How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Would 365 love quotes for each day of the year would be enough?

Gentlemen pandas, take note: this is how you create the perfect meaningful present for your significant other. A reddit user wrote 365 different love notes for his girlfriend of 8 years and put them in a big mason jar so that she has one to open and read for every day of the year. He said that she cried tears of joy when she received his gift and if that isn’t relationship goals, we don’t know what is.

The most adorable thing is that the notes are color-coded – yellow for memories, pink for the reasons he loves her, and green for short love quotes and song lyrics.

Now, if you’d also wish to be the best boyfriend for your little missus, scroll down to check the charming gift for yourself! It sure sets the goals for every cute couple quite high.

More info: TheOnlyOne87 (h/t: elitedaily)