Millennials Highlight 32 Once-Tolerable Things That They Now Find Unbearable
Interview With AuthorIt's no big secret that our tastes change with age! We get exposed to new experiences, go through good old personal development, and, well, mature.
Today, Bored Panda put together a list of random things that folks born between 1980 and 2000 discovered they liked less as they grew older. So, grab a little drink, shift your chair nearer, and enjoy the read!
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Lucky for us, we also managed to get through to the author of the post and pose her a couple of questions!
First things first, we asked u/Sweetlo123 to introduce herself to our readers: "My name is Lauren and I am a 39-year-old woman living in Oregon. I work in the care profession now, as I closed my homemade ice cream business just before Covid."
We then pondered what inspired Lauren to make the post, to which she replied: "I made the post because I realized the older I get, the less patience I have for other people's ignorance. I find dealing with the populace in 2023 is exhausting and I was curious if other people my age could relate."
It'd be criminal not to ask the woman to answer her own question, so we did just that: "Yes, my answer is other people. I was so open and forgiving ten years ago, but got burned more times than I could count. I'm far more reserved now and only let you in once I’ve built trust with you."
Last but certainly not least, Lauren added: "Off topic, but homemade ice cream is far superior than store-bought and is not difficult to make. If folks have an ice cream maker, they should totally follow me, as I share detailed recipes of some of my most prized and popular flavors."
So, for all the frozen treat lovers, head to Instagram and Facebook, and don't hesitate to follow the wickedly talented Sweet Lo!
Staying out late. I’m good with the occasional night out, but more often than not these days I’m happy to be in my pajamas and on the couch by 7:30.
I need to be ready for sleep by 10pm so that means home by 8pm so I need to think about leaving around 5pm.
climbing the corporate ladder.
I’m tired man. Just give me my paycheck and let me live my life. Crazy high aspirations are GONE. Im only 29. Lmao already burnt out
Now, Pandas, we sincerely hope that you enjoyed reading this list! If any of the answers have resonated with you, or if the thing you grew to like less with age wasn't mentioned altogether, let us know in the comment section below.
Caring about what most people think of me. I’m a geeky oddball and at this point I really don’t care if people have a problem with that or the way I dress. I spent so much time trying to conform and it’s exhausting.
Social media sites like Instagram and Facebook. I used to check them and post often, now I rarely get on my profiles.
The news. I’m getting older and I have a daughter now, I just can’t handle all the doom and gloom. It hurts my heart.
I don't follow or search out the news anymore. If there's no cute animal or funny story involved I'm out
Society and it’s lack of compassion and empathy for others…and the fact that everything has to be made into a joke of some fashion, as if things can’t be taken seriously. Yeah, I don’t like that.
Now I know why the stereotype about old people telling kids to stay off their lawn exists.
Clothes that look good but are kinda uncomfortable
Sweats and a hoodie. If you don't like that, go away. I will watch LOTR by myself thanks.
glorifying "the grind."
I'll leave the grind for someone else, the only grind I do is bay leaves because the flavor is awesome.
Facebook, it’s gotten old. Even the memes aren’t really funny anymore. It’s the same boring, repeated self centered jokes about mental health issues, dumb reels, people vying for attention, it’s just annoying at this point lol
I used to love mental health memes but they’ve just gotten stale I guess? It’s almost like so many people just make mental illness their personality and try too hard to be edgy, and it gets old
Work. I’m getting older and more crotchety and it’s getting harder and harder to put on my work face and pretend to get excited about quarterly earnings and whatnot.
I go in just because I have to to earn income. I had the switch flip years ago. I don't put up with anything unreasonable, unfair, etc. Not afraid to put leadership/management in their place, or report them, especially if they're disrespectful, or condescending. A lot of sexism and racism where I work and I'm actually the minority. I don't job hop and know how to navigate bs in the workplace.
Haha as a guy who used to be really into cars, I really hate loud cars now...
My body and my choices in life
Sometimes your body does what it wants to do and nothing you try to lose weight stops your body from screaming in pain or hunger to the point you find yourself uncontrollably eating the whole package or box or all day due to hunger or unable to move because if you don't eat anough you get tired sooooo easy and can't get off the couch to pee much less exercise to lose weight. So tired, so hungry.
Bending down to pick stuff up.
and you stand there looking at it for a bit before you pick it up
Driving for sure.
Honestly driving stinks. I'd way rather be the passenger or just stay home.
Doing stuff just to feel included. Used to go to events and stuff just because I didn’t want to be left out and be on my own. Now I’m totally ok with saying no, I don’t want to go that doesn’t sound fun.
Also, people who blame all their c**p opinions and feelings on “it’s just a joke”. And this is coming from someone who loves dark humor.
The second one is "Schrödinger's douchebag," I believe they call it now.
Just got a new phone and I really didn't like the change. It's weird, but I guess I'm old and get annoyed with some things changing needlessly (in my opinion).
A couple years back, Google changed all their app icons significantly and I was crabby about that for a while, too.
Waiting in long lines. I used to be one of those foodies who would wait in line for hours to try pop ups and try stuff like ice cream with gold foil lmao. Now I’m over trying new wacky food trends unless it actually sounds good. But still not willing to wait in a long line for it.
I used to be able to wait in long lines. I can't think of that many things (anything?) I would willingly wait in a long line for now.
Artificially flavored and colored foods and drinks. I’ve been bartending for my entire adult life, and I used to make a lot of fresh fruit syrups and tinctures. But after a while it got frustrating because all my customers seemed to *prefer* the fake pucker flavors over my fresh ones. Never made any sense to me. It’s gotten really weird to see people in my bar taste-testing different hard seltzers we get in. I always joke when people ask for recommendations on them that “this one’s artificially flavored strawberry, and this one’s artificially flavored watermelon, and this one’s artificially flavored cucumber”. But nobody else ever seems to care that it’s all fake c**p.
I feel 'ya: Brother in law once complained that there were flakes of some orange thing in a carrot cake my spouse made. He did not accept there were actual carrots in carrot cake and when pressed as to why he thought it was named that his reply was, "I thought it was called that because they used carrot flavoring".
Music with lyrics
I've grown intensely fond of orchestral music, and the bands I was so fond of as a teenager have just become trite and boring now
Drinking and eating fast food
Participating in online discourse. Especially political debate. Complete useless and maddening. Was good for honing my ideals and testing my convictions for a while but I think I'm good now.
Otherwise I still pretty much love everything I used to love, partying, socializing, concerts/music, videogames, sex... just don't have nearly enough energy for it all with a one year old at home.
Live music. I used to love metal and punk shows. I don’t drink anymore and it’s not the same experience. Also the last show I went to I got a horrible case of Covid. I still love metal but through my headphones.
Also, drinking. It just doesn’t feel the same at 40.
Nope, I don't wanna feel this way, ever. My husband has a hardcore punk band at 58 and we're still very happy going to concerts, with offspring in tow.🤘
Honestly the ability to have a social life and have genuine friends. Even meeting new people and creating a relationship that will last. I am getting to the point of having epiphanies that everyone… and I mean everyone was a bloody monster in the past. You start to see past the naïve younger self and the colored rose glasses seem to be crushed. You see their hidden agenda or their true intentions. You start to see past their bs facade. I don’t make an attempt to meet or make new friends. I see it has a gambling and it’s a lose lose situation. There’s no winning ever. And having a good genuine person with a good heart is truly rare. As you get older the world gets smaller and your circle of “friends” gets even more smaller.
If everyone around you is an AH, look at what they all have in common. If the only answer is you, then maybe something is wrong with you. It might be that you are the AH and your expectations are far too high, or it might be that you're a shallow person that choose their friends for the wrong reasons and keeps doing so. But I can promise you, there are still plenty of kind people out there, and while it's normal to have less friends when you grow older, if all people you ever meet are AHs, it's time to change yourself.
Soda. I always think I want one and after one or two drinks it's wasted
Fizzy water has replaced soda. Love the fizz, not the sweetness.
Packaged food. There's so much unpronouncable s**t in there with lots of sugar and salt. I'm not giving up cereal or crackers anytime soon, but they seem to be saltier the older I get.
Whether or not you can pronounce the names of the components of a food is a terrible way to judge if it's good for you or not. I'll bet you can't pronounce half of what makes up an apple either.
Video games
I still like video games. I don't play as often as I did as a teen but I still like to relax and play some games.