidence, humor, and personality.

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    What takes a girlfriend to the fiancé/wife level?

    amuzmint: Can I grow old with this person, have they gone out of the way for me multiple times, be the person who understands me without me having to say anything, and more.

    KanadeKanashi: When the honeymoon phase of the relationship ends and you're still wholefully in love with each other, and having each other best interests at heart
    Though you do need sexual compatibility.

    Md2be14 Report

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    Skara Brae
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is another aspect that I think is important. I can't speak for every guy, because there are a lot of self-centered selfish ones. However, I think most guys lose interest in a woman who tries hard to be made-up and attractive, but doesn't reveal her personality enough. I don't think guys fall in love deeply when the woman doesn't make herself known to him. Women like this can be somewhat indistinguishable. If the woman does reveal her thoughts and he has no interest, it's time to move on.

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    Do you like it when a girl does a little gasp when you first slide in?
    Edit: probably should’ve said a genuine gasp of pleasure, not pain lol.

    djangula89: There are so many things that I like that can be ruined if someone does it knowing I like it opposed to happening naturally...

    thefantasticstapler: 10000%.

    anon Report


    What made you fall in love? And when did you realize it?

    originalsanitizer: There was a Jack Nicholson movie where he told someone that they made him want to be a better person. She really made me feel that way. We had been together for 4 or 5 months at that point.

    OGNovelNinja: Hung up the phone, realized I was buzzed just from talking to her, and kinda panicked. Not because I was afraid of commitment (I'd been in love before), but I knew she was. Sure enough, she broke up with me.
    Twelve years later, we got married. We now have two boys.
    The intervening years would make for a decent soap opera, I think.

    SpaceFine Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For me it was when she showed up unexpectedly six days after we met. Until then I never knew the expression "weak in the knees" was a real thing. I proposed to her that night, and we got married three months later.


    Do you really like girl with small butts and small

    whiteshirted: To quote great wisdom I once received:
    "I added a 'sunburn' tag because I realized everything can be a kink."
    And I'm pretty sure being into petite girls is more common than that.

    pyromatt0: Everything is a spectrum, including preference.

    here_4-the_LOLs: Some men don't, some men do. For me personally: yes, but it's all about the person who the woman is. My amazing wife is a 5/9 beautiful voluptuous woman with at least a double D cup. The last woman I slept with before my wife was a sweet 5/2 slim girl with AA. Had an amazing time with her. After the second time I slept with her, she told me she felt embarrassed by her cupsize. I told her I thought she was beautiful. That she was more than just her cupsize. The s*x became increasingly more better after that.

    beewillbebee89 Report

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    Lost Panda
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't think it truly matters. Everyone has their own preferences.

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    Do you need/want a girl to be more active in bed? (If so what should she be doing) Or if she’s just like holding on for dear life as you f**k her is that enough?

    deathanhonour: Depends on the situation. But the most important thing is enthusiastically showing your enjoyment. That could mean holding on for dear life and begging for more. That could mean being vocal, or taking control. Just make eye contact and smile occasionally, and do whatever comes naturally, other than starfish.

    brandonawarah: My first time was with a girl who was stone cold aside from her climaxes (and even then she was super quiet) I legitimately couldn’t finish because I need some engagement from her.

    Alternative_Ad7625 Report

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    How often does s*x suck?

    Is it more like “bad s*x is still s*x” or are there moments you’re there floating in a sea of someone’s sensationless p*ssy wishing you’d stayed home and watched Lego Wars?

    ProsperoFinch: I’d say most of the time, s*x is a bit like pizza, in that even when it’s bad, you’re still like “f**k it, it’s still mildly satisfying”.
    That said, I’ve had had truly bad s*x a couple of times in my life. I’m 40 now, and I’ve been doing it since I was 17, so it’s very very rare, but it has happened. Both times were extremely casual, with no emotional connection, and the girl was an unenthusiastic partner (despite giving enthusiastic consent). They just laid there, kinda like a starfish, no feedback about what felt good or felt bad.
    When there’s feedback, we can turn a bad or awkward sex session around and even if it’s not amazing it can be enjoyable in the end. But no feedback? Just lying there expecting me to magically know what revs your engine? There’s no way anyone can make that work. Good sex is an exchange of energy and passion. Even if it’s casual, it’s still a partnership, and both people have to be engaged.

    PinkEyeofHorus: It depends in the situation. One night stands where they just starfish because of inexperience, it’s just “ok”. When in a committed relationship and she starfishes because of “duty sex” and does it just to get me to stop initiating. Absolutely soul crushing.

    b**chybarbie82 , ProsperoFinch Report

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    Do you really want women to sit on your face?

    tatertom: Not merely sit on, but smother.

    Iminlesbian: I will BEG a girl to do this. Sometimes takes a while for a girl to be okay with actually crushing my face but that’s what I want.
    I personally really enjoy the idea of my face being used for pleasure.

    v43havkar: As often as possible. Even if I die during this, it is still - a beautiful death.

    anon Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Not merely sit on, but smother." lmao For me, just sitting is fine.

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    What do you seek in foreplay?

    yourname92: Legitimate interest in her part. Anything can happen and I'm fine with it as long as I know she's doing it because she likes it.
    And also face sitting. Don't feel self conscious about it either.

    ClassicManeuver: Giving you pleasure, making you wet, making you want it, teasing, oral, etc. Foreplay IS s*x, not just something you gotta do before. It’s half the fun!!

    50at20: Two sides to this answer: What I want you to do To me, AND what I want from you when I’m doing things to you…

    What I want a girl to do to me? Honestly I just want you to enjoy yourself. If you’re just going through the motions I will probably be able to tell. Like if you Hate to go down on me, you probably won’t give the best head. And although “bad h*ad” is still good h*ad, there’s no reason to do it just because you feel obligated. I can get just as turned on by a girl kissing my neck and fondling my balls as I can from a girl going down on me.

    Every guy is different. And even situations are different. Like, if you are horny and want me to spank you and beat it up from behind, then the way you come at me with foreplay should align with this desire. If you want me to be gentle and make love, then kiss me gently too. I’ll follow your lead. And as for what to do during foreplay? Pretty much Any touching or kissing Anywhere is a turn on. It typically doesn’t take much. Asking is a Huge turn on too!!! “Do you like it like this”….. uh, F**k Yes I do! And thank you for asking, and now I’m so tuned on that you asked that I’m going to have to immediately ravage you!!!

    And as far as foreplay For you, don’t fake it. My goal is to turn you on. If what I’m doing isn’t doing it for you then don’t let me waste both of our time! Give little “commands” or “course corrections” to guide me to what you want.

    Now I will say, in my younger years, getting directions was a bit of a blow to the ego. I thought I knew what I was doing, so to be told I was doing it wrong kind of hurt! Lol. But some of it had to do with the way I was told I was doing it wrong… Don’t just be a d**k about it! If you say “why are you doing it like that?” With a bunch of attitude it’s going to make me just not want to do it anymore. Ever! That may sound like it’s obvious, and it would go both ways, but that was a prior experience I had, so I figured I would share it! however, if you say some thing like… “That feels good, use your tongue more” or “baby, I like that, slow down a little bit“ I will get excited that I am on the right track and that you’re enjoying it, and it’s honestly always been a turn on to get a little bit of direction. being able to ensure your partner is enjoying themselves should be a turn on! Unless, of course you’re with a selfish partner.

    ClassicManeuver Report

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    Do you really think about s*x as often as women or are you lying about that? Because I am constantly ready and if I could I would have s*x as often as possible. Yet I wonder if men are the same.

    Astramancer: Just like with women it varies from person to person and time to time.
    Sometimes guys simply aren't mentally in the mood. Sometimes guys simply aren't physiologically in the mood even if the mind says yes (and it doesn't really have anything to do with the partner).
    But sometimes 100% ready to go even if it's completely inappropriate time and place.

    meow1983: My ex husband only wanted two or three times a week when I wanted five or more times a day. I hated the rejection. Sorry you’ve been rejected so much.

    Have_Donut: I personally feel like I can turn it on fast if I have something to queue me in that direction but it is actually not on my mind too often to be honest.

    meow1983 Report

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    Susie Elle
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How do you find the time and energy to have sex five times a day??


    Do you j*rk off to the pictures of me I sent to you?

    197720092012: Most likely, 100%.

    Outrageous_Taro86: If you’re not playing with yourself to the pics I sent you, why did I send them??

    sherbear123 Report


    Why are y’all so quick to disconnect after s*x? I’ve always liked to cuddle with it still in after.

    fakiresky: I don't know about everyone else, but I love cuddling, snacking, and chatting after s*x.

    [deleted]: It's biochemical/hormones. Most guys are literally wired for that.

    wokeupatapicnic: It’s situational, sometimes I’m just overheated and sweaty or if it was particularly aggressive sometimes I go too hard and my b*lls slap around and make me a bit nauseated afterwards lol.
    But I once had a relationship where I was usually disconnected after s*x and it felt mostly due to hormones or something. Like I had just been given a shot of adrenaline and my fight or flight response kicked in or something. It was unpleasant for me to be in that state, and I’d get grumpy and defensive. I was mostly a total asshole afterwards, even if I didn’t want to be.
    Looking back, it’s something I had to mentally prepare for and that I learned my way out of in my late 20s, but I feel like it was partly due to bad chemistry between us, and our relationship being toxic without either of us realizing it. Instead of bringing us together the s*x helped drive us apart or something… that was a really weird time in my life, and prob not what you were asking about, but it’s something that dawned on me while looking back…

    AnjaOsmon Report

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    Doctor Strange
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I actually Want to stay and just hold her, but my body, after climax often urgently requires the use of the toilet. So I Have to get up. But I always try to come back as soon as possible, because sex is great, but laying with the woman I love, my arms around her, her head upon my chest, That is the stuff that dreams are made of. THAT is what I want to find so much, someone I can hold, feel her warmth against me.

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    Poll Question

    Do you think anonymous online platforms allow for better communication between genders?

    Yes, it removes pressure

    No, it creates more misunderstanding

    Sometimes, depends on the topic

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