‘Memes To Discuss In Therapy’: 35 Painfully Hilarious Memes That Might Make You Laugh If You Have Crushing Anxiety
When you go to therapy, you can use that time however you like. You are paying a professional to help you work through past trauma, remind you that you are enough, help you find healthy coping mechanisms and guide you to make the most informed decisions you can. People go to therapy for a variety of reasons. But as long as you trust your therapist and the process, and you feel that it is bettering your mental health, you can do or say whatever you want during that hour, including discussing memes…
Allow us to introduce you to the “Memes to Discuss in Therapy” Facebook page. This account, which has a whopping 722k followers, is dedicated to sharing hilarious and painfully relatable memes that might give you something to talk about next week in therapy. We’ve gathered some of our favorite posts from the page down below, so be sure to upvote all of the ones that make you feel seen. And then if you’re interested in checking out even more memes that make you want to schedule an appointment with your therapist ASAP, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring this same page right here.
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Same. I'm very open about my PPD, not because I seek attention, but because, for some strange reason, it's a taboo subject. I want to speak about it like I would about any other malady. And maybe, just maybe, it will make someone else open up about theirs. I just want people to feel safe enough to discuss it without being judged.
We hope you get a kick out of these memes just like we did, but on a more serious note, we also hope that you pandas who want to seek therapy know that you absolutely should. It’s easy to assume that your problems aren’t “big enough” to warrant help from a therapist or that it is too inconvenient or expensive to meet regularly with one. But from my own personal experience, I can say that therapy is absolutely worth the investment.
Even if you don’t think you’re currently struggling with very much, if you have past trauma that has gone unaddressed, it might make a huge difference to work through those issues with a professional. And you’re likely to come out of your sessions feeling happier and healthier after putting a little bit of work into bettering yourself. Plus, if all you want to talk about during your session are the memes that feel like a personal attack against you, I’m sure your therapist will be willing to dissect those too!
I was supposed to be a doctor, then a lawyer, then a chemist, then an author, then an actress, and in reality I'm a garbage can that keeps crying for no reason.
If you’re wondering how beneficial seeing a therapist can be, don’t just take it from me. Laughter is the best medicine, and meme pages like this are great in that regard. But there are plenty of reasons to start seeing a professional if you want to get your mental health in check, according to Davis Behavioral Health. If you’re feeling overwhelmingly sad or helpless, don’t brush it off. This could be a sign of depression. And when you feel like advice from friends and family is not helping you, it might be wise to seek professional guidance.
If you’ve noticed yourself using drugs, alcohol or other unhealthy coping mechanisms, try to seek help before those coping mechanisms come back to bite you. There is no shame in seeking help or admitting that you might have a problem. It takes a lot of bravery to ask for help, but it will always be worth it. Perhaps you or a loved one is suffering from a chronic health condition. This can be extremely challenging to manage alone, and if you don't feel like you can talk to anyone in your life who understands or who you can be completely honest with, therapy might be a great option.
You don’t have to be going through anything particularly traumatic to start seeing a therapist either. Davis Behavioral Health notes that undergoing a big life change, such as a change in marital status or relocating to a new place, can lead to more emotional stress than you might expect. I began seeing a therapist after moving halfway across the world, moving in with my partner for the first time and starting a new job. While those were all wonderful and exciting things, they were also overwhelming. Having a safe space, for even just one hour a week, to discuss exactly how I was feeling during that process helped me out so much. At times I felt like I was drowning or suffocating due to all of the changes happening simultaneously, but I just needed a little extra emotional support during the transitional phase. You don’t have to see a therapist for the rest of your life, but especially during particularly difficult times, they can be a godsend.
omg same! just a few months ago i was a perfect child, no bored panda scrolling, actually laughing,and not severely depressed
Load More Replies...If it makes you feel any better, when I was 11, the school told me I was "r******d". Their word, not mine. Turns out, it's just that English is my second language. I speak five languages now, and work as a machine learning engineer. Not saying I'm a genius, just letting you know people have a lot of ideas about who you are, or what you're supposed to be. But they don't really know anything. These labels that they want to put on you are just words. They don't define your destiny. I have my own kids now, and they are strange and wonderful, and I have no clue who they will be in fifteen years.
It's been a LONG a** time since I was 12. I wouldn't go back to that age if I was paid a fortune to do so. My teen years were very awkward in the 80's. I'd much rather stress about paying bills and the price of gas than fight acne, a**hole teachers, and bullies. 😬
The picture itself is from Good Omens, an absolutely wonderful mini series. It's based on a Terry Pratchett story about an angel and a demon who become friends. It is one of my favorite series of all times, it it so cool and interesting, incredibly funny and also very moving.
IK I LOVE IT and the book is so good and it’s by Neil Gaiman AND season two is coming out NEXT SUMMER (I’m sorry for ranting I’m just really into that show)
Load More Replies...Omg seriously so excited love that series I live close to port talbot where Micheal sheen lives and saw him in a little restaurant by the beach I was so star struck never seen a celebrity in the wild like that
Both Michael Sheen and David Tennant are really great in the series, but I think Sheen is the better of the two. Tennant doesn't have to work so hard to make Crowley likeable, but Aziraphale would be annoying if Sheen wasn't so great.
They got *almost* everything right. It was much better than I expected.
That's me except I was labeled gifted at the age of 8 and I've been a depressed socially awkward dumbass since the fifth grade. And I'm still somehow in all AP and Honors classes.
It seems “gifted” and depression go hand and hand to a degree. Thoughts?
Oh my god, this hurts my heart. I was in advanced classes, called gifted, even called brilliant a couple of times, etc., etc., and by the time I was 14 it had gone completely to my head. Trouble is I also thought that everything would be easy since I “obviously” so damned smart. It didn’t, so I became bitter about it, dismissed things that I had trouble with as “stupid” and rebelled my way into a high school failure. Still picking up the pieces more than 30 years later.
Bro, I think a lot of gifted people are socially awkward. It's like a package deal. Any extra brain power I might have I waste on overthinking everything.
yeah, but this is Aziraphale, and Crowley as Aziraphale, so it gives me warm fuzzies and all is right with the world
I was labled when I was ten now I am 13 and dont get called gifted anymore
On the other hand, undergoing something traumatic is also a great time to begin going to therapy. If you have recently lost a loved one, close friend or even a pet, you might be feeling suddenly lost. It is important to feel that you have somewhere you can express your feelings without any fear of judgment or any pressure to seem like you’re okay. You can go to your therapist, cry for an hour and then go about your week. Sometimes, it’s just enough to have someone there to validate your feelings and help you understand that what you’re going through is hard. You are allowed to be upset and emotional. And if you feel like you have to bottle things up to everyone else in your life, you can always rely on your therapist to allow you a space to just let it all out.
Unfortunately, there is sometimes a stigma associated with seeking professional help for mental health (although there definitely should not be!), so if you still need some convincing as to why seeing a therapist is worth it, we consulted this list from Verywell Health noting some of the greatest benefits of therapy. First, they note that mental health therapy is helpful for about 75% of people who try it. So there is a great chance that you will find it worth your while! One of the first benefits that you might notice is your communication skills becoming more refined. Personally, I have always struggled with how to articulate my feelings and understanding where they are coming from. But once I had to learn how to explain things to my therapist, my vocabulary for my emotions greatly increased. With her help, I learned how to express myself much better, and I’ve been able to use those communication skills with my friends, family and my partner to accurately explain what I’m thinking and feeling.
Don't worry, it can be confusing at times. It's hard to catch up if you don't grow up with it. This is coming from a Gen Z.
Therapy can also help with various aspects of your life, including your quality of sleep. When your mind is racing each night and you’re plagued by anxiety, it can feel almost impossible to shut off and have a restful night of sleep. Then the cruel cycle continues every night after days on end of feeling unrested, cranky and emotionally drained. But when your mental health begins to improve from seeing a therapist and working through your personal issues, you can begin to rest easy at night and finally get a full night’s sleep. Therapy can also help you feel happier and more satisfied with your life in general. You will likely start to feel empowered and may notice an increase in self-esteem and motivation as well. Everything is intertwined, and once we begin to heal in one way, our entire being begins to heal.
Verywell Health also notes that many people’s physical wellbeing improves from going to therapy. We all know how valuable a good night's sleep can be, but therapy can go even farther than that. When your anxiety is lessened, your blood pressure will likely decrease, and chronic pain can become less severe. Once we know how to better manage our stress, our entire body will start to relax, little by little. People often become less reliant on unhealthy coping mechanisms as well, such as drinking and smoking, which will increase their overall physical health and reduce their risk for future health issues. Starting therapy can feel like such a small step, but its benefits can snowball into all aspects of your life.
Many people are hesitant to start therapy because they’re just not sure what they would even talk about. It can be daunting to sit in front of a professional and know that you are in charge of where that conversation goes for the next hour. But if you’ve got something weighing on your mind, you’ve got something worth discussing in therapy. Plus, how often do your friends or partners let you speak for an hour straight? You don’t have to commit to a therapist forever, but even a few months can go a long way in improving your mental health. In fact, the majority of patients report feeling much better after only three months of consistent therapy. You can take what you have learned in those sessions and carry that knowledge and those coping skills with you for the rest of your life.
Same - getting two more tomorrow, a pumpkin and Kermit the frog, why? Because why not? My youngest two picked them out, who am I to object
If you haven’t already scheduled an appointment with your therapist, we recommend that you do so now. Even if for no other reason than to discuss these hilarious memes! Keep upvoting the posts that you find a little too relatable, and feel free to share in the comments which ones you think your therapist might appreciate. Remember to take care of your mental health, dear pandas, and then if you’re interested in checking out even more of these painfully relatable memes, you can find our last article on the same topic right here.
I've been completely burnt-out since the beginning of high school. I used to be smart, and now I am lazy, overly emotional, and procrastinate like crazy.
tell that to my classmates, who are currently debating who got the least sleep last night as i listen in.. :/
I start crying whenever my teachers come to talk to me. I don't know why. Every time one walks over to help or answer a question or something when I'm confused ny eyes get watery and I have to blink to make sure I don't actually start sobbing in front of them. It's so weird.
I probably shouldn't have related to so many of these but it's fine. I'm fine. Mostly.
Nah, we're all f****d. Suffering, as the song goes, is simply the eternal misadventure of living.
I'm concerned I can relate to most of these- Its alright though, I'm alright...
I've been told by several people, including my father, that if I just said to myself repeatedly that I'm not depressed, anxious, and I don't have trauma or ptsd, pain or anything else that every issue I think I have would just disappear. Nope doesn't work like that. Or that when my uncle r*ped me when I was 8 that me not stopping him from doing it because he threatened to do it to my 1 year old baby sister meant that it wasn't r*pe and that I gave him permission to do it to me. So much messed up advice
I love these, I pointed all three of my adult kids to them. Thanks!! We 4 have all of these!
The time I tried to connect with a therapist via an app but I could not convince the app I am not a robot.
Once I tried to be a therapist to my friend but had to back down bc her problems were too relatable
I probably shouldn't have related to so many of these but it's fine. I'm fine. Mostly.
Nah, we're all f****d. Suffering, as the song goes, is simply the eternal misadventure of living.
I'm concerned I can relate to most of these- Its alright though, I'm alright...
I've been told by several people, including my father, that if I just said to myself repeatedly that I'm not depressed, anxious, and I don't have trauma or ptsd, pain or anything else that every issue I think I have would just disappear. Nope doesn't work like that. Or that when my uncle r*ped me when I was 8 that me not stopping him from doing it because he threatened to do it to my 1 year old baby sister meant that it wasn't r*pe and that I gave him permission to do it to me. So much messed up advice
I love these, I pointed all three of my adult kids to them. Thanks!! We 4 have all of these!
The time I tried to connect with a therapist via an app but I could not convince the app I am not a robot.
Once I tried to be a therapist to my friend but had to back down bc her problems were too relatable