Last weekend marked the bi-annual Comic Market in Tokyo, and this time, visitors were thrilled with an awesome Dragon Ball cosplay that people will probably be talking about for a while!

Pulled off by bodybuilder Taichi Shimizu, his costume was of Master Roshi in his Max Power form. For those who don’t know, the Max Power form is a power up that only Master Roshi has, where he can dramatically gain strength and muscle mass. Since Shimizu pretty much has the whole strength and muscle mass thing covered, all he had to do was pull off the perfect costume, and we must say, he sure did. Keep on scrolling to check out the pics!

(h/t: kotaku)


    Image credits: OmaxDqx

    Image credits: Rajnikanth_0610

    Image credits: OmaxDqx

    Image credits: rock_and_sxzn


    Image credits: adventure_tm

    Image credits: adventure_tm

    Image credits: Rajnikanth_0610


    Image credits: taichi_shimizu_

    Image credits: OmaxDqx