40 Graphic Designers Who Should Have Thought Twice Before Putting These Logos Out For The World To See
Hey there, logo enthusiasts! We sincerely hope you've had your daily dose of coffee because we're about to take a wild ride through the weird and wacky world of logo design fails (I mean, who doesn’t like funny things?). So Pandas, strap in, because we're about to showcase some examples where designers took 'thinking outside the box' a little too literally.
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Vermont Maple Syrup Logo
I thought it was Canadians who had maple in their blood. And their urine...
South Dakota’s Logo For A New Anti-Meth Campaign
Ordered Jordan's Online. Got Fake Ones, Jordan Logo Has An A*s Crack. Wtf Lol
But how do these unfortunate logos come to be, you may wonder? And more puzzling, how do they get past marketing teams and into the public eye? Well, usually one of the main reasons these logo fails occur is due to lack of research and planning. A well-designed logo requires a deep understanding of the brand, its values, target audience, industry trends, and things alike.
iSmart's Logo Really Thew Me For A Second
oh damn, it's upside down! i was like "how the hell is this ismart?" (at least is +jews and not -jews)
Not The Greatest Logo
An Unfortunate Logo For A Fitness Center
It's not just about creating something visually pleasing (well, in the case of this post, perhaps this shouldn't be applied); it's about creating something that accurately represents the business and resonates with its consumers. When these factors aren't considered, you end up with logos that seem simply absurd or just highly inappropriate in context...
Unfortunate Placement Of The Facebook Logo
Logo Of My Local Doctor's Office
Don't Overthink This, It's Just A Handball Club Logo
Of course, another case for failure may be due to the design being reviewed in isolation without considering how it might be perceived in the real world, or it might be that those reviewing the logo are too close to the project to see potential problems. Like when you are working on something for such a long time that your perception of it becomes frazzled (especially if you don't get feedback on it).
The Logo For The 1973 Archdiocese Youth Commission
This Store Is Called Jupiter, Their Logo Is The Moon
"Yes, A Hanged Family Would Make A Great Logo For Our Company"
So Pandas, with all of that out of the way, tell us, which of the failed design logo was your favorite and why? We will be looking forward to your answers both under the photos and the post itself.
And remember, even if something doesn't turn out perfect on the first try, it's always possible to learn from the mistakes of others and make necessary adjustments. As these examples show, even the best of us can fail at times when working on something for far too long...
This Logo Of A Turkish Water Brand. It Obviously Sucks
This Logo Design!!
Logo For A Children’s Hospital. Right Side Up Is A Man Juggling/Playing With Kids. Upside Down Is An Angry Man Stomping On Kids
Your Logo Designer Is Still Laughing
I Just Feel Like Someone Should’ve Noticed How Bad The Logo Is
This Dentist's Choice Of Logo Near My House
You guys notice how most of these are in the boring corprate art style?
This Logo Of Czech Sausage Company
This Church Near My House Should Probably Rethink Their Logo
The Unfortunate Logo Of A Florists Near Me. I've Been Calling It Std's For Years. It's Sid's
I have a florist near me that has zebra finches in the shop. sometimes i stop by just to look at the little cuties.
This Is The Logo From A Local Dispensary
The Logo For My Son’s IT Class At School
Probably The Worst Logo I've Ever Seen. It's For A Plastic Surgeon
"Cass Toys" Didn't Think Their Logo Design Through Too Well
This Horrific Logo
To reach the optimum level of wellness, you must gain the ability to mutate into.......
This New Sushi Restaurant Logo Has A Racist Cra*py Design
This Kids Society Logo... The Bullet Holes Are An Interesting Touch
Logo Is Having A Bad Case Of Diarrhea
This Bank Logo In My Hometown
Never ever separate the C and A in the word canal. It happens way too often.
Ontario’s Logo (Trillium Flower) Looks Like 3 Dudes In A Hot Tub
Someone Paid Money For This To Be Their Sign And Logo/Mascot. I’m Convinced This Is Drug Lord’s Money Laundering Business
This Pet Supplies Company's Logo Is Meant To Depict A Cat And A Dog, But What I See Is A Dead Bird
Business Center Logo Looks Like A Guy Taking A Dump
They Really Need A New Logo
Then Why Use The Recyclable Logo?
Russian Bread Company Logo. Literally Cra**y Design
Looks like the Edinburgh golden turd! https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/business/consumer/you-cant-polish-a-turd-but-you-can-clad-it-in-bronze-coloured-steel-3301450
My School's Logo Looks Like A Crying Face
Why did they have to draw the bodies like this?? There are literally so many other, more reasonable ways. Did they just want to be original or sthng?
Quite A Bizarre Logo
The heck is this? The red F kind of looks terrified, blue F looks creepy like he knows what he’s doing and the C is just staring out into the distance because he doesn’t have a mouth so he can’t use the pacifier
This Logo Of A Bird Also Looks Like A Character Wearing A Hat Puking
In the USA graphic designers are notoriously under paid & under appriciated. I wonder how many of these the designer knew exactly what they were doing for a company that had pissed them off
A lot of these i see are just businesses looking to do a logo on the cheap or they think graphic design is super easy.
In the USA graphic designers are notoriously under paid & under appriciated. I wonder how many of these the designer knew exactly what they were doing for a company that had pissed them off
A lot of these i see are just businesses looking to do a logo on the cheap or they think graphic design is super easy.