The Earth is 197,000,000 square miles, and it’s inhabited by over 8 billion people. You might share a city with millions of other residents, and we all share a planet with millions of different species of animals. But if none of those facts make you feel small, we believe that the photos on this list just might.
Below, you’ll find some of the most unsettling posts from the Megalophobia subreddit, a group dedicated to featuring pictures that might trigger a fear of large things within you. So good luck scrolling through these images that may make you feel uneasy, and be sure to upvote the ones that remind you just how tiny we all are!
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Red Sprites Are Upper Atmospheric Lightning That Can Occur Above Storm Clouds. They Can Be As Large As 50 Square Kilometers
The Sky Whispering To The Earth
Supercell Hail Core Near Stratford, Texas (From Wikipedia)
Sometimes it seems like there’s a phobia for anything nowadays; there’s even a fear of everything! (It’s called pantophobia, if you’re curious.) And megalophobia, although it’s certainly not the most talked about fear, is certainly a valid one. According to the Cleveland Clinic, this is the intense fear some people have of large objects, such as skyscrapers, airplanes, large ships, vast spaces such as stadiums, and more.
Megalophobia can affect people of all ages, but as with many other phobias, it’s likely to develop during childhood and then become apparent during adolescence or young adulthood. Women are also more likely to develop specific phobias than men, so this list may be a bit easier for our male pandas to get through.
Hyperion, The World's Tallest Living Tree
A Big Nope For My Disorder
Those are the kelpies in Scotland, if I remember correctly.
Tallest Elevator
While the Cleveland Clinic notes that it’s difficult to know exactly how many people are afflicted by megalophobia, it’s estimated that about 7-10% of the population has a phobia. And when it comes to the symptoms that those with megalophobia experience, they’re not very different from those that people with any other phobia may experience.
When people with megalophobia find themselves around particularly large objects, they may feel intense fear or anxiety, have a rapid heartbeat, have shortness of breath, feel dizzy and or lightheaded, feel nauseous and feel a strong desire to escape the situation they’re currently in.
This Is Funny And Terrifying At The Same Time
Many people don’t actually seek out a diagnosis for their phobias, but it is possible to be diagnosed with megalophobia if you have experienced a consistent fear of large objects for at least half a year. The four criteria that phobias must meet to receive a diagnosis are: intense and unreasonable fear, anticipatory anxiety, avoidance, and the phobia starting to interfere with day-to-day activities. If you’ve experienced these symptoms for a while, pandas, it might be time to seek help for your phobia.
Centuripe In Sicily, Italy
This Movie Terrified Me As A Kid
I Don’t Know If I Would Trust That Ice
According to Verywell Mind, megalophobia can often be triggered when individuals with the phobia see larger than life versions of normal items. For example, a statue depicting a massive person or an animal shown much larger than it would ever grow in real life can be extremely unsettling. While people without the phobia may find these exaggerated objects amusing or entertaining, those with megalophobia can have a hard time viewing them.
The Rwe Bagger 288 Compared To A Human…
The Scale Of The Deepwater Horizon Disaster Is Nightmarish
As a non American, l learnt about this thanks to the movie. When I read about it l was horrified
I'm Honestly Surprised That This Nightmare From The 2012 London Olympics Never Found Its Way Here
Sometimes, ignorance is bliss when it comes to avoiding megalophobia triggers. Certain media can make those with the phobia even more anxious, as we might have never even thought to fear a giant squid or sea monsters lurking underwater if stories didn’t plant these ideas into our heads. Writers and directors are well aware of these phobias, however, as they intentionally create stories featuring massive sharks, snakes and more to freak out audiences.
No Sure If This Belongs Here
"A Sudden Shift In The Weather Lifted The Tail Of The Rigid Airship, Which Resulted In The Unique Sight Of The 658-Foot Long Uss Los Angeles Standing On Its Nose."
Typhoon Is A Class Of Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarines Built By The Soviet Union
When it comes to seeking treatment for megalophobia, experts recommend undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy and/or exposure therapies. “A psychotherapist may literally walk someone through what they fear about large objects,” Verywell Mind explains. “In the process, they try to help the person understand rationally why that fear may be unfounded. The goal is then to work through a more realistic perspective of their fears and face situations that the phobia has caused the person to avoid.”
The Lincoln Cathedral Beat Out The Great Pyramid Of Giza For Tallest Building When It Was Completed In 1311 With The Installation Of Its Spire, Thus Growing It To 160 Meters. Look At How It Dwarfs The Other Buildings Here
Lincoln is one of the most beautiful historic cities in England -- old merry England. I lived in Lincoln in 2010 and remember it as a wonderful time.
Those Pictures Of Planets Replacing The Moon Have Become Reality In Vegas Now
This Building Is Entirely Too Big, And I Wasn't Even All The Way Up. Zoom In For People
Certain behaviors can also help those with megalophobia cope with their fears. Healthline recommends developing anxiety-management habits such as eating a balanced diet, getting daily exercise, socializing with friends and loved ones, doing yoga and similar mind-body practices and finding ways to manage stress. If you’re well rested, well fed, busy and satisfied with your life, you may find your phobia start to shrink if you have less anxiety overall and less time to worry about it.
High-Speed Trains, Nanjing Station, China🇨🇳
Cao Grande Peak Looks Unreal
How Does That Balance
If you suffer from megalophobia, it’s also important to get to the root of the problem and see where your fear comes from. Healthline suggests that those with the phobia seek out help from a therapist to not only cope with their fears but ensure that they don’t dictate their lives. Phobias are valid and can be excruciating to deal with, but we shouldn’t have to fight them in silence.
Hey I Found Your...screw?
The Amount Of Dread I Feel When Looking At This Is Unreal
This is an imagined representation of the thrusters required for interstellar travel using contemporary technology. The astronaut is for scale.
First Wind-Powered Cargo Ship
"World's first wind-powered cargo ship" Ehem... Maybe somebody should tell them.
Are you feeling frightened by the photos on this list, pandas? Don’t worry, they can’t hurt you! But it is spooky season, so being a little scared is entirely appropriate this month. Enjoy scrolling through the rest of the pics, and keep upvoting the ones you find particularly unsettling. Then, if you’re interested in triggering your megalophobia even more, you can find Bored Panda’s last article on the same topic right here!
I Need A Balls Of Steel Even To Think Of Doing That
To Big To Be Real. “World’s Largest Log Cabin”. Portland, Oregon, 1938. Built In 1905, Burned Down In 1964
The Hugeness Of This Flag Carried On A Spanish Ship During The Battle Of Trafalgar Compared To The People Beside It
The Belaz 75710, The World Largest Dumper
I believe that the giant hound a few pix back lays claim to this title.
Lun-Class Ekranoplan Abandoned On A Beach. This Is Not Classified As Aircraft Because It Used The Ground Effect To Travel Just Feet Above The Water. They Haven't Been In Use Since The 90s
Photo I Found In A Book From 1987 Of The Statue Of Liberty With The Twin Towers Behind It. There Are Actually People Visible Just Below The Statue, To Make The Photo Even Worse
Our Solar System Compared To A Blackhole
Freedom Ship Concept, A Floating City To Free People From Taxes
For me, the stuff like the buildings, trucks and holes are wayyy scarier then the ones with giant monsters. Not sure why, maybe because the brain is aware that the monsters aren't real? Anyone else?
Or the stuff in space. It's too big to comprehend. I think the scariest stuff is just on the edge of what we experience in our immediate surroundings
For me, the stuff like the buildings, trucks and holes are wayyy scarier then the ones with giant monsters. Not sure why, maybe because the brain is aware that the monsters aren't real? Anyone else?
Or the stuff in space. It's too big to comprehend. I think the scariest stuff is just on the edge of what we experience in our immediate surroundings