No human being is the epitome of perfection. Since society is made of human beings, it too is imperfect, and we seek to remedy as much as is possible of our imperfect world. Through our art at Happy Impulse, we seek to critique society in a way that inspires others to get out and get things done, rather than to sit back and go with the flow.
In other words, Happy Impulse is an only anarchy approach on today’s issues. In our view, greedy capitalism belongs in the dustbin of history, global warming sucks, and weed is lit. We think that mental health ought to be given the importance that it deserves and that LGBTQ+ rights are human rights. While others promote disinformation, we counter this with art that encourages people to rebel against all that is wrong in this world.
No matter one’s race, sexual orientation, or gender, we believe that everyone can make a difference. The more we talk about these things, the more we draw about these issues, the more change we’re able to bring to the world around us. Simply put, in rebels we trust!
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Peace Grenade
I am at a loss for words, my heart breaks for Ukraine. STOP THE WAR, STOP THE VIOLENCE AND STAND FOR PEACE.
IMHO, the worst part is that it is totally unnecessary. It wasn't escallating tensions and legitmate grievances that led to this, just one old man's desire to return to the "glory days" of the Soviet Union.
My name is Roberta Hall and I create work under the alias of "Happy Impulse". I'm a rebellious illustrator, with some kind of anarchy and happiness sold separately.
I started illustrating because I was tired of being quiet in a world full of problems. And naively enough, believed (and still do) that art can change and shape the world, or at the very least start a conversation.
Eat The Poor - Fly To Space
The richest 1% of Americans are responsible for 70% of all unpaid taxes. The wealthy and corporations are gaming the system, pointing the finger at the very people they’re stealing from.
The wealthy criminalize the homeless, so they don’t have to house them. They criminalize drug addicts, so they don't have to face substance abuse as a public health problem. They criminalize the poor, so they don't have to address wealth inequality.
The existence of billionaires is predicated on the exploitation of human labor and unsustainable environmental harm. Reducing the amount of money in circulation, destroying economies.
And they will continue to do so until we have a wealth ceiling. A different world is possible.
My alias holds a simple truth about my story: that even through all of life's pain and nonsense. I try to make the conscious choice to be irrationally happy in spite of it. I will unapologetically find joy in the chaos.
Even when I'm angry at the blank canvas staring back at me, it also gives me a thrill. Because it means I care about what I am doing and making.
I am in love with the process because the process reminds me that no matter what I am feeling that I am in love with what I do, even on the bad days, or even when I'm not motivated to create. Likewise, for all the things I am not in love with I won't continuously be trying to improve and develop my skill.
Say Gay Everyday
Children should be taught that who they are and who they love is valid. They shouldn’t have to hide the love inside them. All children deserve love and respect. All children deserve to be who they are.
For some children, the Don’t Say Gay bill is a punishment. For others, it's a death sentence. The world is going backwards and I do not consent.
The Don't Say Gay bill is evil and unjust. Children have a right to learn about gender and sexuality.
Not Your Ashtray
Corporations are not people.
Or rather, we are not corporations. Not us, anyway, who can’t afford space tourism amid a global pandemic. We can’t be corporations. We don’t spill millions worth of oil into the ocean. We don’t emit hundreds of tons of greenhouse gasses. And we sure as hell don’t have massive marketing budgets to tell the world “this is all your fault.”
Corporations have treated the planet like an actual ashtray and turned it all on us. Their greenwashing campaigns and sustainable missions may free them of guilt (and give them huge tax incentives). But that all falls on us as we stress to recycle their toxic products and host river cleanups to minimize our tiny footprints.
So what can we do? Well, it’s still on us. But it’s on us to hold corporations accountable. To vote. To make our voices heard. To support our communities. To redistribute wealth. To help our neighbors. To live simply. We can make change. But when it comes down to it, we shouldn't have to.
It's hard because people are not willing to spend even a little more. Maybe Americans are more stubborn in this area than many Europeans, but we are going to have to foot the bill eventually for holding corporations accountable, and I am worried that we don't have the will to do it.
I have received both negative and positive reactions. I fully recognize that my art isn't for everyone and I love that. My art is supposed to make the viewer uncomfortable, question the status quo, and ask for better. I don't want people to avoid things that might make them think or feel. The world is full of pain, and the more we talk about the things happening in our society the more we can change and improve the world around us. Because change doesn't happen unless we normalize having the hard conversations, even when if feel hopeless. There are parts of history that have been swept under the rug and we have the opportunity to undo the cover-up, by refusing to be silent.
Your Sanity Is Not A Product
You are not a product. And neither is your sanity. No matter what the world tells you, you are not for sale.
Capitalism has played a dirty trick. Conditioning us to believe that our value is what we make and not who we are. Your productivity is not your worth. Don't be fooled by hustle culture. Being overworked 24/7 is not a good look and it's not something that should be bragged about.
Rest when needed and feel no guilt about it. Create a work-life balance that works for you. Work will always be there, but your health won't be.
It's Fine
I've always been making or creating, but I found my home with illustrating.
Besides illustrating, I'm the host of a podcast called "Happy Impulse Unfiltered". And recently I have been fantasizing about learning how to screenprint my illustrations in-house on apparel, and to have some of my illustrations sculpted as toys for a solo art show. Keep up with me on Instagram to see how far I get into my creative endeavors.
Pay Gap
In 2021 the average woman still made only 82 cents to the average man's dollar. Taking away 18% is offensive, and it's more for women of color.
Stop insulting women and pass legislation to close the gender wage gap.
Photoshop Cream
PSA - Remember with your heart that we live in a world with unreachable beauty standards.
You are a bit of an anarchist when you chose to be yourself, but man it is wonderful.
Are You Angry Enough Yet?
Rainbow Washing
Social Media Addiction
Daily addiction.
Question Nothing
Pride Vision
We have made great strides in the LBGTQ+ community, but we still have a long way to go.
I dream of a world where one day a boy can say he likes a boy, the same way a boy can say he likes a girl.
I hope to help create that future full of acceptance and a lot more love. Because honestly, it takes all of us to move in that direction, not just a few.
Make Rent Or Die Trying
Trust science? Absolutely. Corporate America? Not so much. The CDC recently cut recommended quarantine time down to just 5 days for breakout covid cases—right after major corporations said “pretty please?” Now, the working class is in an inevitable catch 22: protect yourself from covid, or protect your paycheck. Can’t say we’re surprised.
I want this as a t shirt. Happy if you got a store going up please include this.
Drug Moneys
Your Skin Tone Is The Privilege
I didn't get to choose my skin color, and i don't think anyone else did either. Can we, as a society, start treating people like PEOPLE, instead of skin color?
Drink Dia-Betes
It is okay to occasionally treat yourself, just don’t overdo it. Its the case for everything.
The Murican Dream
Earth Sucker
"Life is short, though I keep this from my children.Life is short, and I’ve shortened mine in a thousand delicious, ill-advised ways, a thousand deliciously ill-advised ways I’ll keep from my children. The world is at least fifty percent terrible, and that’s a conservative estimate, though I keep this from my children. For every bird there is a stone thrown at a bird. For every loved child, a child broken, bagged, sunk in a lake. Life is short and the world is at least half terrible, and for every kind stranger, there is one who would break you, though I keep this from my children. I am trying to sell them the world. Any decent realtor, walking you through a real shithole, chirps on about good bones: This place could be beautiful, right? You could make this place beautiful."
"Good Bones" by Maggie Smith.
I disagree with the "half terrible" statement. There is more good than evil, the evil is just louder.
Lipstick Bullet
Every day is a battle. No matter what you are going through. You have a choice. Wait and do nothing. Or fight and save yourself.
I haven't worn makeup in well over a decade. And nobody gives a rat's a**e!
Secret Pride
1) Shouldn't the bullets point the other way? At least two of them. 2) "Förgifta" is Swedish for "to poison"