Look Closer: Step Inside The Secret World Of Wildlife – With Vadim Trunov
Vadim Trunov is a Russian macro photographer, specialising in close-up shots of insects, creatures and other wildlife.
Reminiscent of a Disney movie, Trunov captures elusive, intimate moments of familiar garden creatures. Is that ant deep in thought? Are these snails love rivals? Wow, what a passionate mollusc kiss. This is a real-life soap opera in the decomposing Autumn leaves.
Trunov’s entertaining, imaginative arrangements animate the creatures. We’re up close and personal with frogs, squirrels and other critters, in a way we would never have thought possible. The camera’s magic lens conjures the world anew.
Below, we’ll take a look at some of his more memorable work, all of it shot near his home region of Voronezh, located 300 miles outside of Moscow. Trunov’s composition, focus and lighting are otherworldly, but many high street digital cameras have macro settings. So have a go, and blow your mind snooping on a snail.
More info: 500px.com
A snail has his Jesus moment – walking on water (or should that be sliding?)
Kissed by a bubble…
“You talkin’ to me?” – a bug channels its inner Robert De Niro
What is the meaning of life? Well, this Ant is most definitely searching for the answer!
Hands off, she’s mine! An awkward love triangle emerges…
A squirrel admires his handywork…
There’s a whole world out there. A snail finds it’s place in the universe
Dancing in the moonlight
Snail courtship at sunset – who’d have thought?
Have I been spotted?
“You shall not pass!” – A grasshopper stops a snail in its tracks
Hakuna matata
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