The ancient technique of the Florentine mosaic was invented in the 16th century. It implies fine stone pieces to be accurately fitted together thus it’s very important to take the stone colour and texture into account to achieve the right effect. These “paintings” can only be created by people who love and feel the energy of stones. And if you look at a work and can’t say whether it was painted or not, then a stonecutter has really achieved the pinnacle of craftsmanship!

Lyudmila and Valery Teplyakov have a family business in the Czech Republic. They make jewelry of different gemstones with their own hands and call themselves Izovella, what in Lappish means “gentle breeze”. The artists say, ‘We feel great joy while creating unique and unusual jewelry.’

The most beautiful examples of the Florentine mosaic are the Teplyakovs’ rings: each piece has its own name and is about 3 cm in diameter. They look really great and have amazed me at the first glance! I hope you will love them too :)

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