I consider my cat to be a little genius (sometimes an evil genius), but he hasn’t yet mastered the art of using the internet. I run his Instagram account for him, and I always have to correct the spelling and grammar in messages he types while walking across my keyboard.

But if he could use the internet just like the rest of us, I think he would be a huge fan of memes. And until I can start sending him some, I’ll be compiling a list from the "Memes I Wish I Could Tag My Cat In" Facebook group. We’ve taken a trip to this online community and gathered some of their most adorable and hilarious posts below, pandas. So be sure to upvote the pics that your furry friends would appreciate, and keep reading to find conversations with Daniel Warren-Cummings, Central Behavior Officer at Cats Protection, and certified cat behavior consultants and co-founders of Cat Behavior Alliance, Rita Reimers and Linda Hall!



Hanz Christian Quejano Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Step one: skip avocado toast and lattes. Step two: get adopted by boomers.

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If you’re a cat owner, you know all too well how hilarious your kitty’s behavior can be. Cats can be graceful acrobats one moment and clumsy sleepyheads the next. They can be adorable cuddle bugs during the night and dangerous predators while watching birds through the window. And although they’ll never know about the group, the Memes I Wish I Could Tag My Cat In community is all about celebrating these special little creatures. 

This Facebook group, which has amassed an impressive 1.5 million members, has a simple mission: “Post memes you wish you could tag your cat in.” And clearly, there are plenty of funny pics out there that people want to share with their furry friends, as there have been 238 new posts in the group today! We’re also big fans of this community here at Bored Panda, so it isn’t the first time we’ve featured a selection of their best memes. So whether you’re a cat parent or not, we hope you get a kick out of these adorable photos! 



Lexi Donnelly Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can absolutely see this cat going into battle on a dragon with a gargoyle familiar.

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To learn more about what makes cats so special, we reached out to Daniel Warren-Cummings, Central Behavior Officer at Cats Protection.

"Cats are special because they’re a conundrum," he shared. "They’re independent but affectionate; they’re perceived as easier pets but still require work; they spend so much time sleeping but then burst into frenetic activity; they like to be fussed but not too much sometimes."

"Overall, what makes cats so special is that they are experts at being cats," Daniel continued. "For thousands of years, they’ve evolved alongside humans and yet have retained most of their innate behavior. What I love most about them is how every cat has a different personality. I also love that they like the simple things in life. Nothing makes my cat happier than rubbing her cheeks on a TV remote or book and having a fuss."



Ariah Ellie Report

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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Initially: “What the f**k is that? Get it away from me.” After observing how small, cute, and vulnerable the kitten is: “Don’t you touch them! This kitten is MY BABY, not yours!”

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Next we asked Daniel about some of the funniest behavior he's ever observed in cats.

"Cats are endlessly peculiar, and their odd behavior can keep owners entertained for hours. From surprise acrobatics to always knowing when someone has opened a laptop, there’s never a dull moment with cats, and you will often find yourself bursting out laughing," the expert says.

"Some cat owners will have seen their cat chirping when they see birds or rodents - which can look like the cat is trying to talk to them. We don’t know for certain why they do it, but one theory is that chattering could be a display of excitement - a surge of adrenaline caused by seeing prey they want to catch but can’t get to," he continued.


"My cat has ‘hunted’ branches from a bush - who’s to say whether she knocked them off or they were already on the ground? She came running into the house with the small branch in her mouth like she had caught something exciting," Daniel shared. "Needless to say, she was immediately bored of it as soon as it was dropped in the house."



Yă Yanice Report

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Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Dogs " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please still love me ." Cats "What you going to do about it motherfűcker?"

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As far as whether or not cats have senses of humor and would enjoy internet memes, Daniel says, "It's very unlikely, as a lot of memes and a lot of cat content on social media is actually not that kind to cats."

"Often it can show them in states of fear or discomfort at worst, or heavily humanize them and show them as evil and conniving," he explained. "If cats could understand memes and social media culture, they may well be sad or hurt at how they are portrayed a lot of the time. On a more practical note, not having opposable thumbs would make scrolling on a phone really difficult, so I don’t think they’d be into it even if they could understand it."



Jenny Lindsay Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My cat started scratching the toilet seat and it makes a godawful noise.

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We also asked Daniel if he could share some advice for anyone looking to welcome a new feline into their family. "Taking care of any pet is a big responsibility," he noted. "It's important to think carefully about whether a cat will fit in with your lifestyle before you get one."

"Here are some things to consider: They will need time to settle in. It will be a big and stressful change for them, and every cat will adjust at their own pace," the expert says. "For confident cats, it could be a few hours, but for more nervous cats, it could take weeks. It’s normal for cats to hide away a lot when they first come home, so don’t expect them to be playful or cuddly right away. Leave them alone until they are ready to approach you in their own time, and make sure you give them somewhere to hide and get up high."


Daniel also says it's important to keep a new cat inside for a few weeks, even if they seem ready to explore their new territory right away. "This will give them time to feel safe and become familiar with their new home. They will also make it smell like them by rubbing their pheromones around and will be more likely to return once they do go outside," he noted.

And be sure to have a scratching post for your kitties. "Scratching is a natural behavior for cats, so they’ll need something to get their claws into. Cats who go outdoors may find trees and fence posts to scratch but, if you want to protect your sofas, table legs, carpets and wallpaper, it’s a good idea to provide them with a scratching post indoors too," Daniel added.


Daniel also noted that not all cats want to have a feline friend. "One thing that many people don’t realize about cats is that they don’t need (or particularly like) other cats. They usually prefer to have their own territory all to themselves so, if you think you might want more than one cat, it’s better to get siblings or an already bonded pair instead of introducing a second cat later on," he explained.

He also noted that all new cat owners should be prepared to fall hopelessly in love with their pet. "From the first head bump, purr or lap snuggle, you will be absolutely smitten with your new kitty," Daniel shared. "You won’t know how you ever lived without them!"


Finally, Daniel added, "It’s great to see that the internet and the world is full of cat lovers and the community is growing more and more each day. However, what we need more are people who are advocating for good cat welfare, particularly online. People engaging should ensure they aren’t sharing content where the cat is distressed, scared or in conflict with other cats."

See Also on Bored Panda

We also got in touch with certified cat behavior consultants and co-founders of Cat Behavior Alliance, Rita Reimers and Linda Hall, to hear their thoughts on memes we can send our cats. First, we wanted to know about some of the funniest behavior they've observed in their own kitties.

"I had a cat that liked to hide behind a door and jump out at anyone that went by; other cats, people, it didn't matter," Rita shared. "One of Linda's daughter Nikki's cats was a grumpy orange cat named Tiger who did not like other people. When Nikki was moving, 4 large men who were trying to move the bed were scared of Tiger because he was hissing at them and would not let them touch the bed."

As far as whether or not cats have a sense of humor, Rita says, "I think cats are very playful, and it's in their nature to romp and play and tease other cats and people. I do think they know they are being funny."


The cat expert also revealed which memes she thinks kitties would enjoy. "Any meme where a dog looks silly and foolish would probably delight a cat," Rita told Bored Panda.

And if you couldn't tell from this list already, Rita added, "Cats are very social creatures who crave to be where we are and join in the fun!"



Shan Page Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yup. Every single night with Shiloh, kneading my head in the process. It's surprising what you miss.

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We hope you’re loving this list of hilarious cat memes, pandas. Keep upvoting the ones you find particularly relatable, and let us know in the comments below what kind of memes you think your cats would enjoy. Then, if you’re interested in checking out even more silly photos of kitties, we recommend reading this Bored Panda article next!

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Jade Ezra Sullivan Report

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The Shark
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"...but you dine and you dine so much!!" (Please tell me someone remembers the US version of the office 😂)

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Jing Kai Report

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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Recently had some workers fixing some stuff at our house and my mom wanted to offer them some tea and biscuits in the afternoon but the only biscuits we had at home were what the dogs love eating (not dog biscuits, ones made for people but loved by the dogs). So she made my dad go buy some other biscuits to serve the workers (and bring more for the dogs!)

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Josh Kenny Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Kitty looks like it’s been picked up after a long day at school.

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Kasaf Kaifa Report

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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I just wonder how many ghost and goblin stories have been the result of someone seeing this in the past and not realizing it’s just the cat getting into the flour. Because if I walked into a darkened room and saw this, it would scare the s**t out of me until I turned on the lights and realized what it really is.

Judy Reynolds
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And by the time you got the lights on, the cat would have moved, and would have cleaned up before coming to you again.

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Asifa Ganget Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I gave up on naps long ago, and just try to soldier through. If I take a nap, it’s not short. I wake up hours later then can’t get to sleep at night when I’m supposed to.

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Arun Kumar Report

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Sue Denham
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No worries. You can save the situation with an "I've been hacked" post.

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Note: this post originally had 75 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.