I just retired last year at age 73 from my more than fulltime job of creating and selling glass art. The first year took a lot of getting used to all of the huge changes in my daily routine. I am just now getting my bearings and it is good. Unfortunately, everything I read on this thread is true and accurate. On the brighter side, at least for me, there is so much that is exquisitely good that I spend much of my day being thankful for all of the blessings. I remind myself often that I understand the difference between “needs” and “wants” and that I get to choose my own path. Thankfully, my to-do list is always full and if I don’t get something done, it really doesn’t matter. I try hard to not focus on the physical maladies mentioned in this thread. I try to focus on exactly what is important in this instant. I have no regrets from past mistakes, they were usually tremendous learning experiences, even the painful ones. Most importantly, I still dream, about the things I still want to do before my flame goes out. Thanks for listening to an old man.