This Guy Tests Viral Hacks So You Don’t Have To, Here Are 30 Of The Most Helpful Ones
Life hacks are supposed to make things easier for us, but when so many people and publishers are using the label just to farm clicks with their zero-effort content, we often grow frustrated just with the term alone.
So a guy named Andrew, who goes online by 'This Is Hack' has set out to test as many as he can. And he sounds like the right candidate for the job. "I'm a professional actor [and] I've studied hard for a long time to become one," he writes on his socials. "I used to work at a theater, played Holden Caulfield in 'The Catcher in the Rye' [as well as] Romeo in Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet.' I've even had some parts in movies."
Continue scrolling to check out some of the life hacks he tackled in his spare time.
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Use a spoon to keep a strainer or siv level.
Put a sheet of foil on your ironing board and there will be no need to turn your clothes
Alternative method - those little dials on the front of your stove can actually be used to turn down the heat. Works like a charm.
You stick the stem through the hole in the grater and pull, you do not grate the parsley.
Place a hot jar over butter to soften it instantly
Jar obviously only hot on one side; either that or he has no feeling in his left hand
Since I could never get the razor trick to work I actually bought something on Amazon for like $11 that does the job perfectly. I think it's called a pill-eater or pill-shaver....something like that. But I absolutely love the thing and the sound of it shaving the pills off is one of THE most satisfying things in the world. Ughhh I'm at work and now I'm wishing I could just go home and use it!!
Just use an apple cider vinegar, sugar, dish soap and water mix. It attracts them and they instantly die when they hit the mixture. It gets rid of a lot of different small flies fast.
Use a straw to get the pesky stem off of strawberries quickly.
Didn't he just show us how to make butter softer instantly? And why would this be easier than spreading butter? I don't get it?
May i introduce you all to this Norwegian invention. it is in common usage in Scandinavia. I use mine almost every day! 12738_03_K...d54abd.jpg
Catching hair in the shower drain.
It doesn't catch all hair but it does alright and if you shed a lot you have to clean it out mid shower.
I mean, if you don't have a wine-key, I guess that's one way to do it. In a pinch, I've used a hotel Bible and a pen to pound the cork in, so who am I to judge?
Use a pipe to add the key to a key chain easily.
Why isn't he using a pair of protractors to cut the pipe instead of a pair of scissors?
Add water and cover the pan for perfectly cooked eggs.
I like to spoon the oil over the egg while it fries and get those edges all crispy and brown.
People, In the first two panels he is watching a stupid "hack" made by someone, the last two he shows how it is done - some of you are simpletons tho :D
I must be daft because for about half of this I need a caption of some kind so I can include it. What are you doing?
rub your tap with a candle
I just like his delightful facial expressions… He looks like a brilliant combination of David Byrne and Mr. Bean
A lot of these are useless without captions, and most of them aren't hacks.
I just like his delightful facial expressions… He looks like a brilliant combination of David Byrne and Mr. Bean
A lot of these are useless without captions, and most of them aren't hacks.