People make it a habit of having strange quirks and pet peeves. Most of the time they’ll seem like a St. Bernard pup, totally calm and happy-go-lucky, but then you do something seemingly nonchalant and they start absolutely losing it, going bananas.

Speaking of bananas, today’s story is one about an uncle going from 0 to 100 in an instant, accusing his grand-niece and her parents of being thieves, even going so far as telling them to get out of the house. All over a… banana.

More info: Reddit


    People occasionally just lose it for seemingly minuscule things, going off at anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby at the moment


    Image credits: RDNE Stock project (not the actual photo) 

    A woman shared her story of going to a BBQ at her elderly uncle’s place, who doesn’t have a good track record of being a nice man

    Image credits: u/Okay-Bananas


    Image credits: Pavel Danilyuk (not the actual photo) 

    While waiting for the food, her daughter, 6 Y.O., took a banana from a fruit bowl to snack on and the uncle went absolutely ballistic


    Image credits: u/Okay-Bananas

    Image credits: Askar Abayev (not the actual photo) 


    He cussed the child and her parents out, saying that they’re all thieves and he may even call the police about it, but the poster didn’t mince words and clapped back


    Image credits: u/Okay-Bananas


    At the end of the day, she wanted to share her story with the internet and be judged on whether she was wrong to defend her child and walk out from the BBQ

    BBQ parties are always fun, right? I mean, unless you’re the one preparing the food and running around making sure everybody is happy. But if you’re close family and don’t feel the need to impress or pamper someone, it’s really chill. Like, absolute zero temperature chill.

    You’re grilling some delicious sausages, burgers, or what have you, brew in hand, talking to someone who you can be open with, the kids are having fun – I mean, it’s just a treat to be alive in that moment. It’s the perfect vision of “it’s the little things”.


    There are some caveats to this idyllic imagining of family gatherings, though. If you don’t get along with someone in the family, the temperature of the party is certain to drop – chill, but not in any good way. Also, if you’ve got different ideas about some popular topic, like parenting, you’re also on your toes the whole time, just dreading the moment when someone opens their mouth and says something “objectively true”…

    This brings us round to the aptly named Okay-Bananas’ story. Her family were kicking it at a rotating family BBQ and were likely having an okay time here. She doesn’t hesitate to mention the fact that the 71 Y.O. uncle hosting the party this time isn’t the most pleasant person to be around.


    He’s one of those amazingly nice people who never forget a grudge, no matter what they do to make up for it. Maybe he’s secretly an elephant – they never forget, after all.

    So when the poster’s kid took a banana from the fruit bowl, it wasn’t a huge shock that the uncle may react negatively, but nobody could have guessed that the reaction would be as explosive as it was.

    Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo) 


    If someone took a banana from a fruit bowl at my party, I would be hard pressed to care. What I mean by that is that you’d have to hold me at gunpoint for me to even react at all. Perhaps I’d even be a little pleased that someone is enjoying the food, but not even that is a guarantee.

    So screaming at someone for helping themselves to a snack, especially someone as young as 6, seems a wee bit over the line to me.

    Not only that, but calling her a thief and threatening to call the police is nothing short of insane. Imagine if the police did show up, what would they say? “Hey, we’ve gotten a report of a 6 year old girl stealing a banana, could you point her out to us?”


    Then they’d take the child to the station in cuffs or maybe go on a high-speed chase across the freeway… You get the idea.

    Confidently stepping up another stair of insanity, the uncle then told the family to get out, pleasingly dubbing all of them thieves, saying that this behavior is no less than taught.

    If I had kids, you bet I’d be raising a pack of crazy banana thieves. Not a day would go by without us stealing at least one hand of bananas. Also, yes, a bunch of bananas is called a “hand”, I’m glad you asked.


    The best part of this story is that the poster didn’t take it sitting down, even though she admitted that the kid needs a bit more manners (which you’re free to disagree with). She retaliated with force, saying that this exact behavior is why said uncle is a curmudgeonly old man with no friends. I hope the kiddo at least felt defended by her parents, which, at this point, is the only thing that matters.

    The poster’s story got wildly popular, with over 9.2k upvotes. With over 2.5k comments chiming in, the poster was declared not to be a jerk and commenters said that everything she did was right.


    Share your own thoughts about the story and your own interactions with crazy relatives below!

    She was judged not to be the jerk and said that it was telling that many more people packed up and left after her