Man Makes To-The-Point Videos About Common Women’s Issues, And Here Are 50 Of His Best Insights
InterviewFeminist, writer, and video content creator Mohammed Farhan is charming the internet with his simple, to-the-point, and informative TikTok videos. Not only is he addressing very important women’s issues, but he’s also showing the proper way to react to them and what to avoid doing as a man.
In short, Mohammed seems like a great incarnation of healthy, wholesome masculinity who focuses on support, empathy, and equality, instead of victim-blaming and posturing. We’ve collected some of Mohammed’s best insights below, so have a peek, and be sure to let us know what you think of them, dear Pandas.
Toxic masculinity as a whole isn’t just a fancy modern buzzword—it can lead to very real social, mental, and physical problems down the line if left unchecked and if traditional masculine values are taken to the extreme. Sexism is just the tip of the iceberg.
Mohammed shared with Bored Panda the best approach to fighting both sexism and toxic masculinity. In his opinion, a part of this fight revolves around early education, specifically with regard to how sex ed is taught.
"But more importantly, I believe, is teaching young men of their specific roles in the patriarchy and how toxic masculinity is dangerous to both themselves and those around them," he said, calling for introspective activism. "We should also work to build a culture where men hold other men accountable for the perpetuation of rape culture we have become accustomed to. As men, a lot of us have to unlearn these damaging habits. As men, we have to play an active role if we want to see change."
Bored Panda also had a chat about toxic and healthy masculinity with psychotherapist Silva Neves. According to Silva, toxic masculinity isn’t about behaviors “but about a general attitude perpetuated by systemic misogyny.” Read on for his full insights.
More info: TikTok | Instagram | Medium
@turtleneckemo What was stopping you, if not the law? ##feminism ##women ##toxicmasculinity ##genderequality ##equality ##feminist ##equalrights ##patriarchy
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Ty!! The fact that “so many women have an assault story” should make us be more careful not make us annoyed, it should make ppl control themselves instead of making fun of them.
The video creator is optimistic and confident that social media can accelerate "substantive changes" in society if applied properly. "My videos have has an amazing reception in men reaching out to me for both helping them realize their role in the patriarchy and people who feel more comfortable being openly an ally to women’s struggles," Mohammed told Bored Panda.
And while he believes that we can all make "drastic changes in a single generation," he's also realistic about the fact that "full scale," substantive changes may require more time. "But I believe we live in a moment where revolutionary feminist politics can flourish," he said.
Mohammed also shared a bit more about himself and his aspirations. He has both a bachelor's and a master's degree in politics and will be continuing his studies. "I’m doing my PhD next year on sex workers and how neoliberalism has influenced the sex industry and the alienation of sex workers from their labor. From my degree, I’ve had chances to work with various political organizations—many of which were led by intelligent and inspiring women, many of which helped me into feminist discourse and even actively protesting for these causes."
Now there's an uncomfortable truth that society does not want to confront!
so true! its unfair how people say "woman should be able to wear what they want" when they all hate on muslim women wearing a hijab or her preferred clothes. its her choice she can do what she wants and its no one else business. Of course some woman are forced to do this but thats the same with most religions and we shouldn't be hating on those who did it out of there free will.
Meanwhile, psychotherapist Silva explained to Bored Panda that toxic masculinity is “a set of distorted ideas about what men should be like,” noting that lying at the core of these ideas are the notions that men shouldn’t feel vulnerability, should “always be winners,” and shouldn’t be ‘weak’ or ‘soft.’
“Men with toxic masculinity usually have negative views towards women's rights (including their rights to the freedom of their own sexuality) and they tend to be homophobic,” Silva said.
If body hair is natures way of telling u that ur maturing, most men shouldn’t have body hair
There's a difference between a compliment and groping someone because "they are looking so sexy. "
“A man with healthy masculinity is the opposite to these traits: someone who is self-reflective, embraces their emotions including sadness, anxiety and crying, a man who isn't afraid of their own femininity and believes that women are equal, and therefore are very clear about respecting boundaries and consent with women,” the psychotherapist explained the difference between followers of toxic and healthy masculinity.
According to the expert, healthy masculinity means that a person “embraces gender, sex, and relationship diversities including gay men and transgender people. Someone who is comfortable with their opinions to be challenged and able to have debates.”
The other half of that statement is, “and once they’re ‘reformed’ and have the thinnest veneer of being a better person, they dump the woman who invested her time and effort in them, and ‘trade up’ to someone who used to be out of their league”.
According to ‘Medical News Today,’ an overly large emphasis on toxic masculinity can result in aggression, suppressing emotions, the need to dominate and control others, and a lack of empathy. What’s more, it can result in a tendency to either engage in violence or glorify it, lead to chauvinism, and can even bring about acts of sexual aggression.
Meanwhile, the inability to live up to these standards and expectations that society places on men can have some very negative consequences as well. For example, somebody who isn’t ‘manly enough’ might become the victim of bullying at school (though that behavior can and does continue on into college and even work).
THIS.... Who says "Oh, your house was robbed, how stupid you are to have a house"? Nobody.
What’s more, some people who can’t reach these standards feel a lot of pressure in their lives and turn to substance abuse as a way of coping. Society’s reaction to a person not being ‘manly enough,’ can lead to stress, psychological trauma, depression, issues with one’s body image, and can even force men to take their own lives.
Furthermore, toxic masculinity as a whole can also prevent some men from going to a doctor or healthcare specialist if they’re feeling unwell. That’s because some consider it to be ‘unmanly’ to ask for help. Similarly, men who subscribe to extremely traditional beliefs are also less likely to see professional mental help and tend to repress these emotions.
So healthy masculinity, the kind that Mohammed propagates in his videos, helps society as a whole: it gives men a different perspective on women’s issues and it also provides them with a broader perspective on masculine values. Everyone comes out a winner and society improves (at least by a little bit).
"Boys will be boys" used to refer to kids getting muddy outside or some s**t. Now it refers to men raping women.
I am told that not wanting my picture taken is wrong. If my brother Saud he didn't want to be in the picture, my parents would be okay with it. When I say the same thing, they force me to smile and look pretty. Then they laugh because I can't smile right, and that's because I rarely have a real smile. Then they wonder why I hate me
also, i find it that its more often in place to keep teachers from being "distracted" (if you get what i mean) because in reality, how many guys get distracted by what a girl wears compared to a teacher getting on the students back every 5 seconds because their skirt is too short by half a centimeter
agree, wish all law officers and lawyers read this..at least some will understand
Literally. Nudist camp/beach exist and nobody is raping anyone there, so exposure isn't the cause of rape clearly.
A topic that you can't joke about is no topic to take seriously. You don't have to find it funny, but those who do will probably not laugh at your jokes either. Most people who can laugh at horrible jokes are better people than those who gets triggered by a joke. I'm talking from the perspective of comedians and stand up comedians, but I can agree that dark humor or political humor for example does not belong in a work place for instance
"Not all men..." Of course. But if you're not one of those men, you have a duty to educate the ones who ARE.
I think this man may have a clearer view of the situation than I do. I was raised in the 60s and some of this is my norm.
"'Daddy issues' is always an insult to the girl, when its actually the man who failed as a father."
Hey just so you know, this guy is a big fraud, literally every single video of his is copied word by word from feminist writers like Farida and many others. He has become famous by copying the content of published authors word by word.
Omg the teachers that do this make me sooooo uncomfortable like wtf bitch don’t touch me
I've been lucky that rape jokes about women are frowned on for the most part. I've spoken up about jokes about men being raped in prison. It has not gone well, with people accusing me of siding with criminals. I'm all for locking them up for public safety, but not in favour of torture. I'll have to keep calling people out, but it's discouraging.
@angrydoge. My apologies. Your view on feminism seems to be wildly askew. Perhaps you have been taught, or have been listening to people say that “men suck” is what feminism is about. I beg you not to listen to this. Feminism is another word for equality, Malala Yousafzai said. I am a feminist and I do not hate men. I think that men and women should be equal, just like you said. Maybe change that mindset and come back later. Thank you.
Please urgently update this article/post another article explaining that ALL of the content shared by Mohammed Farhan is stolen work of women around the globe, who post their own, original work, creative work, and lived experiences. Mohammed Farhan has stolen and plagiarised their work, to pass it off as his won for social media clout (like your article), to gain his following, and to groom other women. Even when the original authors and others got in touch with him to call him out, instead of issuing any apology or being accountable for his actions, he deleted posts, deleted comments and made his IG private. It's completely unacceptable so it is incumbent that you share this information. Further info on IG @farida.d.author @girlsagainstoppression @lalalaletmeexplain and others Please act.
Honestly thanks to this guy and everything, he did nothing wrong, in fact he brought attention to a very important problem. However, it shouldn’t take a guy explaining everything that we women go through, when we’ve been saying the same exact thing for centuries, to bring awareness to this cause. It’s incredibly sad.
You're right it totally shouldn't, bust since a lot of men won't believe something is serious unless a man says it is I'm glad men like him exist. I mean how long had women been complaining about Cosby before a male comedian decided he wasn't going to keep pretending the guy wasn't a rapist?
Load More Replies...Meta analysis: pretty shameful people won't listen to these statements from a woman, but when it's a man saying them you get a post on Bored Panda.
I was thinking that too. I'm very thankful a man has this attitude and perspective and seems like he really gets it. But I'm here thinking, "oh this is great, now men will listen because he's a man!" Unfortunately I don't feel that way when I, a woman, speak about it. It's like every time a man gains this perspective, it becomes more mainstream. Cause when it's just women, most men don't listen.
Load More Replies...Bit off-topic question, but why people keep censoring words like sex or rape? I’m seeing it everywhere lately, but I don’t get it. These aren’t swearwords so why is there the need to censor them? Am I missing something?
Hi, Vilma. Sites like Facebook and TikTok tend to censor certain words or phrases which they believe to be sensitive.
Load More Replies...Honestly thanks to this guy and everything, he did nothing wrong, in fact he brought attention to a very important problem. However, it shouldn’t take a guy explaining everything that we women go through, when we’ve been saying the same exact thing for centuries, to bring awareness to this cause. It’s incredibly sad.
You're right it totally shouldn't, bust since a lot of men won't believe something is serious unless a man says it is I'm glad men like him exist. I mean how long had women been complaining about Cosby before a male comedian decided he wasn't going to keep pretending the guy wasn't a rapist?
Load More Replies...Meta analysis: pretty shameful people won't listen to these statements from a woman, but when it's a man saying them you get a post on Bored Panda.
I was thinking that too. I'm very thankful a man has this attitude and perspective and seems like he really gets it. But I'm here thinking, "oh this is great, now men will listen because he's a man!" Unfortunately I don't feel that way when I, a woman, speak about it. It's like every time a man gains this perspective, it becomes more mainstream. Cause when it's just women, most men don't listen.
Load More Replies...Bit off-topic question, but why people keep censoring words like sex or rape? I’m seeing it everywhere lately, but I don’t get it. These aren’t swearwords so why is there the need to censor them? Am I missing something?
Hi, Vilma. Sites like Facebook and TikTok tend to censor certain words or phrases which they believe to be sensitive.
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