The Proud Boys recently made headlines by celebrating President Trump's reply at last week's debate, when he was asked to condemn white supremacists. Trump instead blamed "antifa and the left" for violence and told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by." Meanwhile, the FBI classifies the Proud Boys as an extremist group, and the US research and advocacy organization SPLC lists them as a hate group.
But now, the LGBT community has stepped in to make the hashtag #proudboys known for entirely different reasons. Gay couples on Twitter are now flooding Twitter with pictures of love, sharing snaps with their spouses and partners. Star Trek’s George Takei initiated the idea, tweeting: “What if gay guys took pictures of themselves making out with each other or doing very gay things, then tagged themselves with #ProudBoys. I bet it would mess them up real bad. #ReclaimingMyShine.”
Takei’s post went viral, and many others joined in. The official Twitter account of the Canadian Armed Forces in the United States took part too and shared an image of two men kissing, which amassed 197.3K likes. #ProudBoys is finally trending for a good reason, and people on social media couldn’t be happier.
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How can two countries be so similar yet so far apart ... just look at how the Canadians have tackled the Covid virus and the utter chaos going on in the United States.
Ah, that classic photo of the naval officer kissing the nurse at the end of WWII ... so classic.
The Proud Boys supremacist group has no official presence on Twitter since the social media site banned them in 2018 for abusive language and hate speech. Thus, they were celebrating their newly found fame, thanks to Trump, on Parler. Parler is a relatively new social media app which gained its popularity among conservatives.
On Sunday, though, gay men on Twitter actively seized control of the #proudboys hashtag, posting videos of men happily embracing, kissing, and celebrating love, calling themselves the real #proudboys.
“We’re proud of all the gay folks who have stepped up to reclaim our pride,” Takei, who initiated the campaign, wrote and posted a picture of himself and his husband Brad. “Our community and allies answered hate with love.” His post received nearly 94,300 likes.
Meanwhile, the leader of the Proud Boys group named Enrique Tarrio said he doesn’t get what these men are aiming at. He told CNN: “I think it's hysterical. This isn't something that's offensive to us. It's not an insult. We aren't homophobic. We don't care who people sleep with. People think it's going to bother us. It doesn't.”
But the Anti-Defamation League states that the Proud Boys’ ideology is “misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic, and anti-immigration."
I have the same mug set!!!(the mug the guy in blue has) #costco4ever
Love the before and after! <3 Especially love that those smiles are just as bright!
Jim Parsons and his husband Todd Spiewak on their wedding day. Proud Boys.
Lol, I was about to say why does the one in front look like Jinho.
Load More Replies...I really want anyone who thinks you can't find love in a queer relationship to read this post.
The couple is super cute but I can't get over the dogs wearing MAPLE LEAF SOCKS IT'S TOO ADORABLE
Yes, love always tRumps hate ... it will come to fruition on November 3, 2020.
Basically, they just recruited more gay men to the Proud Boys. Amazing!
Absolutely love this, what a way to turn something negative into something positive. So much love in this thread.
Is there a way to get Rokas off this site? EVERY single comment is just trolling nasty.
Load More Replies...I cant comment on fuggnuggins comment so im going to adress it here: Fuggnuggins,Dude Its obvious your a member of the proud boy's and your butthurt about your bigoted organisation being called out. As a fellow white straight male WE ARE NOT OPPRESSED. WE ARE NOT F*****G OPPRESSED. WE ARE THE OPPRESSORS. WE ARE THE PROBLEM. WE ARE THE GOD DAMN PROBLEM. WE HAVE TREATED LITERALLY EVERYONE BUT US AS SECOND CLASS CITIZENS AND EVEN AS F*****G PROPERTY. WE ARE NOT OPPRESSED. PEOPLE ARE PROTESTING OUR OPPRESSION AND YOUR TOO MUCH OF AN ENTITLED BABY TO STAND WITH THEM. Have you ever heard this saying: "when you are the oppressor equality looks like oppression" I think thats whats happening. Also quit that "tee hee hee im such a smart man parroting daddy shapiro's words facts dont care about your feelings tee hee tee hee. Im so clever and smart. Unlike those libtards thinking with emotion." What is your opinion on abortion. See if you keep thinking "intellectually" in that conversation. (edit: all the deleted comments from me below are because this posted itself under some other comments too)
Load More Replies...I was grinning like an idiot the whole time as I scrolled through these. Love is beautiful and and so much stronger than hate.
I know! I upvoted every picture lol Love is love
Load More Replies...Not a #proudboy, but a proud girl. I am a lesbian, with a loving girrlfriend, and this november will be 1 full year. Love you!
You guys go! Stay safe, and tell your gf hi from those at BP!
Load More Replies...We're here, we're queer, we will beat the everloving s**t out of fascists with our bloody gay hands. Get used to it!
@Pompilius Awww, did I hit a nerve snowflake? Trust me, I can throw down with the best of 'em. You wouldn't be the first homophobe I've knocked on his ass.
Load More Replies...Here I am with my nephew and his husband on their wedding day. These are my most special #proudboys! adam_2-5f8...99ff37.jpg
My only question tho these men is: How can you look CUTE & DAPPER at the SAME TIME?!
Seriously! Please tell me where they got their suits!
Load More Replies...Basically, they just recruited more gay men to the Proud Boys. Amazing!
Shout out to all the LGBTQ Proud Boys... wishing you all the love and happiness in the world. Stand tall. Stand PROUD. All the decent folks stand with you. :D
i needed some gay today, i live in a red state where i see blue lives matter and trump 2020 flags downtown
Sorry dude. What a bummer place to live.
Load More Replies...This is something to truly be proud about. Hatefulness and bigotry are never good qualities and should be treated like they are. Instead of hating each other, we as a society need to come together and love each other. I don't care about your political stance, race, gender, ethnicity, or any of that stuff because at the end of the day we are all part of the human race. Spread 💟 and 🤚 hate.
I love that idea but I'm not sure if there is a white supremacist group call Proud Girls.
Load More Replies..."our community and allies answered hate, with love". George Takei. Brilliant!! <3
Hey, thanks for adding in Malec. Love those guys and every single person here (minus the haters). Everyone should be treated equal and sometimes it it outrageous that some people have to move countries to marry the person they love. 💖💖🏳️🌈🏳️🌈 my very gay heart goes out to every one of you who support or are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Xx
to all the people making homophobic/racist statements: just give it up. By making this article Bored Panda clearly supports gay rights, as it should. Please accept the fact that God has finally said "Let there be gay" and I honestly do not give an f if this ruins your perfect little bubble of white supremacy and homophobia. If you need me to I can help shove your fat, entitled selves back into the small hole under a rock where you belong 🤗
Made my day! All the couples were so happy, glad to have proof love CAN be happy and true. I'm pan, completely support the #PrideBoys movement, and BLM at that. We're all equal. We all deserve to live. We all deserve to love. You go guys!
Love is love. Nothing is more than spending a lifetime next to the soul mate 🏳️🌈 On the other hand some of the men are bloody's a big loss for all women in the world 😉
It's not a loss! There are plenty of men who love them, too. And at the end of the day, you're right! Love is love! <3 Spread kindness
Load More Replies...My heart melted reading all of these. Those Nazis can just go f*ck themselves!😁
Ok, quick note to Edward Hara and Sierra Dolan, why did you even click on this post if all you wanted to do was shame gay ppl? YOU should be ashamed for posting your comments on how "gays are evil" and "god hates you" honestly, do you just want to convert everyone to homophobes? Theres a reason you both have negative points. Oh yes, and annabeth chase, but I saw less comments from you. edit: perhaps y'all were hoping for the white super-macist part? second edit: wtf fuggnuggins what is wrong with u ppl? sry bout all the edits btw
this post made my heart soar, im so proud of my fellow LGBTQ+ community members for standing up to the hate and oppression! Love you all!! ❤️💛💚💙💜 #proudboys #proudgirls #proudpeople
i have never understood why some gay people act like girls. are they trans or something? ( im not homophobic just curious)
more just many gay people (especially gay men) are very feminine in how they act but it doesn't mean they are trans at all. If you are referring to how they dress- gay men are some of the first to break gender roles with dresses + skirts, and if you're referring to drag, straight guys can do it too, but gay men most often do it bc drag is already considered a part of the lgbtq+ community
Load More Replies...This article is amazing, im a bisexual teen but my parents, especially my dad, arent supportive of it, i actually had to switch schools because i started dating a girl once.. im glad that these men are getting to be with their husbands/boyfriends :)
seeing all these photos of people proud to love and to be loved filled my heart with joy. I am a 54 year old white woman with a partner, but I am bisexual and I could have a partner next to me, it would be exactly the same. I have always thought that people, not men or women, but people, should be free to love those who make them happy, regardless of gender, color or religion. nobody else should care who a person chooses, because it is their life. no one should have the right to be able to judge and guide the lives of others, apart from the parents and only as long as the son or daughter is not old enough to decide for themselves. there is only one life, and it is so short that no one should be allowed to ruin it. live your life loving whoever you want, keeping close to only those who make you feel good and those who love you, and leaving behind you those who are only harmful to your life and your well-being. try to be a good person, to give at least as much as you receive and to love
I love the positiveity it this post. I love that this hashtag has changed for the better.
What a world of happiness, this in it self should be enough to let people love and flower in their authentic selves. May this be the faces of proud boys for ever 🥰
you go, guys!!! I just saw a rumor that the old racist proud boy group changed their name to "leathermen". First, I hope that the tool company sues. Second, let's not let the "leathermen" opportunity pass us by... it could be fun...
Not certain how it relates to beautiful pictures of beautiful people, but some of you jackasses are saying that the FBI announced that Antifa was a terrorist organization... um... NO>
Takei is just awful now. He used to be awesome and full of joy and positivity. Now he just wants virtue signalling points. FYI, the Proud Boys aren't white supremacist. FFS their leaders aren't white. The whole trying to bait Trump thing was so gross. This is like the literal lie of "fine people on both sides". Go watch the FULL video. It's on CNN's YouTube channel. He specifically denounces them in it, you f*****g idiots. For real. Go watch it. Not between the lines either; he directly goes after them so stop with the fake news.
Full name, you are aware you can be racist, and not white? Right..?
Load More Replies...Ah yes, here we see the moron, who clicked on a gay post, and is repelled that there are GAYS? Shock, HORROR! What did you expect? Kittens and puppies?
Load More Replies......antifa isn't a nazi group, idk where you got that from, but it's innacurate.
Load More Replies...Oh Lara - don't you know that here at BP no one wants to know the real FACTS? They just want to be spoon fed PC/Leftist pablum & go on with their biased ways. Didn't you know that being a nationalist these days equates fascism, racism & hatred?? SMH
Load More Replies...Sweetheart... being gay sadly doesn't limit one's ability to be a racist. I wish that everyone who wants something other than racist, fascist, hyper-capitalist heteronormativity for society might act that way... but Peter Thiel is a case in point that way. Gay people are just as capable of racism, genocide and otherwise despicable behavior as anyone else. See Ernst Rohm if you need an example.
Load More Replies...Well then they won't have a problem with this, will they?
Load More Replies...There is no such thing as "Antifa" as an organized group, you f*****g doughnut. It is a blanket term to describe anyone who opposes fascism. It has been that way since before WWII. You're a f*****g idiot. Just read. Please start reading books. They will help you.
Load More Replies...This means nothing. Even the KKK had a few black members, and we all know how racist they were.. FYI, some are upset over this. I read an article with screenshots from their social media and they are mad at the gays.
Load More Replies...Yeah....right. They're nothing more than a bunch of cheap imitation Nazis who are too stupid to realize that their marches look like Pride parades. Every photo of them is so homoerotic that it's laughable...and they're too stupid to see it.
Load More Replies...Letting hate groups spread by just ignoring them is not the way to stop hate. You can't stand by and turn your head and hope it goes away.
Load More Replies...Absolutely love this, what a way to turn something negative into something positive. So much love in this thread.
Is there a way to get Rokas off this site? EVERY single comment is just trolling nasty.
Load More Replies...I cant comment on fuggnuggins comment so im going to adress it here: Fuggnuggins,Dude Its obvious your a member of the proud boy's and your butthurt about your bigoted organisation being called out. As a fellow white straight male WE ARE NOT OPPRESSED. WE ARE NOT F*****G OPPRESSED. WE ARE THE OPPRESSORS. WE ARE THE PROBLEM. WE ARE THE GOD DAMN PROBLEM. WE HAVE TREATED LITERALLY EVERYONE BUT US AS SECOND CLASS CITIZENS AND EVEN AS F*****G PROPERTY. WE ARE NOT OPPRESSED. PEOPLE ARE PROTESTING OUR OPPRESSION AND YOUR TOO MUCH OF AN ENTITLED BABY TO STAND WITH THEM. Have you ever heard this saying: "when you are the oppressor equality looks like oppression" I think thats whats happening. Also quit that "tee hee hee im such a smart man parroting daddy shapiro's words facts dont care about your feelings tee hee tee hee. Im so clever and smart. Unlike those libtards thinking with emotion." What is your opinion on abortion. See if you keep thinking "intellectually" in that conversation. (edit: all the deleted comments from me below are because this posted itself under some other comments too)
Load More Replies...I was grinning like an idiot the whole time as I scrolled through these. Love is beautiful and and so much stronger than hate.
I know! I upvoted every picture lol Love is love
Load More Replies...Not a #proudboy, but a proud girl. I am a lesbian, with a loving girrlfriend, and this november will be 1 full year. Love you!
You guys go! Stay safe, and tell your gf hi from those at BP!
Load More Replies...We're here, we're queer, we will beat the everloving s**t out of fascists with our bloody gay hands. Get used to it!
@Pompilius Awww, did I hit a nerve snowflake? Trust me, I can throw down with the best of 'em. You wouldn't be the first homophobe I've knocked on his ass.
Load More Replies...Here I am with my nephew and his husband on their wedding day. These are my most special #proudboys! adam_2-5f8...99ff37.jpg
My only question tho these men is: How can you look CUTE & DAPPER at the SAME TIME?!
Seriously! Please tell me where they got their suits!
Load More Replies...Basically, they just recruited more gay men to the Proud Boys. Amazing!
Shout out to all the LGBTQ Proud Boys... wishing you all the love and happiness in the world. Stand tall. Stand PROUD. All the decent folks stand with you. :D
i needed some gay today, i live in a red state where i see blue lives matter and trump 2020 flags downtown
Sorry dude. What a bummer place to live.
Load More Replies...This is something to truly be proud about. Hatefulness and bigotry are never good qualities and should be treated like they are. Instead of hating each other, we as a society need to come together and love each other. I don't care about your political stance, race, gender, ethnicity, or any of that stuff because at the end of the day we are all part of the human race. Spread 💟 and 🤚 hate.
I love that idea but I'm not sure if there is a white supremacist group call Proud Girls.
Load More Replies..."our community and allies answered hate, with love". George Takei. Brilliant!! <3
Hey, thanks for adding in Malec. Love those guys and every single person here (minus the haters). Everyone should be treated equal and sometimes it it outrageous that some people have to move countries to marry the person they love. 💖💖🏳️🌈🏳️🌈 my very gay heart goes out to every one of you who support or are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Xx
to all the people making homophobic/racist statements: just give it up. By making this article Bored Panda clearly supports gay rights, as it should. Please accept the fact that God has finally said "Let there be gay" and I honestly do not give an f if this ruins your perfect little bubble of white supremacy and homophobia. If you need me to I can help shove your fat, entitled selves back into the small hole under a rock where you belong 🤗
Made my day! All the couples were so happy, glad to have proof love CAN be happy and true. I'm pan, completely support the #PrideBoys movement, and BLM at that. We're all equal. We all deserve to live. We all deserve to love. You go guys!
Love is love. Nothing is more than spending a lifetime next to the soul mate 🏳️🌈 On the other hand some of the men are bloody's a big loss for all women in the world 😉
It's not a loss! There are plenty of men who love them, too. And at the end of the day, you're right! Love is love! <3 Spread kindness
Load More Replies...My heart melted reading all of these. Those Nazis can just go f*ck themselves!😁
Ok, quick note to Edward Hara and Sierra Dolan, why did you even click on this post if all you wanted to do was shame gay ppl? YOU should be ashamed for posting your comments on how "gays are evil" and "god hates you" honestly, do you just want to convert everyone to homophobes? Theres a reason you both have negative points. Oh yes, and annabeth chase, but I saw less comments from you. edit: perhaps y'all were hoping for the white super-macist part? second edit: wtf fuggnuggins what is wrong with u ppl? sry bout all the edits btw
this post made my heart soar, im so proud of my fellow LGBTQ+ community members for standing up to the hate and oppression! Love you all!! ❤️💛💚💙💜 #proudboys #proudgirls #proudpeople
i have never understood why some gay people act like girls. are they trans or something? ( im not homophobic just curious)
more just many gay people (especially gay men) are very feminine in how they act but it doesn't mean they are trans at all. If you are referring to how they dress- gay men are some of the first to break gender roles with dresses + skirts, and if you're referring to drag, straight guys can do it too, but gay men most often do it bc drag is already considered a part of the lgbtq+ community
Load More Replies...This article is amazing, im a bisexual teen but my parents, especially my dad, arent supportive of it, i actually had to switch schools because i started dating a girl once.. im glad that these men are getting to be with their husbands/boyfriends :)
seeing all these photos of people proud to love and to be loved filled my heart with joy. I am a 54 year old white woman with a partner, but I am bisexual and I could have a partner next to me, it would be exactly the same. I have always thought that people, not men or women, but people, should be free to love those who make them happy, regardless of gender, color or religion. nobody else should care who a person chooses, because it is their life. no one should have the right to be able to judge and guide the lives of others, apart from the parents and only as long as the son or daughter is not old enough to decide for themselves. there is only one life, and it is so short that no one should be allowed to ruin it. live your life loving whoever you want, keeping close to only those who make you feel good and those who love you, and leaving behind you those who are only harmful to your life and your well-being. try to be a good person, to give at least as much as you receive and to love
I love the positiveity it this post. I love that this hashtag has changed for the better.
What a world of happiness, this in it self should be enough to let people love and flower in their authentic selves. May this be the faces of proud boys for ever 🥰
you go, guys!!! I just saw a rumor that the old racist proud boy group changed their name to "leathermen". First, I hope that the tool company sues. Second, let's not let the "leathermen" opportunity pass us by... it could be fun...
Not certain how it relates to beautiful pictures of beautiful people, but some of you jackasses are saying that the FBI announced that Antifa was a terrorist organization... um... NO>
Takei is just awful now. He used to be awesome and full of joy and positivity. Now he just wants virtue signalling points. FYI, the Proud Boys aren't white supremacist. FFS their leaders aren't white. The whole trying to bait Trump thing was so gross. This is like the literal lie of "fine people on both sides". Go watch the FULL video. It's on CNN's YouTube channel. He specifically denounces them in it, you f*****g idiots. For real. Go watch it. Not between the lines either; he directly goes after them so stop with the fake news.
Full name, you are aware you can be racist, and not white? Right..?
Load More Replies...Ah yes, here we see the moron, who clicked on a gay post, and is repelled that there are GAYS? Shock, HORROR! What did you expect? Kittens and puppies?
Load More Replies......antifa isn't a nazi group, idk where you got that from, but it's innacurate.
Load More Replies...Oh Lara - don't you know that here at BP no one wants to know the real FACTS? They just want to be spoon fed PC/Leftist pablum & go on with their biased ways. Didn't you know that being a nationalist these days equates fascism, racism & hatred?? SMH
Load More Replies...Sweetheart... being gay sadly doesn't limit one's ability to be a racist. I wish that everyone who wants something other than racist, fascist, hyper-capitalist heteronormativity for society might act that way... but Peter Thiel is a case in point that way. Gay people are just as capable of racism, genocide and otherwise despicable behavior as anyone else. See Ernst Rohm if you need an example.
Load More Replies...Well then they won't have a problem with this, will they?
Load More Replies...There is no such thing as "Antifa" as an organized group, you f*****g doughnut. It is a blanket term to describe anyone who opposes fascism. It has been that way since before WWII. You're a f*****g idiot. Just read. Please start reading books. They will help you.
Load More Replies...This means nothing. Even the KKK had a few black members, and we all know how racist they were.. FYI, some are upset over this. I read an article with screenshots from their social media and they are mad at the gays.
Load More Replies...Yeah....right. They're nothing more than a bunch of cheap imitation Nazis who are too stupid to realize that their marches look like Pride parades. Every photo of them is so homoerotic that it's laughable...and they're too stupid to see it.
Load More Replies...Letting hate groups spread by just ignoring them is not the way to stop hate. You can't stand by and turn your head and hope it goes away.
Load More Replies...