Mansplaining is defined as when a man tries to explain something to a woman in an oversimplified manner, often in a patronizing tone. The problem arises from a noxious mixture of overinflated ego, based on the flawed assumption of the male chauvinist that men simply know better, and clueless ignorance of the knowledge and capabilities that modern women wield with a tinge of sexism on top of it all.

It needn’t necessarily be a gendered issue, some people are simply arrogant and get a smug sense of satisfaction from talking down to people, regardless of their sex. But it is pervasive enough to have been identified as a problem that we must tackle. So guys, how do you know when you’re mansplaining? It really shouldn’t be too difficult, just don’t assume that you are more knowledgeable about something, simply because you own a penis. Still not clear with this passive sexism example? Twitter user Kim Goodwin decided that she would lay it out in terms that even an idiot could understand, using a simple, classic flow chart.


    Image credits: bigdesign

    Her post quickly went viral, with people applauding her creative and accurate way of getting her point across. And while there were some (mostly male) detractors, the thread was enlightening as people took to the topic, and shared their own experiences of mansplaining and sexism in the workplace. Scroll down below to check it out for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!


    Image credits: kimgoodwin

    Image credits: Derek_Nankivell

    Image credits: kimgoodwin

    Image credits: shaneguymon

    Image credits: kimgoodwin


    Image credits: AlexStolzoff

    Image credits: kimgoodwin

    Image credits: AlexStolzoff

    Image credits: kimgoodwin

    Here’s what people had to say about the amusing and informative chart

    Image credits: beccajingram

    Image credits: daniellegold_

    Image credits: JoyBringingHope


    Image credits: akapczynski

    Image credits: VinceWarren

    Image credits: dawahaddict

    Image credits: mopland

    Image credits: lynwade

    Image credits: MarkSGrout