We don't know about you, but we love it when random fascinating facts catch us off guard at times. For the most part, a lot of us tend to enjoy and are entertained by surprising or strange tidbits of information from the fields of science, history, and even some like pop culture.
Here is a collection of some random and entertaining trivia that can pique your interest if you've happened to turn into the family's glorified quiz master and are getting ready for the holiday weekend full of family gatherings. It's also perfect to use at your upcoming dinner party (holidays aside).
A page on Instagram called ‘Did You Know?’ collects and shares interesting and unusual facts that are guaranteed to surprise you in one way or another. And if this post isn't enough, we urge you to check out our previous post sharing some of the best facts from the page!
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The rare human is also nice but in general dogs are a hell of a lot nicer
Load More Replies...So that is why humans dump their dogs, shoor their dogs, kick their dogs, use electric shock devices on them. Or why there are so many unwanted dogs in shelters. Why they drop poison baits in other people's yards if they have a dog, Or why the law comes down SO VERY VERY heavily on those abuse dogs??? (aka a slap on the wrist!)
Only as nice as their humans. I've met some nasty dogs over the years who had some nasty owners. It's a two way street.
True Story. I lived near a "Attack Security Dog" training facility when I lived in Michigan years ago. Every few days I would go for a walk and pass by this place and the dogs would go nuts, okay. Then one day I walked right up to the fence and started talking to the GSD and Rotties as if I'd known them my whole life. Of the dozen or so dogs, about 10 of them sat down and started wagging their tails and came to me wanting scratches and touches. After a few minutes the other two finally came over and I got to touch and rub and scratch on them all. I was stoned and thought this was just marvelous. The next time I walked bye the facility had plastic stripes woven through the chain link fence so my stoned a*s could not touch the "Attack Security Dogs". All my life animals and children have been attracted to me like flies to s**t. It's unnerving having these horrible little children want to talk to me and touch me. I wish parents would keep them on a lease or something.
Well you just proved the point. You insult someone by not reading their story and then comment that you didn't read it. Disrespectful and you could have just not said anything. And J. Maxx, you just keep being that stoner that dogs and kids flock to.
Because my dogs, unlike humans, will never take advantage of me, make fun of me or treat me like garbage
Dogs are better than humans in every aspect. we don't deserve them...
Makes sense! Once you look into the eyes of a puppy, there is no going back
Dude y the hell are you downvoted, you’re just complimenting a doggo! Who’s stooping this low or am I missing something
Because dogs don’t know what narcissism, psychopathy, or nihilism is. Unlike humans. Dogs love unconditionally… humans can be deceptive towards others. Even to the ones we love.
Yes agreed. Dogs are doggos. Humans are variable, sometimes they’re nice but other times they suck
Pets do not lie to us, do not betray us, do not deliberately cause us emotional or physical harm.
I know, if you hot a child with a belt, it's discipline. If you hit a dog with a belt, it's animal abuse. Just stop hitting living things with belts people.
I cannot watch the SPCA commercials. My best friend teases me that if I had to choose between saving a human or an animal, I would choose the animal. I don't necessarily disagree.
And? Dogs (and cats) are kind, loving, fun, and everything good in this world.
Not only do I enjoy the companionship of animals over humans, I will go out of my way to ensure their quality of life. Something I don't offer to many of the humans I know.
i mean.... it makes sense. there's never been a dog that acts like simon cowell
WHO says?? How many more starving stray dogs do you see than starving humans. How many surrendered children to you see at human shelters? How many people do you know who have had their child put down because they no longer wanted it? How many children do you see in choke chains or prong collars or electric ''stim" collars??
I certainly do. One thing you learn while pursuing social science degrees is all the many horrible ways people can be, and the many horrible things they do.
... not only dogs, but along with them goats, cows, birds, pigs, cats (whom I consider the best fit to live with me, but that's not to degrade any other animal, it's just a match...), mice, rats, rodents generally, fish, ... humans have a lot more insight in everything and anything and yet, mostly we're just improving the efficiency of our selfishness. What a great species we are!
To be honest it's same the other way around. Most dogs are aggressive towards other dogs but are still good bois to humans
Do they do it on a park bench wearing dark glasses and trenchcoats? Please tell me they do it on a park bench wearing dark glasses and trenchcoats!
Man. Joe has dysentery real bad, someone should take care of him. Wtf wants to nurse a guy through dysentery? No one that’s the problem! Wait, don’t we have a baboon around here?
I want it, how much is it, I’ll report back with my findings
That's actually not surprising to me. The main way radiation kills living organisms is via DNA Damage. The most susceptible is DNA being decoded, as unused DNA is curled up and will less likely be damaged by radiation. The faster stuff grows the more susceptible to radiation damage (that's why radiating tumors works). As a bonsai is by design being kept withing very strict growing boundaries it has a much higher chance of surviving radiation than a normal growing counterpart. Plus fact: there is a bacterial species called Deinococcus radiodurans which as you may have guessed ist extremely durable towards radiation, they do this via very good DNA repair mechanism but also low metabolism and division rates.
Y’all this is really random but it’s 11:11 and it’s also almost Christmas. So I guess make a wish
Guilty as charged. But there has been so many deaths in my life this year.
I remember this exact moment!! I thought it was so awesome, like literally awe-some lol
A $50 bet, per Snopes. For the curious, here is a list of the 50 words that appear in Green Eggs and Ham: a, am, and, anywhere, are, be, boat, box, car, could, dark, do, eat, eggs, fox, goat, good, green, ham, here, house, I, if, in, let, like, may, me, mouse, not, on, or, rain, Sam, say, see, so, thank, that, the, them, there, they, train, tree, try, will, with, would, you.
Aside from the hypothesis being 80 years old, little dogs living half this, and chickens also being an outlier - us having longer lifespans than 35 years is nothing to do with modern stuff. People historically lived to 60/80/90, General Cao Cao was 65 when he died in the 3rd century of a brain tumour. Lif expectancy was lower in the past but that was because of the high infant mortality rate bringing the number down, not people dropping dead in their 30s.
But, we all knew it was the genie. He's even obviously voiced by Robin Williams, the voice of the genie.
I've spent my kid's entire childhood telling other parents this, they all just think I'm an idiot. Oh well.
Thank you everyone for being so considerate and kind. It truly means the world.
This has to have been just about the worst collection of rubbish ever posted by BoredPanda.
Thank you everyone for being so considerate and kind. It truly means the world.
This has to have been just about the worst collection of rubbish ever posted by BoredPanda.