Marvel die-hard fans assemble! Do you think you know all the ins and outs of the MCU? Are you 100% positive you could ace any and all Marvel trivia questions thrown at you? Well, then, you’re in luck — we’ve got a round of MCU trivia that will blow your mind!
Marvel superheroes have been saving the world since 1939 when Atlas Comics (now Marvel Comics) debuted its first hero, the Human Torch. From there, a massive cast of characters has seen the light. They’ve been through a lot in that time — including some memorable movies, events, and happenings that have made these superheroes an essential part of pop culture history.
If you’re sure you know everything there is to know about it, then this Marvel quiz will be a walk in the park for you. From Iron Man to Black Widow, Spider-Man to Doctor Strange, if it’s part of the world’s most beloved Marvel hero universe, we’ve got it covered.
Chances are there’s a Marvel trivia question on this list that will stump even the most knowledgeable fan. If you get them all right — or at least a decent 90% — prepare yourself for an epic victory: You might just convince us that you’re truly worthy of being called a Marvel encyclopedia!
But if you haven’t been keeping up with the comics or movies, get ready to get schooled because this quiz is packed with details about characters, plotlines, and superhero trivia that only the most hardcore fans would know. So get your Infinity Stones, wear your Iron Man suit, and take on this epic Marvel challenge!
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What elective class did Thor take on Asgard?
Actually he learned Allspeak which allows him to speak every language
What's the name of the amulet Doctor Strange wears around his neck?
What are the names of Wanda's twins?
What is Marvel Known for?
First and foremost, Marvel is an American comic book publisher which was founded in 1939 by Martin Goodman. At the time, the company was known as Timely Comics, later changing its name to Atlas Comics. The Marvel era for Atlas Comics began around 1961 with the launch of The Fantastic Four and other superhero titles created by the legendary Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and others. Over time, the Marvel brand has solidified its position as the main brand of the publisher.
Although Marvel has created a whole slew of memorable superhero characters, the most well-known of its superheroes are Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Black Panther, and the villains Magneto, Loki, Thanos, and Doom, just to name a few!
Most Marvel characters operate in a single reality, known as the Marvel Universe, with most settings mirroring real-life places, such as New York.
Knowing all these basic facts about the Marvel Universe and its creation might help you solve our Marvel trivia questions a great deal!
In "Avengers Infinity War", Bruce Banner loses which power?
Which movie kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
What are some Fun Facts about Marvel Superheroes?
Fun facts aren’t only entertaining to read! Knowing a few fun facts about Marvel superheroes might also help you in acing this Marvel quiz you’re about to embark on. Here are our top choices of superhero fun facts:
- The idea of creating Spider-Man was originally rejected by Marvel’s editor, Martin Goodman. Why? Simply because not everyone’s enamored with spiders!
- Hulk wasn’t supposed to be green! Originally, Hulk was supposed to be gray, but due to some printing problems, he turned green (and iconic!).
- Captain America wasn’t an original member of the Avengers. The original crew consisted of Hulk, Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man, and Thor. Captain America became a part of the team only with the fourth reiteration!
- Marvel has trademarked the term “superhero.” They also tried to trademark the word “zombie” back in 1973; however, they were unsuccessful in their quest.
- Just a few short years after the creation of Marvel, it went bankrupt. Seriously, the publishing company filed for bankruptcy in 1966 because people just stopped buying comics. Thankfully, movies helped regain the popularity of printed comics once again.
We’re pretty sure that knowing this bit of MCU trivia will help you solve at least a dozen superhero questions you’ll encounter on this list!
What’s the real name of the Black Panther?
What are some Marvel Trivia Questions?
A good question, indeed! While you’ll definitely find quite a few of them on this list, we can help you sort them out. Here are the top three Marvel questions based on the votes of our readers:
- What elective class did Thor take on Asgard?
- What's the name of the amulet Doctor Strange wears around his neck?
- What are the names of Wanda's twins?
As for the hard Marvel trivia questions, here are our top three choices:
- What is the first line of dialogue in Iron Man, the very first MCU film?
- Where does Ant-Man get stuck at the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp?
- In Captain Marvel, what kind of alien is Goose?
If you know the answers to these tough questions, you are definitely a super fan! However, if you’re here purely for entertainment and not for a session of intensive brain-picking, we have some fun trivia questions for you, too:
- Where is Captain America from?
- What symbol is on Captain America's shield?
- What Is the Name of Thor’s Axe?
If you’re looking for more, though, just scroll on down below and check out the rest of our Marvel trivia questions and answers!
Who quoted the famous line of Avengers, "Whatever it takes"?
Wolverine first appeared in which comic book?
What symbol is on Captain America's shield?
What’s Deadpool's real name?
What Is the Name of Thor’s Axe?
Who is killed by Loki in "The Avengers"?
In which film’s post-credit scene did Thanos first appear?
Which 80's actor’s career got a reboot from the MCU franchise?
Who was able to pick up Thor’s hammer in "Endgame"?
In which movie did Spider-Man make his first appearance in the MCU?
Who rescued Tony Stark and Nebula from space?
Pepper Potts is allergic to what?
Nick Fury wears an eye patch over which eye?
Bradley Cooper is the voice of which MCU character?
Who is the firstborn child of Odin?
What genre was "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" categorized under?
In the comics, who’s the first avenger to quit the team?
In the comics, what’s the name of Thor's alter ego?
What’s the name of Captain Marvel cat?
What were the three items Rocket claims he needs in order to escape the prison?
Thor's Mjolnir is made from the metal of a dying ___?
In what Marvel comics title did the Silver Surfer first appear?
What was the first Marvel movie to earn $1 billion?
During an interview, what did Tom Hiddleston say was the codename for the movie "The Avengers"?
In the first "Avengers" movie, how many avengers do we actually see?
Which two actors played "Spider-Man" before Tom Holland?
Which Marvel movie has the shortest running time?
Who was Doctor Strange’s mentor?
In "Avengers Endgame", who kills Thanos in the first half of the movie?
Who was the first female superhero to appear in the title of an MCU film?
Who is Wolverine’s biggest enemy?
What kind of ray gives the Hulk his power?
How is the Hulk related to She-Hulk?
Apart from his strength, what little known superpower does the Hulk possess?
Is it true that the Hulk is immune to all kinds of diseases and viruses?
What was the original shape of Captain America's shield?
Which live-action film did Black widow first appear in?
The final battle between Mysterio and Spider-Man takes place on which bridge?
What’s the name of the team of 6 villains who unite against Spider-Man?
Mysterio doesn’t belong there it was Dr.Conners the one who turned himself into a lizard?
What newspaper does Peter Parker work for?
What landmark does Peter Parker rescue his classmates from in Spider-Man: Homecoming?
How Many Comics Has Marvel Released As Of 2009?
Why did Stan Lee reject Jack Kirby as the original Spider-Man artist?
Who has directed the most MCU movies?
What is the only Marvel film not to have a post-credit scene?
What is Hulk’s secret?
What does MCU stand for?
Who was the first openly gay character to come out in a Marvel comic in 1992?
In "Spider-Man: Homecoming", who does Stan Lee appear as?
Who is the villain in "Ant-Man"?
Who voices Dormammu in "Doctor Strange"?
What is Vulture's real name in "Spider-Man: Homecoming"?
What is Valkyrie's scrapper number in "Thor: Ragnarok"?
What song plays at the beginning of "Iron Man"?
What is the name of the automated Asgardian weapon used by Loki in "Thor"?
What is Spider-Man's age in the first movie?
How many Infinity Stones are there?
What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for?
Answer: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Whose power "exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme?"
Captain America’s shield and Bucky's arm are made of what?
Wanda and her brother Pietro are from where?
"Black Panther" is set in which fictional country?
What is Tony Stark's daughter's name?
Who did Captain America give his shield to in "Endgame"?
What is the motto/slogan of the Flag Smashers?
Is Salma Hayek's Eternals character Ajak male or female in the comics?
Which actor played Marvel’s first Asian superhero, Shang-Chi?
What's the name of the theory created by Jane Foster?
Where do warriors go after dying in battle?
What did Thor say about Jane Foster's catchphrase?
What other superhero movies did "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" director, Sam Raimi, direct?
Captain America made his first appearance in what comic book?
Who did The Winter Soldier take shelter with during “Infinity War”?
In how many MCU movies does Phil Coulson make his appearance?
Which Marvel film did Michael Bay call his favorite?
In "Thor: Ragnarok", which character says the first line?
What’s Ant Man's real name?
What song does baby Groot dance to at the end of the movie Guardians of the Galaxy?
In Wakanda, what are the female warriors referred to as?
What’s Captain Marvel’s real name?
Norrin Radd is the real name of which “shiny” intergalactic Marvel superhero?
What is Wolverine's original name?
What organization did Wolverine's clone work for?
Which Canadian province Is Wolverine from?
What’s the metal in Wolverine’s body called?
How Tall Is Wolverine in the comics?
What are Wolverine's powers?
Answer: His powers are regeneration, heightened senses, superhuman speed, reflexes, durability and strength.
What was the Hulk's original skin color?
How tall is Captain America and how much does he weigh?
Answer: Captain America is 6 foot 2 inches tall and weighs 220 pounds.
Whose funeral did Captain America attend?
How does Captain America get his powers?
Who creates this Super Soldier serum that turns Steve Rogers into Captain America?
What organization does Captain America battle in the movie "Captain America: The First Avenger"?
Black Widow sacrifices herself to obtain which Infinity Stone in "Avengers: Endgame"?
What organization is Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) part of before it’s disbanded?
What’s the meaning of J.A.R.V.I.S?
Answer: Iron Man’s tech assistant, stands for Just A Rather Very Intelligent System.
Captain Marvel lived with which alien race from 1989 to 1995?
What’s Professor X's school called?
What is the name of Thor’s hammer?
Who is Peter Parker’s best friend?
The Flerkens are a race of extremely dangerous aliens that resembles what?
What’s the name of the helpful AI Tony Stark invented to replace J.A.R.V.I.S.?
What does Thor want another of when he’s in the diner?
What comic book did Spider-Man first appear in?
Answer: Spider-Man, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, first appeared in "Amazing Fantasy #15."
What animal does Darren Cross unsuccessfully shrink in the Ant-Man?
Who are the primordial beings that are responsible for the creation of the Infinity Stones?
Who provides the voice of Baby Groot?
Which film did The Aether first appear in?
What is the name of the actor who pretends to be The Mandarin?
In "Spider-Man: Far From Home", what necklace does Peter buy for M.J.?
What type of pet does Whiplash have in "Iron Man 2"?
What kind of animal does Hela have in "Thor: Ragnarok"?
Scott hid an old Ant-Man suit underneath a trophy. What did the trophy say?
Which villain appears near the end of "Spider-Man: No Way Home"?
What character bullied Peter in high school?
Who is Tony Stark’s father?
Sharon Carter is whose great-niece?
What type of doctor is Doctor Strange?
What is Carol Danvers nickname for Monica Rambeau?
Natasha Romanoff tells Loki she's got what in her ledger?
Star-Lord/Peter Quill's father Ego is a what?
What does TVA stand for?
Who said, “What is grief, if not love persevering?”
What is Mobius last name in "Loki"?
What does S.W.O.R.D. stand for in "WandaVision"?
Trevor Slattery revealed in "Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings" that he managed to escape execution with a performance of what?
What does Doctor Strange call his cape?
How long did Elizabeth Olsen have in between finishing "Wandavision" and starting the "Doctor Strange" sequel?
What’s the name of Wolverine’s mutant son in the comics?
After the cancellation of his first series, which comic did the Hulk make regular appearances in?
What’s the name of the comic book magazine that printed the first story starring Doctor Strange?
Which eye does Thor lose?
Which hero made the first appearance in the comics?
What causes Banner's transformation into the Hulk?
What’s the profession of the human form of the Hulk?
Who portrays Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
In the movies, what’s the first infinity stone Black Widow comes in contact with?
Which of the Infinity Stones did Thanos use to defeat Black Widow prior to obtaining the Mind Stone from Vision?
What’s her alias when Tony Stark hires her as his personal assistant in "Iron Man 2"?
In "The Incredible Hulk", what does Tony tell Thaddeus Ross at the end of the film?
What is the alien race Loki sends to invade Earth in "The Avengers"?
Who was the last holder of the Space Stone before Thanos claims it for his Infinity Gauntlet?
What does the Winter Soldier say after Steve recognizes him for the first time?
Who is Hawkeye married to?
What is the name of the mysterious glowing blue cube which Loki uses as a weapon?
In "Black Panther", what African country is Nakia operating in as a spy before T’Challa arrived and brought her back to Wakanda?
What is Stan Lee’s role in "Ant-Man"?
What planet is Thanos from?
Taika Waititi also played which comedic "Thor: Ragnarok character"?
Which actor plays Agent Phil Coulson?
Which planet does Peter Quill retrieve the orb containing the Power Stone from?
Who played Obadiah Stane in "Iron Man"?
Who played Malekith in "Thor: The Dark World"?
Which S.H.I.E.L.D. building is located in Washington, DC?
Who was responsible for King T'Chaka's death?
On what planet was the Soul Stone in "Infinity War"?
Who did Mark Ruffalo replace as the Hulk in the MCU?
Where did Peggy tell Steve she wants to meet him for a dance?
In what town was Wanda's hex located?
Who was Monica Rambeau's mom?
Who is the Power Broker in "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier"?
Stan Lee made his final cameo in which Marvel movie?
Who's the villain in "Thor: Love and Thunder"?
Who said, "It used to be that being a god, it meant something. People would whisper your name, before sharing their deepest hopes and dreams. They begged you for mercy, without ever knowing if you were actually listening. Now, when they look to the sky, they don't ask us for lightning, they don't ask us for rain, they just want to see one of their so-called superheroes. When did we become the joke?"
Apart from "Guardians of the Galaxy", which other Marvel movie was announced at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con?
Who are the actors who have Chris as their first name in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Answer: Steve Rogers played by Chris Evans, Star Lord by Chris Patt and Thor played by Chris Hemsworth.
How are Tony Stark's parents called?
Who designed the Quinjet?
What was Scott Lang's job before becoming the superhero Ant Man?
What was the name of the U.N. document that created the rift between Captain America and Iron Man?
Who created Black Widow?
Who sends Black Widow to recruit Hulk in "The Avengers"?
Who was the voice of Ultron?
What museum has a Captain American exhibit?
What fake name does Natasha use when she first meets Tony?
About which city do Hawkeye and Black Widow often reminisce?
Who does the Mad Titan sacrifice to acquire the Soul Stone?
What is the name of the little boy Tony befriends while stranded in the "Iron Man 3"?
Where do Lady Sif and Volstagg keep the Reality Stone after the Dark Elves tried to steal it?
What species did Loki discover he is?
What year was the first "Iron Man" movie released, kicking off the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Pym Particles were created by who?
Julia Louis-Dreyfus plays who in the MCU?