“Absolute Embarrassment”: Parents Are Beyond Mad After Ohio School Pupils Elect A Lesbian Couple As Prom King And Queen
Annie Wise and Riley Loudermilk, a pair of high schoolers in Kings Mill, Ohio, have been dating for six months now. On April 17, they were voted the prom king and queen, which they believe is the first time an LGBTQ couple has received the crowns in this district.
The excitement was through the roof when Wise recounted the moment how “My crown fell off and it broke. There was a lot going on, but it’s something I’ll never forget. It was amazing.” And while many see the prom couple as a recognition of their popularity, for Annie and Riley, the honor was much more than that. “I do hope it kind of just helps people realize that it’s OK to come out,” the prom queen told the press.
Meanwhile, some parents were enraged with the lesbian couple winning the title. It’s honestly more than weird to see a bunch of adults bashing teenagers for something that brought the school community nothing but happiness.
Annie and Riley, the 18-year-old lesbian couple from Kings High School, were elected prom king and queen, an honor they didn’t expect
Image credits: KingsLocalSchoolDistrict
Image credits: KingsLocalSchoolDistrict
Kings Local School District shared a photograph of Annie and Riley on their Facebook page and it went viral, amassing 4.8k likes and receiving 2.4k comments. Unfortunately, not all comments on the school district’s post were positive.
The couple has been dating for six months and they hope that their award “just helps people realize that it’s OK to come out”
Image credits: riley.loudermilk
Image credits: riley.loudermilk
According to NBC News, the school district had to keep up with the coming posts and delete the negative ones. Riley said that many of those nasty comments said that the couple “needs Jesus,” others expressed that a prom king should be male.
Image credits: riley.loudermilk
Image credits: riley.loudermilk
The rage escalated to a school board meeting last week where one parent stressed her anger about the elected couple being LGBTQ. “Sorry, but I believe that there are still two genders, a male and a female,” WLWT5 news reports. According to Fox19, another parent at the meeting added: “I think tradition stands for a queen that has a vagina, a king that has a penis and testicles.”
Image credits: riley.loudermilk
Image credits: riley.loudermilk
The homophobic comments from adults both online and at the school board meeting didn’t affect the decision as the school board defended Annie and Riley. Dawn Goulding, a community relations coordinator for the school district, commented on the matter: “This is solely a Kings High School senior class nominated and voted-on initiative.”
Image credits: annie_wisee
But the week after prom, an anonymous parent had a school meeting where she complained about the decision of electing the LGBTQ couple
Image credits: zoom
Negative comments from haters started flooding in
Fortunately, many people showed support for the LGBTQ king and queen
I just can't understand these people. What harm does it do to ANYONE to crown a lesbian couple? They are happy and no one gets hurt. Win-win. I mean, it's not like you're worse at making coffee because gay people exist? Or you suddenly suck at math because you saw two women kiss? Or you're not allowed to be straight and live your life the way you want, just because others live their lives differently?
Somehow, a lot of people seem to think exactly that. It's like z zero-sum equation to them, where giving rights to a group of people will take those rights away from others.
Load More Replies...Whoever in the year 2021 still gets "shocked" by the fact that non-heterosexual people exist, is an idiot. Whoever argues with "god" against non-heterosexual people should first and foremost consider their lack of fear in said god whom they ignore, as they decide which of the religion's values (traditional famility model vs. grace of charity) they weight how much instead. Whoever argues against love is to be condemned.
The bible and Quran say that you're supposed to stone homosexuals to death. If they aren't willing to follow through on killing homosexuals, they should just shut up. The bible also says to kill divorced people. If they aren't decrying divorce as loudly as they decry homosexuality, they are hypocrites. Faith is irrelevant, stupid, and religions are testably untrue. People should dump these harmful, evil myths entirely. And you have to stop making excuses for these evil religions.
Load More Replies...This is so stupid. My old high school just had "Prom Royalty" instead, and nobody gives a s**t what gender they end up being, which really is how it should be everywhere. Good for these girls!!
here we just had a ball with dancing and drinking and nobody got elected better than the rest.
Load More Replies...Why would you want to take these girls smiles away?? Why is everyone so worried about what other peoples private parts do? Let people live their lives!!
Who is to say they're doing anything (yet, tee hee) with their parts anyway? These parents are sooooo repressed. Come join the 20th Century (yes, I do mean 20th) any time, angry & ignorant parents.
Load More Replies...Know what makes me sick? People insisting that our public schools need to be centered on their whackadoodle, outdated religious beliefs. You want God in taxpayer-funded public schools? Move to Iran.
Upvoted ten times if I could. I went to a Catholic school. Private, paid, religious, we knew it. Public school, tax-payer, public, secular, the end. I have no idea why they want shari'a in the US....
Load More Replies...Do these parents not realize that the class voted them king and queen? This was literally what the class wanted.
EXACTLY. If this is what the class voted for, shut your mouths and move on with your life.
Load More Replies...Actually you can have female king, Jadwiga of Poland was a king (that's right, KING not QUEEN) for some time :P
Yup. They wanted what was perceived as the highest title that could be given.....so they made her king.
Load More Replies...The good, loving Christians who spread Jesus's message by... screaming, name-calling, and harassing others, and voting explicitly to have them harmed and their civil rights removed. Hallelujah!
Load More Replies...As a lesbian, this infuriates me ( the part we’re the parents and other people are mad, )
we are in 2021, people better stay inside and do basically everything but that!
Load More Replies...If four men can be "Queen", then 2 girls can certainly be prom king and queen.
They're adorable!! BTW, as an evolutionary behaviorist, overpopulation in mammals reliably causes an increase in homosexual behavior. It's normal to have a percentage of the population gay at any time but it increases sharply. There was about 10% gay folk across the global population of the world in the early 80s - every society deals with it a different way. But yeah... Lots of gay people. Full disclosure: the mother of my two kids is an out lesbian.
You are correct. Homosexuality is found in many species in nature. Homophobia is only found in one as far as we know (humanity). How shameful homophobes are.
Load More Replies...Stephen Wade Believe me, I have my own terminology for Conservatives who can’t see beyond their own bigoted noses.
Load More Replies...Still waiting for one of these religious types posting hateful comments to explain homosexuality in god's creatures.
No one is god's creature, we are evolutionary byproducts. First you would have to prove that any god even exists. The bible says to stone homosexuals to death in Leviticus. It's a filthy, evil book.
Load More Replies..."cannot have a female king" - I raise you Jadwiga Andegaweńska who was a female king of Poland :)
I'll see your Jadwiga Andegaweńska, and raise you Tamar the Great, crowned 'King of Kings and Queen of Queens' of Georgia in 1184.
Load More Replies...I was just eating with this woman yesterday at a nice Italian restaurant. The young man next to us, I guess she decided for one reason or another that he was gay and subsequently went on this homophobic rant while he was sitting right there about how the world was "getting too gay". I asked "why do you care??? Let people be happy and worry about your own life. If you're so miserable you have to tear complete strangers down about how they are HARMLESSLY living their own life then you clearly have a lot of work to do". She left. 🤭
Got my hands full just trying to manage my OWN life. Don't have the time, energy, or interest in managing someone else's.
Load More Replies...'another parent at the meeting added: “I think tradition stands for a queen that has a vagina, a king that has a penis and testicles.”' WTF?!? I don't remember anyone checking the genitals of previous winners! Why are genitals important to a high school event?? argh.
I like that one of the comments seems to be convicnced that parents are giving their kids like a gay drug, and another doesn’t seem to understand how an election works.
Explains a lot about this last year, doesn't it?
Load More Replies...Who fricken cares as long as they are happy so what. I don't understand how someone's sexuality effects others. As long as no one is forcing themselves on others who cares what they do.
Republicans: this is the free-est country in the WORLD! Also Republicans: ummm, don't do that, it's not allowed!
That one parent said it all "Gosh just more proof of how super stupid [this] country is becoming". Strange how degrading they talk about themselves.
Why were you downvoted? Homophobes are incredibly stupid.
Load More Replies...A lot of these people are REALLY obsessed with genitals...and yet they call us the perverts
It's weird how homosexual relationships are reduced down to nothing but the physical act of sharing their love. You don't see this with heterosexual relationships.
Load More Replies...Wow. It seems the kids who voted for these girls to be Prom King and Queen are far more emotionally mature than their parents, who choose to have Karen-level hissy fits and spew their nasty homophobic comments instead. Gives me so much hope for the upcoming generation. They’re turning out way better than their parents. BTW, I’m 60 and think the Prom King and Queen are an adorable couple.
Karen: "Let them live a normal life!" - I hate to break it to you, Karen, but homosexuality is entirely within the normal range of human sexuality...and large parts of the rest of the animal kingdom.
Considering being prom king/queen doesn’t impact your life whatsoever who freaking cares who gets it? On a side note, I absolutely adore Riley’s prom dress
The haters don't seem to realize that this couple was not "appointed" to their prom roles by the teachers or administration. They were ELECTED by other STUDENTS. This is one of the widest generational gap that we have seen in years. You go, Annie and Riley! You go, Kings HS!
These. Parents. Need. To. Relax. The end. Or are they really angry b/c *they* couldn't come out and be open about being LGBTQ? ..... Hmm.
The comment: it's disgusting, it should be Queen and King is priceless. Assuming that the point was that Queen should be stated first, not that gender of any of them mattered. And as far as I'm aware these are voted by other school mates(?) so maybe these parents should be aware that their children supported it, because they're smarter than the adults complaining about prom queen and king and they're both ladies. Congratulations.
I suppose if they wanted to be extra formal about it, they would need to dive into the history of the words themselves. From a technical perspective "queen" means queen-consort, or simply the consort of the king. Queen-regent is a female ruling monarch (of which there have been many). I've seen historical precedent for a Queen-regent's consort being referred to as 'king-consort' but I cannot find a historical case for a Queen-regent's female consort. Either way, it doesn't matter :D
Load More Replies...I don't understand the parents, as those two girls are completely inoffensive. Surely the students would have picked them, so the school should support their choice. Trust parents in the US to get uptight about royal titles, while they live in a country that is a republic lol!
What about King Hatshepsut, a female pharaoh? All the Egyptians were fine with that, so why can’t you?
Hahaha "You cannot have a Female King" So do I just not exist or... coz I'm a girl and my last name is King xD
At my high school we had a girl crowned Prom King, and no one made a big deal out of it. They were happy for her. Our principal and his partner (a teacher) were in a very happy relationship and the whole school knew about it, and no one made any fuss about it. And that was back in the early 2000's. Let people live the life that makes them happy.
maam like jesus hung out with 12 guys and a prostitute and was also a furry
How does a random parent call a school meeting? A lot of the comments are pathetic. Are they all parent super upset their kids didn't get named? Otherwise it's one night where two people wear plastic crowns. It doesn't harm anyone. Other than perhaps making two kids feel better it doesn't even change anyone's lives. I doubt that helps anyone get into college or anything. Just let kids be happy.
The kids are alright. If that is the future generation voting for equality then the future is looking stong. Those parents are just... well... wrong. Amazing how it is their children that voted for this... fighting against their bigoted parents. I'll say it again . The kids are alright. And all the power to them.
Theres a Kickstarter for a deck of cards that has Monarchs and Princess/Prince instead of Kings and Queens
1- The girls parents are the only ones with any say in the matter. 2- The school/Board/District have NO SAY (as they pointed out) in who _ the students_ voted King & Queen since it wasn't an "official" school event. 3- If folks want to do the God Says bit, keep in mind that the girls are just EXACTLY the way GOD made them. 4- This is the 21st century; deal with it or STFU.
“I think tradition stands for a queen that has a vagina, a king that has a penis and testicles.” So, someone looked under the prom king’s hood to verify the presence of a vagina? Have them arrested!
sorry to say but homosexuality is normal. Has always existed and exists in nature. So if someone finds it wrong should rethink his/her values
Wow. If they were my daughters I would be even more proud that it ruffled a few feathers. Yeah bitch revolution! Lol people have always been gay y'all. Its just that the ones that had a problem with it were a hostile and vocal group of psychopaths that would literally kill folks. So please curb your self importance and long live the king. Yeah the one with tits in the above photos.
I wonder sometimes if those unhappy adults ever stop to ask themselves why they're so keen to embrace a dogma of hate instead of accept that love is not bound by a codex of law written over a thousand years ago. I can't help but feel like there's some closed doors that a good psychologist could open for these folks...
I'm trying to figure out the powdered sugar comment. Is that a thing? Like, traditionally to disguise someone as male they throw powdered sugar on themselves? Or do you throw it on everyone else, like to distract them maybe? Might help if you had dogs jumping on them to lick it off. Nothing to do with gender, but might distract them from being sexist idiots.
Why is it that these folks think only hetero people should get to lead a "normal life"? And these "adults" are acting FAR more childish than their own children. WHO CARES if the king and queen are same sex? The parents are not students at the school, their kids are and OBVIOUSLY the students voted for them.
why are the names of the senders of the hateful bigoted comments blocked off so we can't see who they are? Haters need to be named and shamed. Meanwhile the names of the supporters are left uncovered, leaving them open to possible retaliation.
wait shouldn't it be two queens? IDK, if that girl wants to be a king, whatever. but it would've made more sense to have 2 queens I think
I mean if I was in this situation I'd want to be a king even tho I'm a girl, but yea they should be able to have 2 queens
Load More Replies...(I didn't have a prom so correct me if I'm wrong.) Aren't Prom Kings and Queens elected by the students? Like don't they vote for it? The king and queen don't have to be a couple, it's just whoever was voted, yes? They look so darling a happy. As long as the relationship is happy, healthy, and consenting what's the problem?
I live in Ohio and I am ashamed that we have LGBT+-hating and racist people here. I can't speak for everyone at all, but I personally think folks should be able to be whoever they want to be, however they want to be without any major setbacks.
I’m from Ohio too. And I ashamed of not only that, but that they seem to worship the orange menace.
Load More Replies...It really pisses me off when they bring God into their hate infested opinions. Did they talk to God on the phone or something to be that sure? I don't think even the pope can do that.
1) I can't believe the schools are still doing the whole "king and queen" thing 2) As others have mentioned the kids VOTED on this, so obviously the majority of them were in favour of it 3) The homophobic comments from the parents is just infuriating and downright scary. I feel sorry for their kids.
The fact that adults are getting all bent out of shape over this is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while. It's a high school prom. If this affects your ADULT life to the point that you need to whine about it in a meeting, I suggest you seek therapy. You have much more serious issues that you've yet admitted. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE KIDS! I HOPE YA'LL HAD FUN! (That's right, ya'll - - I'm SOUTHERN! LOL)
Ok beside the point of this article but I re-read that after reading the last sentence in a southern accent in my head and it was amazing lol
Load More Replies...The hateful comments sadden me. They also give Christians a bad name. I’m a Christian, but I live by Love- just as Jesus preached. Jesus gave us love rules to live by. Being intolerant is not love. You can have different opinions with people you love. Hateful speaking is not life giving. We are called to love others as our own selves. ♥️ I only see happiness in these pictures.
Oh my god that's my old elementary school district!
This is not ok. These 2 girls are happy together and its their own lives. They can be who they are. I understand if you don't want your kids to be gay, but tolerance for Heaven's sake. They are just as human as the rest of us.
Considering Prom King and Queen are voted on by their peers, what business is it of the adults to interfere? Non-issue as far as I am concerned.
I actually have a problem with this, they should BOTH be queens. Cause let me tell you that girl wearing the "king's crown" hella deserves to be the queen she is.
I was so close to exploding when I read what the parents were saying. First of all, they aren’t children they are nearly adults. They know who they want to love. What does it matter if the school decides to be supportive instead of your sorry ass and have a homosexual couple as prom king and queen? They are happy! And what IS normal for you to even be arguing that the students aren’t living normal lives! Jesus Christmas, grow up people 🙄 But fr I loved this! Congrats Ohio high school:D
I’m glad they’re so upset! They deserve to be upset, outraged and uncomfortable. Good. Pieces of shít don’t deserve comfort, or to get their way. Let them suffer.
Love is love. You were given a choice to love whoever you want. It is not okay to dislike the people who prefer different choices, like lesbians and gays. All people are different.
This happened in my small town. Two girls were prom royalty but there are student/s who are upset. They got called names and one girl had trash dumped next to her car. And I am in a blue state!!!
Bigots live in every state. Republicans can live in blue states and I suspect them that they live there, so they can be annoyed by something every day.
Load More Replies...I can’t believe some people despise those girls’ existence! Off topic a bit they’re so beautiful in those photos! I hope that’s me with my future girlfriend someday 🥰
F**k tradition, all it does is push outdated crap onto people who have no need, use or liking of it. So happy for these girls. What a great school!
Hatshepsut. Nefertiti. Cleopatra. Twosret.... Those are just the the FIRST FOUR best known female Egyptian KINGS! Do you need the names of European and Asian ones as well??? Are you just ignorant of history and sexist? Speaking of American values... This was a FREE election in the school; male and female students voted! So denying their votes sounds kinda like voter suppression... 😮 All these supposed "Christians" posting hate-filled, bigoted, narrowminded and misguided hateful messages, are hypocrites, and the literal antithesis of moral values; disgusting. You go ladies!! May we all aspire to be so happy!
One of them seems to could started as a drummer in a grunge band, reach the nirvana, and then, start as leader of a new band, something about foo or/and fighters. BTW, best wishes to both them. Stupid people harassing around should be punished by law nowadays. C'mon, we are in the 21st century, I suppose.
heaven forbid the students get to vote for this student event for students
Well i will never be prom queen/king with my girlfriend at my school (because a LOT of the people there are homophobic) but I wish I could be. I think it's awesome how accepting and supportive that school is. Look how cute they are together, how could anyone hate that?
I'd love to know how many of the negative comments are from real bigots, and how many from bots agitating and stirring up trouble…
“I think tradition stands for a queen that has a vagina, a king that has a penis and testicles.” ded
I'd like to see 3 kings, 3 queens, a lesbian couiple, a gay couple and a hetero couple. A couple from each of the different 'countries'
I just want to implement that all high schools have a committee that checks the genitalia of the nominees before proceeding with the coronation...PUH-Leeeese
If I were the school I'd be like omg you're so right, here take this BIGGER crown Y'all are Queens!! Complete with a bouquet of rainbow roses. People are dumb. You may not agree and that's fine, but leave it alone and let them have their moment. You can't claim to be a Christian and then freely be an ass hat and judge others, that's not our job. I read the same book you did and it says "Ye shall not judge, lest YE be judged" So although my religion does not agree with same sex relationships I personally don't give a s**t. They're not hurting anyone, they care about eachother. Let it be because at the end of the day, If there is a God and they were wrong, then they'll know, If I'M wrong and there's no God (which I don't belive) I still won't know. Because I'll be dead. sooooo.... Congratulations girls.
"The Times are A-Changin"...old song with the constant answer to most social norms. Remember back when and maybe it still is a concern in some quarters when or if a High School Prom had a interracial couple as King and Queen. They are still mopping up the tiny brain matter from those exploding heads of that life's episode. As many say here, it's hard to live your own life but to try to control others with your unfriendly and unwise opinions just doesn't cut it.
If they won just because they were lesbians, then I understand. But they won because they deserved to win, so I don't understand the problem
First, good on them! Second, the one girl sort of reminds me of Jennifer Carpenter, she plays Debra on the show Dexter. They both are cute!
I don't get why anyone is being elected at all. Why not just have a party without saying who is best?
The problem is with adults here trying to train their kids to be something the kids know their parents are wrong in. This has no affect on the parents other than the parents don't get their way. Let the parents complain for their 15 minutes and move on. Obviously the kids are happy and know they did nothing wrong. Happy to see the girls happy and enjoy their special moment.
To be fair, it should be Queen and Queen. Nothing wrong with having a lesbian couple and naming them both Queen of the Prom. Good for the school to be openminded about who gets to be the focal point of the celebrations.
i confused.. the title... if its said crowned Royal Couple sure it can be everyone right?.. but if its King and Queen of course its refer to gender..
A hetro couple would not have a bunch of homophobic bigots frothing at the mouth either. You are correct though, they are being treated differently because of their orientation; by the aforementioned bigots.
Load More Replies...Don't know about that last sentence. How about I eat an entire bag of chocolate-covered almonds to prove I'm not homophobic? I know it doesn't have anything to do with prejudice, but it's way yummier than saying the sun is a square.
Load More Replies...I just can't understand these people. What harm does it do to ANYONE to crown a lesbian couple? They are happy and no one gets hurt. Win-win. I mean, it's not like you're worse at making coffee because gay people exist? Or you suddenly suck at math because you saw two women kiss? Or you're not allowed to be straight and live your life the way you want, just because others live their lives differently?
Somehow, a lot of people seem to think exactly that. It's like z zero-sum equation to them, where giving rights to a group of people will take those rights away from others.
Load More Replies...Whoever in the year 2021 still gets "shocked" by the fact that non-heterosexual people exist, is an idiot. Whoever argues with "god" against non-heterosexual people should first and foremost consider their lack of fear in said god whom they ignore, as they decide which of the religion's values (traditional famility model vs. grace of charity) they weight how much instead. Whoever argues against love is to be condemned.
The bible and Quran say that you're supposed to stone homosexuals to death. If they aren't willing to follow through on killing homosexuals, they should just shut up. The bible also says to kill divorced people. If they aren't decrying divorce as loudly as they decry homosexuality, they are hypocrites. Faith is irrelevant, stupid, and religions are testably untrue. People should dump these harmful, evil myths entirely. And you have to stop making excuses for these evil religions.
Load More Replies...This is so stupid. My old high school just had "Prom Royalty" instead, and nobody gives a s**t what gender they end up being, which really is how it should be everywhere. Good for these girls!!
here we just had a ball with dancing and drinking and nobody got elected better than the rest.
Load More Replies...Why would you want to take these girls smiles away?? Why is everyone so worried about what other peoples private parts do? Let people live their lives!!
Who is to say they're doing anything (yet, tee hee) with their parts anyway? These parents are sooooo repressed. Come join the 20th Century (yes, I do mean 20th) any time, angry & ignorant parents.
Load More Replies...Know what makes me sick? People insisting that our public schools need to be centered on their whackadoodle, outdated religious beliefs. You want God in taxpayer-funded public schools? Move to Iran.
Upvoted ten times if I could. I went to a Catholic school. Private, paid, religious, we knew it. Public school, tax-payer, public, secular, the end. I have no idea why they want shari'a in the US....
Load More Replies...Do these parents not realize that the class voted them king and queen? This was literally what the class wanted.
EXACTLY. If this is what the class voted for, shut your mouths and move on with your life.
Load More Replies...Actually you can have female king, Jadwiga of Poland was a king (that's right, KING not QUEEN) for some time :P
Yup. They wanted what was perceived as the highest title that could be given.....so they made her king.
Load More Replies...The good, loving Christians who spread Jesus's message by... screaming, name-calling, and harassing others, and voting explicitly to have them harmed and their civil rights removed. Hallelujah!
Load More Replies...As a lesbian, this infuriates me ( the part we’re the parents and other people are mad, )
we are in 2021, people better stay inside and do basically everything but that!
Load More Replies...If four men can be "Queen", then 2 girls can certainly be prom king and queen.
They're adorable!! BTW, as an evolutionary behaviorist, overpopulation in mammals reliably causes an increase in homosexual behavior. It's normal to have a percentage of the population gay at any time but it increases sharply. There was about 10% gay folk across the global population of the world in the early 80s - every society deals with it a different way. But yeah... Lots of gay people. Full disclosure: the mother of my two kids is an out lesbian.
You are correct. Homosexuality is found in many species in nature. Homophobia is only found in one as far as we know (humanity). How shameful homophobes are.
Load More Replies...Stephen Wade Believe me, I have my own terminology for Conservatives who can’t see beyond their own bigoted noses.
Load More Replies...Still waiting for one of these religious types posting hateful comments to explain homosexuality in god's creatures.
No one is god's creature, we are evolutionary byproducts. First you would have to prove that any god even exists. The bible says to stone homosexuals to death in Leviticus. It's a filthy, evil book.
Load More Replies..."cannot have a female king" - I raise you Jadwiga Andegaweńska who was a female king of Poland :)
I'll see your Jadwiga Andegaweńska, and raise you Tamar the Great, crowned 'King of Kings and Queen of Queens' of Georgia in 1184.
Load More Replies...I was just eating with this woman yesterday at a nice Italian restaurant. The young man next to us, I guess she decided for one reason or another that he was gay and subsequently went on this homophobic rant while he was sitting right there about how the world was "getting too gay". I asked "why do you care??? Let people be happy and worry about your own life. If you're so miserable you have to tear complete strangers down about how they are HARMLESSLY living their own life then you clearly have a lot of work to do". She left. 🤭
Got my hands full just trying to manage my OWN life. Don't have the time, energy, or interest in managing someone else's.
Load More Replies...'another parent at the meeting added: “I think tradition stands for a queen that has a vagina, a king that has a penis and testicles.”' WTF?!? I don't remember anyone checking the genitals of previous winners! Why are genitals important to a high school event?? argh.
I like that one of the comments seems to be convicnced that parents are giving their kids like a gay drug, and another doesn’t seem to understand how an election works.
Explains a lot about this last year, doesn't it?
Load More Replies...Who fricken cares as long as they are happy so what. I don't understand how someone's sexuality effects others. As long as no one is forcing themselves on others who cares what they do.
Republicans: this is the free-est country in the WORLD! Also Republicans: ummm, don't do that, it's not allowed!
That one parent said it all "Gosh just more proof of how super stupid [this] country is becoming". Strange how degrading they talk about themselves.
Why were you downvoted? Homophobes are incredibly stupid.
Load More Replies...A lot of these people are REALLY obsessed with genitals...and yet they call us the perverts
It's weird how homosexual relationships are reduced down to nothing but the physical act of sharing their love. You don't see this with heterosexual relationships.
Load More Replies...Wow. It seems the kids who voted for these girls to be Prom King and Queen are far more emotionally mature than their parents, who choose to have Karen-level hissy fits and spew their nasty homophobic comments instead. Gives me so much hope for the upcoming generation. They’re turning out way better than their parents. BTW, I’m 60 and think the Prom King and Queen are an adorable couple.
Karen: "Let them live a normal life!" - I hate to break it to you, Karen, but homosexuality is entirely within the normal range of human sexuality...and large parts of the rest of the animal kingdom.
Considering being prom king/queen doesn’t impact your life whatsoever who freaking cares who gets it? On a side note, I absolutely adore Riley’s prom dress
The haters don't seem to realize that this couple was not "appointed" to their prom roles by the teachers or administration. They were ELECTED by other STUDENTS. This is one of the widest generational gap that we have seen in years. You go, Annie and Riley! You go, Kings HS!
These. Parents. Need. To. Relax. The end. Or are they really angry b/c *they* couldn't come out and be open about being LGBTQ? ..... Hmm.
The comment: it's disgusting, it should be Queen and King is priceless. Assuming that the point was that Queen should be stated first, not that gender of any of them mattered. And as far as I'm aware these are voted by other school mates(?) so maybe these parents should be aware that their children supported it, because they're smarter than the adults complaining about prom queen and king and they're both ladies. Congratulations.
I suppose if they wanted to be extra formal about it, they would need to dive into the history of the words themselves. From a technical perspective "queen" means queen-consort, or simply the consort of the king. Queen-regent is a female ruling monarch (of which there have been many). I've seen historical precedent for a Queen-regent's consort being referred to as 'king-consort' but I cannot find a historical case for a Queen-regent's female consort. Either way, it doesn't matter :D
Load More Replies...I don't understand the parents, as those two girls are completely inoffensive. Surely the students would have picked them, so the school should support their choice. Trust parents in the US to get uptight about royal titles, while they live in a country that is a republic lol!
What about King Hatshepsut, a female pharaoh? All the Egyptians were fine with that, so why can’t you?
Hahaha "You cannot have a Female King" So do I just not exist or... coz I'm a girl and my last name is King xD
At my high school we had a girl crowned Prom King, and no one made a big deal out of it. They were happy for her. Our principal and his partner (a teacher) were in a very happy relationship and the whole school knew about it, and no one made any fuss about it. And that was back in the early 2000's. Let people live the life that makes them happy.
maam like jesus hung out with 12 guys and a prostitute and was also a furry
How does a random parent call a school meeting? A lot of the comments are pathetic. Are they all parent super upset their kids didn't get named? Otherwise it's one night where two people wear plastic crowns. It doesn't harm anyone. Other than perhaps making two kids feel better it doesn't even change anyone's lives. I doubt that helps anyone get into college or anything. Just let kids be happy.
The kids are alright. If that is the future generation voting for equality then the future is looking stong. Those parents are just... well... wrong. Amazing how it is their children that voted for this... fighting against their bigoted parents. I'll say it again . The kids are alright. And all the power to them.
Theres a Kickstarter for a deck of cards that has Monarchs and Princess/Prince instead of Kings and Queens
1- The girls parents are the only ones with any say in the matter. 2- The school/Board/District have NO SAY (as they pointed out) in who _ the students_ voted King & Queen since it wasn't an "official" school event. 3- If folks want to do the God Says bit, keep in mind that the girls are just EXACTLY the way GOD made them. 4- This is the 21st century; deal with it or STFU.
“I think tradition stands for a queen that has a vagina, a king that has a penis and testicles.” So, someone looked under the prom king’s hood to verify the presence of a vagina? Have them arrested!
sorry to say but homosexuality is normal. Has always existed and exists in nature. So if someone finds it wrong should rethink his/her values
Wow. If they were my daughters I would be even more proud that it ruffled a few feathers. Yeah bitch revolution! Lol people have always been gay y'all. Its just that the ones that had a problem with it were a hostile and vocal group of psychopaths that would literally kill folks. So please curb your self importance and long live the king. Yeah the one with tits in the above photos.
I wonder sometimes if those unhappy adults ever stop to ask themselves why they're so keen to embrace a dogma of hate instead of accept that love is not bound by a codex of law written over a thousand years ago. I can't help but feel like there's some closed doors that a good psychologist could open for these folks...
I'm trying to figure out the powdered sugar comment. Is that a thing? Like, traditionally to disguise someone as male they throw powdered sugar on themselves? Or do you throw it on everyone else, like to distract them maybe? Might help if you had dogs jumping on them to lick it off. Nothing to do with gender, but might distract them from being sexist idiots.
Why is it that these folks think only hetero people should get to lead a "normal life"? And these "adults" are acting FAR more childish than their own children. WHO CARES if the king and queen are same sex? The parents are not students at the school, their kids are and OBVIOUSLY the students voted for them.
why are the names of the senders of the hateful bigoted comments blocked off so we can't see who they are? Haters need to be named and shamed. Meanwhile the names of the supporters are left uncovered, leaving them open to possible retaliation.
wait shouldn't it be two queens? IDK, if that girl wants to be a king, whatever. but it would've made more sense to have 2 queens I think
I mean if I was in this situation I'd want to be a king even tho I'm a girl, but yea they should be able to have 2 queens
Load More Replies...(I didn't have a prom so correct me if I'm wrong.) Aren't Prom Kings and Queens elected by the students? Like don't they vote for it? The king and queen don't have to be a couple, it's just whoever was voted, yes? They look so darling a happy. As long as the relationship is happy, healthy, and consenting what's the problem?
I live in Ohio and I am ashamed that we have LGBT+-hating and racist people here. I can't speak for everyone at all, but I personally think folks should be able to be whoever they want to be, however they want to be without any major setbacks.
I’m from Ohio too. And I ashamed of not only that, but that they seem to worship the orange menace.
Load More Replies...It really pisses me off when they bring God into their hate infested opinions. Did they talk to God on the phone or something to be that sure? I don't think even the pope can do that.
1) I can't believe the schools are still doing the whole "king and queen" thing 2) As others have mentioned the kids VOTED on this, so obviously the majority of them were in favour of it 3) The homophobic comments from the parents is just infuriating and downright scary. I feel sorry for their kids.
The fact that adults are getting all bent out of shape over this is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while. It's a high school prom. If this affects your ADULT life to the point that you need to whine about it in a meeting, I suggest you seek therapy. You have much more serious issues that you've yet admitted. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE KIDS! I HOPE YA'LL HAD FUN! (That's right, ya'll - - I'm SOUTHERN! LOL)
Ok beside the point of this article but I re-read that after reading the last sentence in a southern accent in my head and it was amazing lol
Load More Replies...The hateful comments sadden me. They also give Christians a bad name. I’m a Christian, but I live by Love- just as Jesus preached. Jesus gave us love rules to live by. Being intolerant is not love. You can have different opinions with people you love. Hateful speaking is not life giving. We are called to love others as our own selves. ♥️ I only see happiness in these pictures.
Oh my god that's my old elementary school district!
This is not ok. These 2 girls are happy together and its their own lives. They can be who they are. I understand if you don't want your kids to be gay, but tolerance for Heaven's sake. They are just as human as the rest of us.
Considering Prom King and Queen are voted on by their peers, what business is it of the adults to interfere? Non-issue as far as I am concerned.
I actually have a problem with this, they should BOTH be queens. Cause let me tell you that girl wearing the "king's crown" hella deserves to be the queen she is.
I was so close to exploding when I read what the parents were saying. First of all, they aren’t children they are nearly adults. They know who they want to love. What does it matter if the school decides to be supportive instead of your sorry ass and have a homosexual couple as prom king and queen? They are happy! And what IS normal for you to even be arguing that the students aren’t living normal lives! Jesus Christmas, grow up people 🙄 But fr I loved this! Congrats Ohio high school:D
I’m glad they’re so upset! They deserve to be upset, outraged and uncomfortable. Good. Pieces of shít don’t deserve comfort, or to get their way. Let them suffer.
Love is love. You were given a choice to love whoever you want. It is not okay to dislike the people who prefer different choices, like lesbians and gays. All people are different.
This happened in my small town. Two girls were prom royalty but there are student/s who are upset. They got called names and one girl had trash dumped next to her car. And I am in a blue state!!!
Bigots live in every state. Republicans can live in blue states and I suspect them that they live there, so they can be annoyed by something every day.
Load More Replies...I can’t believe some people despise those girls’ existence! Off topic a bit they’re so beautiful in those photos! I hope that’s me with my future girlfriend someday 🥰
F**k tradition, all it does is push outdated crap onto people who have no need, use or liking of it. So happy for these girls. What a great school!
Hatshepsut. Nefertiti. Cleopatra. Twosret.... Those are just the the FIRST FOUR best known female Egyptian KINGS! Do you need the names of European and Asian ones as well??? Are you just ignorant of history and sexist? Speaking of American values... This was a FREE election in the school; male and female students voted! So denying their votes sounds kinda like voter suppression... 😮 All these supposed "Christians" posting hate-filled, bigoted, narrowminded and misguided hateful messages, are hypocrites, and the literal antithesis of moral values; disgusting. You go ladies!! May we all aspire to be so happy!
One of them seems to could started as a drummer in a grunge band, reach the nirvana, and then, start as leader of a new band, something about foo or/and fighters. BTW, best wishes to both them. Stupid people harassing around should be punished by law nowadays. C'mon, we are in the 21st century, I suppose.
heaven forbid the students get to vote for this student event for students
Well i will never be prom queen/king with my girlfriend at my school (because a LOT of the people there are homophobic) but I wish I could be. I think it's awesome how accepting and supportive that school is. Look how cute they are together, how could anyone hate that?
I'd love to know how many of the negative comments are from real bigots, and how many from bots agitating and stirring up trouble…
“I think tradition stands for a queen that has a vagina, a king that has a penis and testicles.” ded
I'd like to see 3 kings, 3 queens, a lesbian couiple, a gay couple and a hetero couple. A couple from each of the different 'countries'
I just want to implement that all high schools have a committee that checks the genitalia of the nominees before proceeding with the coronation...PUH-Leeeese
If I were the school I'd be like omg you're so right, here take this BIGGER crown Y'all are Queens!! Complete with a bouquet of rainbow roses. People are dumb. You may not agree and that's fine, but leave it alone and let them have their moment. You can't claim to be a Christian and then freely be an ass hat and judge others, that's not our job. I read the same book you did and it says "Ye shall not judge, lest YE be judged" So although my religion does not agree with same sex relationships I personally don't give a s**t. They're not hurting anyone, they care about eachother. Let it be because at the end of the day, If there is a God and they were wrong, then they'll know, If I'M wrong and there's no God (which I don't belive) I still won't know. Because I'll be dead. sooooo.... Congratulations girls.
"The Times are A-Changin"...old song with the constant answer to most social norms. Remember back when and maybe it still is a concern in some quarters when or if a High School Prom had a interracial couple as King and Queen. They are still mopping up the tiny brain matter from those exploding heads of that life's episode. As many say here, it's hard to live your own life but to try to control others with your unfriendly and unwise opinions just doesn't cut it.
If they won just because they were lesbians, then I understand. But they won because they deserved to win, so I don't understand the problem
First, good on them! Second, the one girl sort of reminds me of Jennifer Carpenter, she plays Debra on the show Dexter. They both are cute!
I don't get why anyone is being elected at all. Why not just have a party without saying who is best?
The problem is with adults here trying to train their kids to be something the kids know their parents are wrong in. This has no affect on the parents other than the parents don't get their way. Let the parents complain for their 15 minutes and move on. Obviously the kids are happy and know they did nothing wrong. Happy to see the girls happy and enjoy their special moment.
To be fair, it should be Queen and Queen. Nothing wrong with having a lesbian couple and naming them both Queen of the Prom. Good for the school to be openminded about who gets to be the focal point of the celebrations.
i confused.. the title... if its said crowned Royal Couple sure it can be everyone right?.. but if its King and Queen of course its refer to gender..
A hetro couple would not have a bunch of homophobic bigots frothing at the mouth either. You are correct though, they are being treated differently because of their orientation; by the aforementioned bigots.
Load More Replies...Don't know about that last sentence. How about I eat an entire bag of chocolate-covered almonds to prove I'm not homophobic? I know it doesn't have anything to do with prejudice, but it's way yummier than saying the sun is a square.
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