Somebody Asked Men Online “What Male Stereotypes Don’t Apply To You?”, 33 Delivered
We’ve all seen that picture of the really tall, very masculine, and big bearded biker with the tiny kitten in his hands online, right? It’s always nice to find out that your guy friends also like talking about their feelings, watching romantic comedies, or taking care of plants. There are still a lot of stereotypes pervasive in society, dictating what people should and should like or do, but people are slowly breaking them down, one stereotype at a time.
This AskMen thread on Reddit gives us a chance to see the things guys really like doing - without filters or reservations and without a care for stereotypes.
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I don't give a single f**k about sports.
I have NEVER understood the widespread appeal, not to mention the absolute vitriolic behavior of the most "enthusiastic" of fans.
I don't like to have sex with a woman unless I get to know her first and there's an emotional connection
Yes. Sex is great, but only as an expression of intimacy. To me it is a sharing of mind, body and spirit, and that is not something I will do lightly. If I wouldn't want to spend an hour with you in my arms, I wouldn't want to have sex with you.
I sleep with a stuffed animal. He’s a large broccoli and his name is Brock. We’re very happy together.
I'm such a little girl when anything at all happens in nature.
"oooh wow it snows. Look at these beautiful trees. Oh I'm so happy right now"
"oh wow those flowers are really pretty. I wanna pick them and take them home"
"oh look a butterfly"
"oooooooooh kitty. I wanna pet the kitty"
I tear up stupidly easy during emotional movie scenes.
I won't speak for other women, but I find it both endearing and sexy when a man isn't afraid to show he's human.
I like to sit and pee.
It's just conformable and more hygienic, also my bathroom smells like strawberries.
Not interested in sports overly
Don't have a compulsive need to drink or bet
Not bothered if a woman earns me than me, her place isn't in the kitchen, it's where ever she wants that makes her happy
Don't bang everything with a pulse
Don't feel a need to prove myself or out-do others
Sucker for cuddles
I love curling up with someone I care about, her head on my chest. Its my favorite thing in the world.
I love my marriage
I’m not the breadwinner. I do all of the housework. I stay home with the baby.
Edit: This got a lot more attention than I expected. My wife and I have been married for 5 years. 3 years ago I was miserable in a 9-6 office job and she just finished school with her Nurse Practitioner license. I got an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a tech startup for equity involved (although minimal pay up front). We decided that I would pursue this opportunity and when we had kids I would be staying home with them while she works since I’d be working from home. It’s been 3 years since then. I co-founded a second company in March and our first child was born in May. We have family help, and I’m able to make my own schedule. I try to make life as easy for my wife as I can because I know her job is very stressful and she only gets to see our daughter 2-3 hours max per day. To us it was a no-brainer. For me to go back to an office job just for my salary to go to childcare seems foolish. So yea I do the dishes, cook, clean, grocery shop, etc. because it’s the best thing for my family at this time. 10 years from now we could be living a very different life, and we’ll make the same decisions to better the lives of our children.
That's what a "real" man does-cares for his family, does what's best for them and supports his partner. Toxic masculinity is killing men.
Although I still live with my dad at the age of 26, I don't consider myself a failure and I'm not a slob. I have finished my university degree and have a full-time job in my field, it's just that renting is simply too expensive. I do every chore that an average 'independent' person does - I cook, clean the apartment, do the laundry, pay the bills etc. Basically dad is my roomie.
I like sewing. I’m working on my first quilt right now.
I learned sewing from my mom and carpentry from my dad, they where both professionals in those directions, I'm very happy with both skills.
Idgaf about cars
I used to be interested in cars...back when cars were interesting. They all look alike now.
I actually prefer to cook my own food rather than ordering takeout
Have great fashion sense and love grooming myself, am not gay
Yep same. I could shop all day, I buy lots of the latest fashion stuff etc etc
I f*****g love gardening. Every year I can't wait to fill my goddamn yard with sunflowers. If you don't like sunflowers I will fight you.
Also, BBQ'ing, I have no idea what the f**k a BBQ does or how it works and everything I cook turns to s**t. I don't f**k with the BBQ.
I can fix nothing . I am not into sports . I cook . I like kids . I am not a car guy. I work as a nurses aid. The last one put me in high demand at the hospital.
My dad kinda always thought it was funny that my sisters married men who were not "handy" in like traditional masculine gender role ways. One is an artist and the other is a chef so they're just handy in other ways if you ask me.
I cannot stand beer. I think it is the most repulsive substance you could possibly drink. It's literally just rotten barley water imo. I have tried so many beers, commercial, imports, dark, light, etc. its all disgusting. Gimme a good rum or bourbon. And if you really wanna make me happy, gimme something fruity like a Malibu sunrise or a Bahama mama. But mostly I just drink tea.
I also bake nearly everyday. I make cookies, cakes, brownies, muffins, etc. all from scratch. I even make my own bread. I literally bake a loaf of bread every 2-3 days. And I love to give my baked goods out to whoever will take them.
For christmas all my neighbors receive a plate of various cookies, cupcakes, brownies, fudge and fresh baked bread, all made from scratch. Box desserts are horrible and either don't or just barely save you any work, money or time.
This is literally me. Who wrote this cos I wanna know you? I utterly hate beer, and I love rum and I drink far too much tea. I also love cooking, baking etc ☺️
I'll admit when I'm wrong.
I'm very nurturing and am happy and was perfectly willing to take on primary care giver role of our child, even with full time employment. I also do housework. No issue with it.
I am also much more gentle and soft spoken than my wife, who is basically a (hot) bull in a China shop. Between the two, I am the peace maker.
I find folding laudry relaxing.
I always take the basket to the bedroom. Throw on a off roading video and just fold.
Its such a simple task.
No thinking about whats for dinner or how the kids did.in school.
Just simple laundry.
I love doing laundry and dishes. I find both very zen and i like the physical manifestation of accomplishment and order when I’m done.
I don’t care about my name living on or having a legacy. I came, I survived until I died and that’s all there was to it.
I also don’t find sex worth the effort people go through for it, I can’t understand paying for a prostitute.
Not liking flowers.
I absolutely love flowers and plants. Small, big, geen, red, pink, whaterver. I love them.
Liking to drink.
I hate alcohol and I've started to dislike soft drinks too. I mostly drink water.
Strange twist in this one. Needed another drink just to try and understand it!
I am definitely *not* horny 24/7.
My penis has a mind of its own and I do not like it. I'll get horny at random hours and there's literally nothing turning me on. In the middle of an exam, while studying, while cycling. And the worst part is that when I get horny, I start dozing off.
I played with my sister’s dolls as a kid and I will hug anyone in sight (pre/hopefully soon post covid). Stealing from someone else I also sit and pee. I remember my 3rd grade teacher getting on to me for that (she was not a good teacher)
I love listening to mainstream pop music like Taylor Swift, Doja cat, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande etc
I find a lot of 'banter' just irritating, and gets in the way of what could be a good time. (source: Northern English so results may vary)
I keep my apartment clean. Also, I like The Sims.
I've never had my own place before. Moved out when I got married and we started out living with other people. My ex wife didn't really help with keeping our space tidy. I did the best I could to keep it presentable. Now that I have my own room again, I keep that tidy and clean up after myself in common spaces. But when I do get my own place, best believe it will be tidy
Just wanted to pipe in.
While I don't know about "exceptionally clean". My place was definitely pretty clean, it was also better organized then anytime I've lived with a partner.
I think the stereotype comes from young guys who are living in dorm rooms or going out partying all the time.
All these posts about cleaning. Let me tell you this, all my most slovenly roommates have been women. I never knew how manky a bathroom could be until I lived with them.
You have to spend a lot of money to prove you are a real man, such as...big a*s trucks and camo
It’s very sad we keep making these stupid “that’s a man thing”, “that’s a girl thing” stereotypes. My first boyfriend did crochet. My friends were so jealous because he used to make me lovely little crochet badges to put on my school bag. My husband grew up in an all male household. Consequences of which are: he’s amazing at doing most things he apparently shouldn’t do (apart from cooking, sorry but he really can’t cook, he thinks that the crusty bits on the top of the ketchup bottle are one of his 5-a -day) Other side of things is I can’t sew. If you want blood and swearing fine! If you actually want wearable clothing, ask hubby. Stereotypes only reflect on the people who keep using them.
I wear a skirt when the weather is hot, the ventilation is superb. I also bake almost all the bread we eat, and cook about 95% of the meals, because I like to.
It’s very sad we keep making these stupid “that’s a man thing”, “that’s a girl thing” stereotypes. My first boyfriend did crochet. My friends were so jealous because he used to make me lovely little crochet badges to put on my school bag. My husband grew up in an all male household. Consequences of which are: he’s amazing at doing most things he apparently shouldn’t do (apart from cooking, sorry but he really can’t cook, he thinks that the crusty bits on the top of the ketchup bottle are one of his 5-a -day) Other side of things is I can’t sew. If you want blood and swearing fine! If you actually want wearable clothing, ask hubby. Stereotypes only reflect on the people who keep using them.
I wear a skirt when the weather is hot, the ventilation is superb. I also bake almost all the bread we eat, and cook about 95% of the meals, because I like to.