4-Year-Old Flower Girl’s Surprise Kiss Steals Spotlight At Mom’s Wedding
Weddings are supposed to be the bride and groom’s day to shine, but clearly nobody ever explained that to 4-year-old Anderson! At her mother’s wedding, Anderson expertly photo-bombed Michelle Hall and Anthony Palmer’s newlywed photo by planting a big smooch on the ringbearer right when photographer Leah Bullard took the shot!
“I set up the entire wedding party for a formal shot as I do with every wedding, and then asked the bride and groom to kiss,” Bullard told Huffington Post. “Since Anderson had been calling herself the bride the whole day, she assumed I was referring to her and went in for a kiss too.”
More info: leahbullard.com (h/t: huffpost, wbir)
“[I] asked the bride and groom to kiss. Since Anderson had been calling herself the bride the whole day, she assumed I was referring to her and went in for a kiss”
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