If you don’t have one you can (with their permission of course) use your friends story.
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I’ll go first. It’s actually not that interesting but I have no LGBTQ+ friends (that I know of) so I’ll use mine. I read a book acknowledging the existence of being Non Binary (I lived a very sheltered life so I didn’t even know what LGBTQ+ was till I was like 12). I did some research and 5 months later I came out to my family. No drama they were very acsepting.
Yes I am aware I acsadintally posted this twice sorry
I came out to my mom, which wasn't that great... she basically told me I would grow out of it. So half in rebellion and half trying to figure out what the heck I was supposed to do, I came out to my friend and she reacted the best way that you could possibly imagine. No kidding. She was super kind about it and she said basically everything that you would hope she would. I was euphoric. Literally the best day of my life.
I told them and they said that its my decision and they’ll support me no matter who i am. I just want them to stop calling me by my deadname. MY BROTHER ON THE OTHER HAND “ the most homophobic POS ever I referred to myself as ash and the little s**t said that its not my real name and that its {deadname} he knows about how I’m non-binary and how I’m cool with my family referring to me as she instead of they but it f*****g eats me up inside
My coming out story's rather f****d up but the internet's the best place to overshare and be a lousy attention seeker so here goes :) oh also content warning for sewerslide I take a really long time to tell people things so by this time I'd known I was nonbinary for quite a while. I was out and going by they/them pronouns on some social media already, but I hadn't yet been able to tell my (accepting, liberal) family. So on this particular day it was maybe 5am and I was sitting with my mom in the er after surviving an unalive attempt and unwisely texting the crisis line who ratted me out. (This was a year ago, I'm significantly better now.) My mom had been going through my phone, I guess to see why I did it or what other teenage hooliganery I was up to. So she comes across a post I made about being agender and how I'm at a loss for how to come out as well as pretty afraid to because bathrooms and correcting people and picking a new name. They give us a form to fill out and she asks, ...
(Holy s**t it's the word limit. Yikes.) So she asks if I'd like to be called something else, or for her to check another gender box. So I said yeah, other, and they/them pronouns please. I picked my name from a list printed out by a really kind staff member at grippy socks jail. It was a shitty experience overall but being out as the right gender really helped me start to recover and feel okay
I told them and they said that its my decision and they’ll support me no matter who i am. I just want them to stop calling me by my deadname. MY BROTHER ON THE OTHER HAND “ the most homophobic POS ever I referred to myself as ash and the little s**t said that its not my real name and that its {deadname} he knows about how I’m non-binary and how I’m cool with my family referring to me as she instead of they but it f*****g eats me up inside
My coming out story's rather f****d up but the internet's the best place to overshare and be a lousy attention seeker so here goes :) oh also content warning for sewerslide I take a really long time to tell people things so by this time I'd known I was nonbinary for quite a while. I was out and going by they/them pronouns on some social media already, but I hadn't yet been able to tell my (accepting, liberal) family. So on this particular day it was maybe 5am and I was sitting with my mom in the er after surviving an unalive attempt and unwisely texting the crisis line who ratted me out. (This was a year ago, I'm significantly better now.) My mom had been going through my phone, I guess to see why I did it or what other teenage hooliganery I was up to. So she comes across a post I made about being agender and how I'm at a loss for how to come out as well as pretty afraid to because bathrooms and correcting people and picking a new name. They give us a form to fill out and she asks, ...
(Holy s**t it's the word limit. Yikes.) So she asks if I'd like to be called something else, or for her to check another gender box. So I said yeah, other, and they/them pronouns please. I picked my name from a list printed out by a really kind staff member at grippy socks jail. It was a shitty experience overall but being out as the right gender really helped me start to recover and feel okay