Even if you’re not that hyped about The Mandalorian series, you still probably have heard about the recent sensation The Child, or as the internet dubbed him, baby Yoda. The cute character is basically what the legendary Jedi Master, Yoda, would like if he was just a 50-year-old baby and the Internet is loving it. Seriously, the Child is probably one of the best things from the series. The only thing that people are missing right now is the merchandise. They just have to have baby Yoda!

More info: Etsy


    While people are waiting for Disney to launch official baby Yoda toys, artist Tatyana from Russia created her own

    Image credits: MelvonANDReine

    Recently, Disney delivered the first merchandise. Their store is now stocked with t-shirts, cups, phone cases, and other stuff. However, the store is missing an actual baby Yoda toy, and people are really craving it.

    Image credits: MelvonANDReine

    This prompted independent artists to create their own version of the adorable Star Wars character. One of those artists is Tatyana, who owns an Etsy shop called MelvonANDReine. Tatyana is going viral for her intricate handmade doll and it’s as cute as the original!

    Image credits: MelvonANDReine


    Image credits: MelvonANDReine

    Tatyana, a 20-year-old artist from Tomsk, Russia says that she has been creating handmade toys for 5 years now. She is fascinated with supernatural creatures, so it’s no surprise that she was inspired to make baby Yoda, too.

    The doll is 22cm tall and costs $220

    Image credits: MelvonANDReine

    “I really like to create fantastic animals from my imagination, and to “transfer” famous characters from films and games to reality, making dolls from universes which inspires me,” the young creator told Bored Panda.

    Image credits: MelvonANDReine

    The well-crafted 22cm tall unique toy is completely handmade and comes with a removal coat. However, as it takes so long to craft the doll, excited fans won’t be able to get it before Christmas.


    Image credits: MelvonANDReine


    “Creating such dolls takes a lot of time, but it’s worth it, I love to look at ready-made creatures. Now because of the large quantity of orders, I make several dolls at the same time, sometimes it’s easier, but I still need many weeks of continuous work to create them,” the artist said.

    Image credits: MelvonANDReine

    Tatyana warns people that the creation period is around 13-16 weeks, and you’ll only receive the doll by the end of February or in March 2020. The doll is sold for $220 with free shipping.

    Here are some of her other creations inspired by film characters

    Image credits: MelvonANDReine

    When asked about the process of making the doll, Tatyana responded by saying that she aims to make the dolls huggable and mobile.


    Image credits: MelvonANDReine

    “I try to make my dolls as mobile as possible so that I can give them various “live” poses. Therefore, inside all creatures, there is a wire or plastic frame. The body of the dolls is soft, stuffed with padding polyester,” she said.

    Image credits: MelvonANDReine

    “It is very nice to hold and hug creatures. Heads and paws are solid and made of polymer clay,” the artist added.

    Image credits: MelvonANDReine

    Don’t forget to visit Tatyana’s store and check out some of her other creations!

    Image credits: MelvonANDReine

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