In a perfect world, everyone is productive. Ticking every box on their to-do list, managing their time and concentrating on the task at hand. Sounds great, right?
But as we all know, that is rarely the case... And one of the main reasons why is our own laziness.
There's plenty of creative people who try to make life a bit easier. Bored Panda has compiled a list full of the most brilliant ways to work with as little effort as possible. From manipulating your cat into turning the light off to leaving the side table unassembled and using it as it is, we've got you covered.
Don't forget to check out Bored Panda's previous post where people took laziness to a whole new level!
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We often associate laziness with apathy, carelessness or lack of motivation. And while some people are more likely to look for the easiest option, performing tasks with as little effort as possible can have its benefits. These people are actually good at finding out the quickest way of doing something with little mental or physical activity.
One study published in the Journal of Health Psychology suggests that people who are more physically active have a lower need to engage in activities that require thinking. But this “difference was most pronounced during the 5-day work week and lessened during the weekend“, which means that an easy-going weekend will only benefit your brainpower. The researchers also found that those with high IQ go bored less easily. That's why they tend to be less active and spend more time thinking while the "non-thinkers“ preferred to engage in physical activities.
How I Shut The Light Off When I'm Feeling Lazy
Also, an easy mistake would be to confuse laziness with proper idleness – choosing to do nothing. As the famous quote by Oscar Wilde goes, “to do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world, the most difficult and the most intellectual.” And it's true. Believe it or not, but being idle is actually good for you.
Chris Bailey, author of “Hyperfocus: How to Be More Productive in a World of Distraction”, said that our attention is either focused (when we get our work done and have meaningful conversations) or unfocused which actually makes us more creative. “Think back to your last creative insight — chances are it didn’t happen when you were focusing on one thing. In fact, you probably weren’t focused on much at all,” Bailey said.
According to the author, an idle mind allows us to do three things: rest, plan our future and long-term goals, and think of the most insightful and unique ideas. So in other words, when we see a bunch of do-nothings just sitting around and idling, they might actually be using their energy to think and create.
When You’re Too Lazy To Build A Snowman
Left My Christmas Lights Up. Laziness Paid Off For Once
Some even think that laziness is the key to success. Michael Lewis, bestselling author of “The Big Short,” said that it serves him as a filter. “Something has to be really good before I’ll decide to work on it,” he said. In other words, it helps you to avoid being busy just for the sake of... being busy and also prevents you from taking on opportunities that you do not care much for.
The Student Chose A Character Who Speaks Only 3 Words And That Is His Name - I Am Groot
It Took Me A Minute To Comprehend That My 5-Year-Old Had Invented A New Hands-Free iPad Technology
However, if you're feeling lazy more often than not, it could mean that something else is going on. If you're having trouble getting things done, set unrealistic goals and feel exhausted, you might be experiencing a job burnout. Since it's sometimes presented in such a way that overlaps with the concept of do-nothingness, it's not that easy to spot.
My Dad's Christmas Tree
We Don't Deserve Dogs
Devon Price, a social psychologist and author of “Laziness Does Not Exist” speaks of the Laziness Lie, “a belief system that says hard work is morally superior to relaxation and that people who aren’t productive have less innate value than productive people“. In short, those who do more are worth more. Today, this kind of thinking can lead to physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.
I Got Inspired To Be Lazy And Not Put Up All My Christmas Lights
I prefer this to actually putting up the lights like everyone else
I'm Really Lazy When It Comes To Putting On A Costume
Laziness: Dream Level
And let's not mistake indolence for procrastination. We often think it's a form of passivity when in fact, people and especially students might be facing barriers that are unknown to us. “If a person’s behavior doesn’t make sense to you, it is because you are missing a part of their context,“ Price explained. “People do not choose to fail or disappoint. No one wants to feel incapable, apathetic, or ineffective. If you look at a person’s action (or inaction) and see only laziness, you are missing key details. There is always an explanation,” the author said.
9-Year-Old's Tablet Solution
Lazy Bastard
It's My Dad's Birthday Today. I Was Too Lazy To Get Him A Proper Card
So it seems that being lazy is not always a bad thing. In fact, you should probably do it more often. If you use it the right way, it even makes you more productive and leaves more room for original thoughts and ideas. Although if you're doing nothing because you're overwhelmed, it might be good to take a step back and figure out the nature of your laziness. Then try to overcome it. Or don't. It's completely up to you.
Lazy But Genius Parenting
Just Feeling A Little Lazy
I Hate Signing Yearbooks For Students, So I Had A Rubber Stamp Made
Laziness Meets Ingenuity, Me: "What's That Pipe On Your Railing?" Sister: "It's Our Soda Can Chute"
Lazy Security Guard
This Shortcut Symbolizes Human Laziness (Yes, I Use It)
I Trusted My Husband To Clean-Up From Christmas Last Year. This Is What I Discovered When I Went Down To Our Basement To Begin Decorating This Year. Life Hack Or Lazy?
Be Lazy. Make A Garage For Your Heavy Small Appliances With Cheap Rolling Plant Stands
I Figured Out You Don’t Actually Have To Assemble These Things
Road Sign
My Daughter Wanted A Fort. I Was Feeling Lazy
My Lazy Little Brother Learning Writing English Letters
Lazy Lawnmower
My Coworker Has A Tendency To Spill His Cereal Walking Out Of The Kitchen In The Morning And Just Leave It There. I Made It Modern Art
Throwing Away Paint Roller Trays Is Just Wasteful, And Cleaning Them Is A Damn Mess. Here's Your Lazy, Smart Solution
Someone At The City Hall Is Lazy
I Was Too Lazy To Keep Getting Up And Check My Pot If It Was Boiling, So I Just Skyped It
This is, by the way, how and why the first webcam ever was put up. The famous Trojan Room coffee pot cam ( Laziness made work from home possible over the last two years, history can always teach us a lesson !
Some of us are still living in 2021 and some of us are all the way in the future. Far far away.
The first internet connected camera was pointed at the coffee maker so the techies could see if any was left without leaving the computer.
i set up a live stream on my phone when my gerbil was sick, because i needed to go downstairs to make dinner, but didn't want to stop watching him. stopped me panicking constantly.
Why stop there. Now that the pot has a skype account you can talk to it anytime and won't fee lonely;)
Honey, did you Skype, Teams or Zoom cook today? Seems a little underdone... maybe you should check with their servers.
Wanted To See How Some Rugs Would Look In Our Living Room But Too Lazy To Photoshop It
This Is How Lazy Our Facilities Guys Are
We Use Only The Latest Hands Free Technology
A Choice Was Made Today: A Lazy One
Tie A String To Your Garbage Cans So You Don't Have To Walk Downstairs
I Was Too Lazy To Get The Wrapping Paper In My Car, So I Found Some Clothes I Didn't Wear Anymore. It Took More Work Than It Would've To Just Go To The Car
Seriously People, Are You Too Lazy To Walk 50 Feet To Return?
A New Level Of Lazy
To me, this one makes me sad because I bet someone was replaced with this set up.
Lazy Birthday Cake
The Perfect Garden For People Too Lazy To Water Their Plants
My indoor 2 person tub has been converted into an indoor pond with goldfish, sliders, guppies and turtles. Mold isn't an issue with proper circulation. I know a handful of people with goldfish tanks converted from clawfoot tubs. Very pretty zen garden!!
I Was Lazy And Hadn't Washed The Dishes For A Few Days. Life, Uh, Found A Way
A "few" days. Doesn't it usually take a bit longer for a plant to grow that size.
My Friend's Taken Lazy To A New Drunk Level
There's Lazy And Then There's This Guy
My Friend Redefined Laziness. She Built A Floating Table Over Her Bed, So She Never Has To Stand Up Again
I Am A Lazy Man
Swing String
This Genius Watching Taken Using A Clear Plastic Bag To Hold His Phone On A Plane
Lazy But Fashionable Girl
When I'm Too Lazy To Cook (Often) I Just Pile Things Into A Bowl Until Nothing Else Fits
Some of these just seem like they took the harder option and it would've been quicker and easier to just do it. Some are dangerous or just messy but there are a few gems
If some people put as much effort into work as they put into avoiding it, they'd be millionaires.
Some of these just seem like they took the harder option and it would've been quicker and easier to just do it. Some are dangerous or just messy but there are a few gems
If some people put as much effort into work as they put into avoiding it, they'd be millionaires.