I’ve never imagined I’d go through the transition. I was 20 when I came out to my best friend and I just remember crying because I felt like it was too late, and the thought of being nonpassable in a small Texas town just wasn’t the route I wanted to take.

Every day kept getting harder, eventually, I took the leap at 25 and it was the best decision I’ve ever made! I never thought I could live my life… I continuously held myself back but I’ve learned anything is possible if you want it enough! I was able to adopt my 3 beautiful nieces and we’re on our way to living out the best life we can!


    This is the most recent picture of me

    I’ve never imagined I’d go through the transition

    Me at the age of 20.

    I was 20 when I came out to my best friend and I just remember crying because I felt like it was too late

    Every day kept getting harder, eventually, I took the leap at 25


    I never thought I could live my life…

    I continuously held myself back but I’ve learned anything is possible if you want it enough

    It was the best decision I’ve ever made!


    I was also able to adopt my 3 beautiful nieces

    Christmas a while ago.

    We’re on our way to living out the best life we can!