In light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, limiting or restricting access to abortion in a number of US states, many couples have felt the need to find more foolproof methods of birth control. And while women are often expected to saddle the burden of birth control, some couples have decided it’s time for men to take initiative in preventing unwanted pregnancies.

One 23-year-old TikToker, Keith Laue, recently shared a video discussing his experience getting a vasectomy. His video has raised awareness for how shockingly easy it is for men to access birth control, especially compared to the complications many women encounter, and sparked a discussion online. Below, you’ll find Keith’s full explanation, as well as some of the comments his video has received, and even an interview between Bored Panda and Keith discussing the whole experience. Then if you’re interested in hearing more about the complications associated with female birth control pills, check out this story next.


    TikToker Keith Laue recently shared a video detailing his experience getting a vasectomy


    Image credits: keith_laue

    Image credits: keith_laue


    Image credits: keith_laue

    We got in touch with Keith via email to hear a little bit more about what inspired him to get this procedure done and share about it online. “We live in Texas where women’s healthcare has been threatened for the past year. My partner had been on birth control since she was 13, tried a bunch of different kinds, and had a range of pretty bad side effects with each one,” Keith explained. “After the Heartbeat Bill got passed in Texas and then the Supreme Court picked up Roe V Wade, she started talking to me about getting a vasectomy and I had to think about it for a couple of months. I don’t think any guy enjoys thinking about getting his balls cut, but it seemed to be the easiest long-term option for birth control.”


    Keith went on to note that him and his partner already have one daughter and if they ever are in a place to have more kids they would happily foster. He also has insurance, while his partner does not, which made it easier for him to access birth control. “The Supreme Court has made women’s healthcare unsafe and unreliable, and it’s better for my partner not to be anxious about it,” Keith says.

    We also asked Keith if he thinks this topic is still considered taboo. “I do think it’s a little taboo. Before I got the procedure I was nervous because I did not know what to expect, and one of the biggest things that brought me comfort was talking to other men who had vasectomies,” he shared. “So, I made the video to 1) talk about how men can step up to support their partners through birth control and 2) show that the process is not that scary and is pretty simple for men especially compared to some of the things women have to go through.”


    You can hear Keith tell the story right here

    We also asked Keith why he thinks it is so much easier for men to get a vasectomy than it is for many females to access birth control or abortions. “There is no doubt that there is inequality in healthcare, and if you need proof you can look in my comment section,” he told Bored Panda. “There are thousands of women saying how they were refused local anesthesia for IUDs or they were denied tubal ligation for years because they were not married, and the doctor thought their future husband might want kids. It’s not fair, but all we can do is try to help where we can.”

    Finally, we asked the big question: would he recommend it? “Absolutely,” Keith said. He then went on to address some of the most common questions he received about the whole procedure. “Mine was $600, and it was covered through my insurance, because it is preventative care, but all insurance is different.” He also noted that it is not intended to be reversible, but it is possible. “Another great option is freezing your sperm if you think you might want kids later,” he noted. In terms of what the doctors wanted to know about his personal life, Keith says they asked nothing more than if he was married, if he has kids, and if he wants any more kids.


    And he’s not the only one participating in the vasectomy trend, here’s another man who did the same

    When it comes to the medication he was given, Keith explained, “I got local anesthesia to numb the area and anxiety medication beforehand. Many women commented how unfair that is because many women do not get that for IUD placement when they have to puncture the cervix. This is another reason I got it instead of my partner getting an IUD.” He also noted that the procedure itself was not painful, but it was tender afterwards. “Nothing that Ibuprofen did not fix,” he added.

    Another common question Keith has gotten is if anyone tried to talk him out of the procedure. “My parents tried to talk me out of it a little bit, but really they just wanted to make sure I was sure about what I was doing,” he said. Lastly, Keith addressed some of the common misconceptions he has heard about vasectomies. “I have heard of some doctors refusing a vasectomy based on age, but I got my doctor recommendation from Planned Parenthood and it wasn’t a problem.” He also noted that contrary to what some people might think, it does not lower testosterone nor does it greatly affect your sex life. “You still produce sperm and semen but they never meet,” he explained. “Everything about sex is pretty much the same, just less anxiety.”


    It is great to hear men talking more openly about the options available for birth control, especially when the US government seems to take every opportunity it can to regulate women’s bodies. If you’d like to keep up with Keith, you can follow him on TikTok right here or Instagram right here. Then let us know what you think of all of this in the comments. Has he convinced you to get a vasectomy or to discuss the possibility with your partner?

    The comments are full of support for Keith and frustration for how much simpler this process is for men than women