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After 6 Months Of Living In Friend’s House, This Man Gets Locked Out The House By The Wife Because He Took Her Car Without Permission

After 6 Months Of Living In Friend’s House, This Man Gets Locked Out The House By The Wife Because He Took Her Car Without Permission

Husband’s Friend Takes Wife’s Car Without Permission And It's The Last Straw For Her After He’s Been Disrespecting Her For 6 Months, She Locks Him Out Of The HouseWife Feels Disrespected By Husband’s Friend Who Has Been Living With Them For 6 Months, Locks Him Out Of The HouseAfter 6 Months Of Living In Friend’s House, This Man Gets Locked Out The House By The Wife Because He Took Her Car Without PermissionWoman Realizes Her Husband’s Friend Took Her Car, So She Locks Him Out Of The House He’s Been Living In For 6 MonthsHusband’s Friend Disrespects This Woman So After 6 Months, She Has Had It And Locks Him Out Of The HouseAfter 6 Months Of Living In Friend’s House, This Man Gets Locked Out The House By The Wife Because He Took Her Car Without PermissionAfter 6 Months Of Living In Friend’s House, This Man Gets Locked Out The House By The Wife Because He Took Her Car Without PermissionAfter 6 Months Of Living In Friend’s House, This Man Gets Locked Out The House By The Wife Because He Took Her Car Without PermissionAfter 6 Months Of Living In Friend’s House, This Man Gets Locked Out The House By The Wife Because He Took Her Car Without Permission

Allowing someone to live in your house when they lost theirs is a very generous gesture even if they are good friends or relatives. Because of that, you don’t expect them to abuse your generosity and hope that a place to live will motivate them to get back on their feet and put themselves together.

This is not what happened to Reddit user FantasticGymnastic69, who let her husband’s friend into their house with six children and was so fed up she actually had to lock the man out. Now she fears her husband’s reaction and thinks that she could have expressed her frustration with another conversation instead.

More info: Reddit


    Woman started to think that she’s going insane and was done with her husband’s friend, so she locked him out of the house

    Image credits: ryan remillard (not the actual photo)

    The woman lived with her husband, their 2 kids, her 2 nieces and her nephew

    Image credits: FantasticGymnastic69

    The Original Poster (OP) is a funeral director in Washington state and also a mom of 6 children, 3 of which are actually her nieces and nephew. 6 months ago, her husband suggested that they should take his friend into their home because he wanted to provide him with a roof over his head.


    Not too long ago, he found a job at FedEx but didn’t last long because he didn’t like the dynamic with his boss, which is fair enough, but the problem is that even when he doesn’t have a job, the friend doesn’t contribute to the household.

    In the comments, the OP added that she isn’t that irritated by the friend not contributing financially, but she feels disrespected. He doesn’t help with any chores or with the children, but helps himself out with some weed that he smokes inside the house when he was told not to.

    6 months ago the husband’s friend moved in with them and became a burden as he was unemployed and didn’t help around the house

    Image credits: FantasticGymnastic69

    Clearly, the OP is not happy about this friend living in the house because it is an additional mouth to feed and additional mess to clean. But what really made her fume was when that friend took her car to go to smoke with a coworker without asking first on the morning she needed it to take her 3 kids to the dentist.


    She complained to her husband about what a nuisance the friend is and that he should find another place, but was met with an annoyed sigh and the useless suggestion to calm down. The woman wasn’t even planning to do that and actually locked the door.

    Recently he decided to take the OP’s car without her permission and it threw her over the edge because she needed it to take her kids to the dentist

    Image credits: FantasticGymnastic69

    She waited for her husband to come back home and only wanted the friend to be locked out. The husband knew that his friend couldn’t come get and didn’t try to do it himself either, but expressed his frustration on Instagram posting a picture of his front door with the caption “Have you ever been locked out of your own home?”

    The woman is concerned about her and her children because her husband is a marine and has a history of getting angry and lashing out, even in front of the kids. She was thinking about leaving her husband before, but she couldn’t do it, but now that she started it, she wants to go through it, especially because she started a second job.


    The woman locked the door and wasn’t planning to let him in until her husband came back home


    Image credits: FantasticGymnastic69

    She already reached out for help and received a Military Protective Order (MPO), which is “a written lawful order issued by a commander that orders a Soldier to avoid contact with those persons identified in the order. MPOs may be used to facilitate a ‘cooling-off’ period following domestic violence and sexual assault incidents, to include incidents involving children,” according to Cornell Law School.

    It was an important step because it seems that the OP really fears her husband, as she didn’t want to call the police on her husband’s friend only because she feared the marine’s reaction and being told that she was overreacting.

    The husband actually didn’t come home and interpreted the locked door as being kicked out, which alarmed the OP


    Image credits: FantasticGymnastic69

    Now the OP realizes that she has been gaslit all this time and actually emotionally abused because the husband and his friend would twist her words and make out her to be insane, which then confuses her brain and triggers her anxiety and depression.

    According to Women’s Law, domestic abuse in the military “Includes all forms of relationship violence against a current or former spouse or intimate partner, including physical harm and non-physical harm, like harassment and emotional abuse.”

    The OP was constantly told by her husband that she was overreacting and that his friend is not that bad

    Image credits: FantasticGymnastic69

    While the definition may be similar to civil domestic abuse, the responses to it are different because when a service member commits abuse, they answer for their actions to their commanding officer.


    As Women’s Law explains, “The commanding officer can use judicial, administrative, or other punishments to respond to the reported incident. The commander consults with the Staff Judge Advocate, which is a military lawyer, to make sure the commander is following the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).”

    And because the husband had anger management issues, the OP was afraid of what he could do, so she asked for a Military Protective Order

    Image credits: FantasticGymnastic69

    Image credits: Philippe MURRAY-PIETSCH (not the actual photo)

    It seems that the woman helping the OP with the MPO was understanding and is hopeful that the investigation will end with a conclusion in her favor so that will manage to escape the abusive relationship.


    People in the comments immediately pointed out that the OP’s situation was above Reddit’s competence to give advice and provide help and the woman should search for real help. They were worried for her safety and concluded that here the problem was not the friend, but the husband.

    People caught on to how abusive the husband was right away and suggested to get out of that marriage as soon as possible

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    Jurgita Dominauskaitė

    Jurgita Dominauskaitė

    Writer, BoredPanda staff

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    Having started as a content creator that made articles for Bored Panda from scratch I climbed my way up to being and editor and then had team lead responsibilities added as well. So it was a pretty natural transition from writing articles and titles as well as preparing the visual part for the articles to making sure others are doing those same tasks as I did before well, answering their questions and guiding them when needed. Eventually I realized editing gives me the most enjoyment and I'm focusing only on that right now.

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    Jurgita Dominauskaitė

    Jurgita Dominauskaitė

    Writer, BoredPanda staff

    Having started as a content creator that made articles for Bored Panda from scratch I climbed my way up to being and editor and then had team lead responsibilities added as well. So it was a pretty natural transition from writing articles and titles as well as preparing the visual part for the articles to making sure others are doing those same tasks as I did before well, answering their questions and guiding them when needed. Eventually I realized editing gives me the most enjoyment and I'm focusing only on that right now.

    Saulė Tolstych

    Saulė Tolstych

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    Saulė is a photo editor at Bored Panda with bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Computer Design. The thing that relaxes her the best is going into YouTube rabbit hole. In her free time she loves painting, embroidering and taking walks in nature.

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    Saulė Tolstych

    Saulė Tolstych

    Author, Community member

    Saulė is a photo editor at Bored Panda with bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Computer Design. The thing that relaxes her the best is going into YouTube rabbit hole. In her free time she loves painting, embroidering and taking walks in nature.

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    Uncommon Boston
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My boyfriend had his business partner, Brian, move in with us temporarily. Brian manipulated our relationship with horrible lies and stole stuff. My boyfriend didn't believe me. Without a car I felt trapped. Eventually I collapsed emotionally and turned to self-harm as a coping mechanism. Brain convinced my boyfriend to call the police. In the ambulance they told me they saw a dangerous domestic situation and were there to rescue me. They took me to the ER for my safety. The next day I worked with doctors and social workers. My depression was not the problem, it was a reaction to the situation. I would only be released if Brian was gone, preferably with help from the police. My boyfriend blamed me until he learned Brian was a drug user, complusive liar and banned from working for multiple companies. He begged for forgiveness. Brian ended up in jail for multiple charges. We agree, the police response was appropriate. They understood the situation, we didn't. Brian was a predator.

    Emie N.
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The fact that your boyfriend took his word over yours is terrible. I hope you're not back with him.

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    Community Member
    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Jesus Christ, and I thought I'm going crazy when my ex and I had 2 people (friend of ex and friends' gf) live in our 2-room-1-bathroom flat till they found a flat on their own and they weren't helping the slightest with household, cooking, or even buying food. But this was without children. Can't imagine how OP dealt with this situation for so long. I ended up telling our "guests" (after more than 2 months of cleaning after them, cooking for them) to get out within 2 days, they won't get access to the flat afterwards.

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    Uncommon Boston
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My boyfriend had his business partner, Brian, move in with us temporarily. Brian manipulated our relationship with horrible lies and stole stuff. My boyfriend didn't believe me. Without a car I felt trapped. Eventually I collapsed emotionally and turned to self-harm as a coping mechanism. Brain convinced my boyfriend to call the police. In the ambulance they told me they saw a dangerous domestic situation and were there to rescue me. They took me to the ER for my safety. The next day I worked with doctors and social workers. My depression was not the problem, it was a reaction to the situation. I would only be released if Brian was gone, preferably with help from the police. My boyfriend blamed me until he learned Brian was a drug user, complusive liar and banned from working for multiple companies. He begged for forgiveness. Brian ended up in jail for multiple charges. We agree, the police response was appropriate. They understood the situation, we didn't. Brian was a predator.

    Emie N.
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The fact that your boyfriend took his word over yours is terrible. I hope you're not back with him.

    Load More Replies...
    Community Member
    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Jesus Christ, and I thought I'm going crazy when my ex and I had 2 people (friend of ex and friends' gf) live in our 2-room-1-bathroom flat till they found a flat on their own and they weren't helping the slightest with household, cooking, or even buying food. But this was without children. Can't imagine how OP dealt with this situation for so long. I ended up telling our "guests" (after more than 2 months of cleaning after them, cooking for them) to get out within 2 days, they won't get access to the flat afterwards.

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