Yet another series made during a lockdown in India in April 2021. This was released on my instagram feed to help people get through another rough patch of the pandemic.

I wanted to experiment a little with clothes here. The name of the series is an ode to our childhood. Usually kids would wear their parents’ clothes and have a little fashion show of their own. This can also happen in the company of a sibling. The concept is a hint at that urge to dress up carefree. Although the sibling here is an animal. I guess this is an attempt to make twinning sound more fun and quirky as well. Hope this makes you smile!


    The hound of style

    The hot and cold kind of weather

    A Raptor in India


    Lazing around with seals


    Swan lake

    Get your summer hats on

    Stegosauras tribe


    Floating with jelly

    Ribbons , patterns and the wind

    Mamma wear

    Collecting stars before the clouds hide them again


    We need a bigger raincoat


    We need more flowers

    Spotted and flower patterns

    A fox, sweater, a backpack and an adventure awaits

    Made just for that lemur’s tale

    Default accessory

    Isn’t hot again


    The Cassowary blues

    The last piece (animals picked from suggestions given by followers)