Man Documents A Strange Noise Coming From Outside The Forest, Asks What The Hell It Is
Have you ever a fox scream? It is one of the most hideous and creepy noises you’re ever likely to hear, particularly if you’re alone somewhere remote at night. This video, captured in Witset (Moricetown), British Columbia, is obviously an animal of some sort, perhaps in distress. It seems to have captured people’s imagination somehow, with thousands sharing and commenting on what the sound might be.
Image credits: Rumble Viral
Hardly the most exciting video going, is it? Nevertheless, it got the ball rolling with endless “it’s bigfoot” and “I stepped on Lego” jokes.
Image credits: Rumble Viral
The most popular explanation seemed to be that it was an elk or moose, but I guess we will never know.
Image credits: Rumble Viral
What do you think? Is it the mating call of a randy moose? A trapped bobcat? Or something more sinister? Let us know your guesses in the comments below.
Image credits: Rumble Viral
Here’s what people had to say
Honestly, the first video/audio reminds me of a very angry black bear I heard as a kid. When teh sound bounces around? It gets downright weird(er). Foxes in mating season can make you think the worst of the universe. But to me, having to listen through static and the rest? Impossible to be certain. I've heard tress "singing", in fact. (Wind in pines in a certain way) that at a distance you'd swear is a monster but ... nope. Just Mama Nature. I think we're so citified we've forgotten (collectively) what Naure sounds like. And I suspect some of these are manmade. Ever hear frozen metal swaying in a high wind? You get some *weird* noises.
I have heard many animals scream growing up in the country. Rabbits, deer, fox. Bobcats and coyotes make some eerie noises as well. Just because something is typically quiet doesn't mean it won't desperately make noise when hurt. Nothing will make you shoot out of bed much faster than hearing this in the middle of the night.
I heard an animal being eaten alive once. It was night and the animal was screaming and then it had a gurgling type scream like its throat was full of blood and then silence. Being the animal lover that I am, I ran toward the sound but then I stopped because I realized there was nothing I could do and whatever animal was eating it, has to eat . Plus I didn't know what kind of animal it was that was eating it . Could have been a coyote and I didn't want to get attacked.
So sorry you heard that. As an animal lover myself, it would break my heart and keep me from sleeping much more that night. The rational side of me knows it happens; if it doesn’t, then the other animal starves. It’s just the sound itself, and every emotion it conveys; fear, pain, suffering, desperation. Then death. Incredibly difficult and heart wrenching to hear. Hope you’re OK now.
Honestly, the first video/audio reminds me of a very angry black bear I heard as a kid. When teh sound bounces around? It gets downright weird(er). Foxes in mating season can make you think the worst of the universe. But to me, having to listen through static and the rest? Impossible to be certain. I've heard tress "singing", in fact. (Wind in pines in a certain way) that at a distance you'd swear is a monster but ... nope. Just Mama Nature. I think we're so citified we've forgotten (collectively) what Naure sounds like. And I suspect some of these are manmade. Ever hear frozen metal swaying in a high wind? You get some *weird* noises.
I have heard many animals scream growing up in the country. Rabbits, deer, fox. Bobcats and coyotes make some eerie noises as well. Just because something is typically quiet doesn't mean it won't desperately make noise when hurt. Nothing will make you shoot out of bed much faster than hearing this in the middle of the night.
I heard an animal being eaten alive once. It was night and the animal was screaming and then it had a gurgling type scream like its throat was full of blood and then silence. Being the animal lover that I am, I ran toward the sound but then I stopped because I realized there was nothing I could do and whatever animal was eating it, has to eat . Plus I didn't know what kind of animal it was that was eating it . Could have been a coyote and I didn't want to get attacked.
So sorry you heard that. As an animal lover myself, it would break my heart and keep me from sleeping much more that night. The rational side of me knows it happens; if it doesn’t, then the other animal starves. It’s just the sound itself, and every emotion it conveys; fear, pain, suffering, desperation. Then death. Incredibly difficult and heart wrenching to hear. Hope you’re OK now.