This is a quick reminder to not forget to do your laundry today. This is also another quick reminder that not everything is washing-machine-and-dryer friendly.
To save you the trouble of finding that out for yourself, the lovely folks at Bored Panda have compiled this listicle to showcase all the nightmarish things that can happen if you don’t watch what you’re throwing into the wash. Or just nightmarish things that can happen, period. Washing machines do be evil like that sometimes.
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Shrunk My Favorite Top But There Was A Silver Lining
Our Dryer Was Making A Strange Noise. My Mom Took It Apart And Collected The Contents
My Mom Has This Hanging Above The Dryer In Her Laundry Room
So, a lot of things can happen in a washing machine if you don’t know what you’re doing. Hopefully, more often than not, the washing machine goes through the entire cycle without you needing to pick up the pieces of whatever that was left inside afterwards (or whatever that is left of the appliance in general).
But to kick off the list, don’t put anything into the washing machine that quite literally isn’t clothing or fabric. And even that comes with its own asterisks.
Freaking Cat Shut Off The Washing Machine Mid-Cycle
This Is What Happens When You Don't Separate Your Colors And Whites
My Daughter Used Markers To Put “Makeup” On Her Dolls. I Tried To Wash Them. Cinderella Had An Especially Rough Night
It looks like she cried too hard when the prince realized he only wanted to date the Godmother version of her, and not post pumpkin Cindy.
A quick-list of things to avoid putting into a conventional washing machine, that still fits the concept of clothing: suits, embellished clothing, clothes with zippers and buttons, swimsuits and bras, baby socks, throw blankets, sneakers with leather, clothes covered in pet hair, sweaters made out of delicate materials, lace garments, ties and memory foam pillows, just to name a few.
David Bowie Cushion And Dog Blanket In Washing Machine
I've Accidentally Shrunk My Husband's Jacket. Husband For Scale
My Cat Knocked Over 2 Gallons Of Laundry Detergent Onto The Floor While I Was At Work (My Floor Is Not Blue, It’s White)
If some of these seem a bit strange, or you have been doing it with zero repercussions, then note that it depends. Suits, embellished clothes, and laced garments might seem like a no-brainer, but why are some of the others in this list? They’re there to serve as a warning.
Clothes with zippers and buttons are fine, as long as there is not delicate clothing in the same wash as zippers are notoriously predatory pieces of fastening and can rip thin materials into shreds. And that’s a whole other can of beans that won’t come out in the wash.
My Wife Opened A Washing Machine Full Of Towels And Found It Just Like This After The Cycle
My Mom Washed My Favorite Sweater
Putting Towels Covered In Dish Washing Liquid Into A Washing Machine Was A Bad Idea
Baby socks, like many other tiny clothes, can easily get sucked into the innards of the washing machine; bikinis and anything with elastic can become less elastic really quickly; bras can get hooked on internal washing machine parts easily; many blankets are surprisingly dry wash only, so watch the tag; pet hair can quickly suffocate your washing machine; leather accents often peel off of clothes (and then get gobbled up by the crevices of the drum), and things like sweaters made of wool, velvet or cashmere demand delicacy in general—just hand-wash them.
Washing Machine Decided To Eat Itself
My Grandmother Accidentally Put One Of Her Leather Gloves In The Washing Machine
Over Two Months Of Laundry Has Generated Thirty Two Unmatched Socks. How?
Washing machines function very similarly to humans in the sense that everything has to be done in moderation. Hence, too little or too much laundry detergent or soap might lead to disappointing washing results. Since a lot of the machine’s cleaning efficiency depends on clothes rubbing against each other, too much soap might reduce friction to a degree where it doesn’t really clean itself. And too little detergent is self-explanatory.
I Don't Think I Had To Wash That
My Wife Left A Pen In Her Pants' Pocket
There Were 12 Minutes Left In The Washing Cycle When I Saw This
Besides that, too much detergent, yet not enough water to rinse it off in the end might also lead to skin irritation while wearing the clothes. It might even lead to dermatitis.
Oh, and, apparently, too much detergent might also mean your clothes might smell bad in the end. How? If there’s not enough water to rinse it off, that means both the detergent and whatever odor-causing bacteria that’s present there won’t come off. So, that nasty stain you got there on your sweater might become even nastier without you really noticing it.
My New Roommate Was Complaining About Her Dryer Not Working Very Well, So I Checked The Lint Trap. Coin For Size Reference
Received On March 13th. Washed And Dried On March 17th. Fastest $205 I've Ever Lost
Go easy on your passport guys- I’m only 36 years old and have already been investigated into possibly selling my passports (lost 4 adult passports by the age of 25 on nights out-I’m totally sober now for what it’s worth.) I’ve been told if I lose my current one I’ll only ever be allowed temporary passports for the rest of my life. (UK.)
I Can’t Do My Laundry At My Apartment Because The Internet Is Down
But that’s just one side of the coin—the washing machine wants some love and care too.
To finish off with the previous point of too much detergent, using the right detergent and less of it is also key to keeping the washing machine healthy. Modern detergents are designed for modern machines, which use less water with higher efficiency. Otherwise, there’s going to be a lot of suds out there.
My Wife Said She Had Something Crazy To Show Me After We Ate Lunch
This is a new one to me. I never really thought about that being a possibility.
Washing Machine Moved A Few Inches While Washing And Now The Door Won’t Open. Help
This Is Why I Can’t Have Nice Things. Two-Week-Old Oversized Jumper Now Fits My Two-Year-Old Because I Accidentally Washed It In The Machine
That's why I don't but "hand wash only" products. If they can't be cleaned even with special machine cycles, it's just not worth the time spent on washing them.
Besides that, keeping the washing machine level means it’s not gonna lose balance and go for a stroll. Or collapse altogether.
Regularly inspecting the water-fill hoses for cracks, cleaning the dispenser drawer and the lint filter of any suds and lint buildup, and preventing mold by doing a drum clean cycle every month are key to a healthy washing machine. Otherwise, the smell is going to be the least of your concern.
My Amazing Boyfriend Tried To Help Out By Putting The Wet Blackout Curtains In The Dryer On High. I Love Him
Don’t Wash A Blanket With A Fitted Sheet. Still Suffering From PTSD From The Sound
Our Washer Decided To Become A Smoke Machine
But if you take care of your machinery and need a different takeaway from this listicle, why not throw these fun washing machine facts in casual conversation:
The first commercially-available washing machine for regular Joes in the U.S. was called Thor and it was released in 1908; the first ever washing machine was rolled out in the 1760s and it was basically a manual-rotation wooden box; it took 4 decades of innovation to reduce water consumption per cycle from 181 liters to just 45.
Putting These Shoes In The Dryer Was A Bad Idea
6 Pieces Of Clothing Knotting In The Dryer
Have any washing machine nightmares of your own (whether it was just a dream or you experienced it firsthand)? Share your stories in the comment section below!
But if you haven’t had your fill of washing machine campfire horror stories, you can always jump into the Bored Panda rabbit hole to see another disastrous laundry listicle.
Half Of These Pants Shrunk In The Wash
Anyone Else Have To Remove Their Washer Agitator Because They Washed A New Box Of Staples, Or Is It Just Me?
Let’s Just Say That We Ended Up With Very Clean Laundry Room Floor. And Yes, I’m An Idiot
Put Our Clothes In The Communal Dryer. They Came Out With Someone’s Dog Hair On Everything
Missed My Pocket Knife In The Laundry
Doing Laundry Is Exhausting
The Soap Jug Fell To The Floor In The Laundry Room
Forgetting To Remove Paper From Your Pocket Before Doing The Laundry
Tried To Wash My Pillows. They Exploded And Filled My Washing Machine With Sticky Blue And Green Pillow Fluff
I haven't seen top loaders for sale for years, all front loaders here (Ireland/EU)
Accidentally Forgot My Fiancée’s Favorite Stuffed Animal In The Clothes While Doing Laundry, I’m In For A Rough Night
If OP can find the plushie’s, uh, “skin” intact in there, the stuffed animal could be saved with a few stitches and a new bag of polyfil! :O I love making stuffed animals, and I got my start when I was a kid, fixing my childhood ones that got ripped XD
Load More Replies...I've had a teddy bear for 40 years, if this happened to it I'd be devastated
Poor little stuff animal. Sounds like you'll be camping out on the sofa for a bit.
Reminds me of the time I actually knocked a toilet paper roll into the washer.... Good times.. 🫠
is them sleeping with a stuffie hurting you? is it causing you issues? no? then keep your rude opinions to yourself.
Load More Replies...Somehow Chucked A Dirty Nappy In The Washing Machine This Morning
My Neighbor Is Doing Some Laundry
A Brand New Full-Size Spiral Notebook In A Load Of Darks (Pic Taken After 2nd Wash)
Guess Who Forgot Car Keys In The Jeans' Pocket... On A Laundry Day
I've done that. Car key went through a full wash and dry cycle and it still works just fine somehow. Didn't even have to change the battery.
My Clothes Were Ripped To Shreds Because The Laundry Machine Shattered
Again in this list. I've never heard of this happening before. Also, how?
My Girlfriend Washed My Wool Sweater
Guess I Didn’t Need To Watch TV Tonight
Is it a common thing to put the remote into your POCKETS? Asking seriously. I always put mine back onto the arm of the couch after use, because I know I would otherwise lose it XD and yes, it’s a tiny Chromecast remote. Never once slipped it into a pocket XD
Boyfriend Tried To Wash A Pillow
Did The Laundry Today. Dryer Caught On Fire 30 Minutes Later
My Pillow Exploded In The Dryer
Found This In The Washing Machine In My Building
99% of these can be solved by checking the pockets of items and putting stuff in the machine one item at a time.
Lesson learned for those who may not be experts in laundry. Check the pockets, all of them, even if you mates told you they did already. Read the washing instructions and follow them. Check for cracked clothe (which may tear up during the cycle, especially big stuff like pillows). Check the shape of the machine to make sure a problem is not about to start (such as the seal about to break). Clean the pump from time to time. Also, if you can, do your own laundry in your own machine. Ok, I know in the US, you share the room in buildings but I for one prefer not to have to deal with careless neighbors' mistakes.
Honest question: by looking at those (probably) US-type of washing machines... are they really that bad? (Judging from the pictures but also from what I've read on the internet). I have to admit they look kind of flimsy with all the plastic and funny looking baffles, but I've never used one. So is there anybody here who might help to explain if there is really such a huge difference between US washing machines and Europen ones (let's say a Miele)?
My washers and dryers last forever. I only switch when I move. But I clean my lint traps and check my pockets. My grandmother's washing machine is still running, so is my aunts. These are just bizarre accidents.
Load More Replies...Why do people use dryers? I get it if it's a family with kids, but like 2 grown-ups... I just wait till it's dry, saves energy/money/space. I really don't get it.
I do not have enough cloths to wait for summer.
Load More Replies...The amount of people washing pillows without putting them in a laundry too damn high!
Don’t wash pillows! Double cover them, and when they get bad just get new ones! And no, that does not mean you have to buy new pillows every year. Or just hand wash them.
You can wash "my pillows", but I threw mine out once I realized what a dumbass Mike liddel is. I loved my pillow, but hate trump more.
Load More Replies...Using a laundromat, tossed in my scrubs without checking. Someone had left (or put) crayons inside the dryer. My stuff came out with some of the most colourful abstract art I could have wished for. Color stayed for a few more washing and drying. I'd love to duplicate the effect but don't want to screw up anyone else's clothes . . .
who the f**k out here putting pillows in washers??? that's what the pillow case is for
None of this really surprises me, the number of people who grow up without learning how to do the laundry is almost unbelievable.
Major lesson. Never buy clothes (or bedding) that isn't washing machine safe. Never.
99% of these can be solved by checking the pockets of items and putting stuff in the machine one item at a time.
Lesson learned for those who may not be experts in laundry. Check the pockets, all of them, even if you mates told you they did already. Read the washing instructions and follow them. Check for cracked clothe (which may tear up during the cycle, especially big stuff like pillows). Check the shape of the machine to make sure a problem is not about to start (such as the seal about to break). Clean the pump from time to time. Also, if you can, do your own laundry in your own machine. Ok, I know in the US, you share the room in buildings but I for one prefer not to have to deal with careless neighbors' mistakes.
Honest question: by looking at those (probably) US-type of washing machines... are they really that bad? (Judging from the pictures but also from what I've read on the internet). I have to admit they look kind of flimsy with all the plastic and funny looking baffles, but I've never used one. So is there anybody here who might help to explain if there is really such a huge difference between US washing machines and Europen ones (let's say a Miele)?
My washers and dryers last forever. I only switch when I move. But I clean my lint traps and check my pockets. My grandmother's washing machine is still running, so is my aunts. These are just bizarre accidents.
Load More Replies...Why do people use dryers? I get it if it's a family with kids, but like 2 grown-ups... I just wait till it's dry, saves energy/money/space. I really don't get it.
I do not have enough cloths to wait for summer.
Load More Replies...The amount of people washing pillows without putting them in a laundry too damn high!
Don’t wash pillows! Double cover them, and when they get bad just get new ones! And no, that does not mean you have to buy new pillows every year. Or just hand wash them.
You can wash "my pillows", but I threw mine out once I realized what a dumbass Mike liddel is. I loved my pillow, but hate trump more.
Load More Replies...Using a laundromat, tossed in my scrubs without checking. Someone had left (or put) crayons inside the dryer. My stuff came out with some of the most colourful abstract art I could have wished for. Color stayed for a few more washing and drying. I'd love to duplicate the effect but don't want to screw up anyone else's clothes . . .
who the f**k out here putting pillows in washers??? that's what the pillow case is for
None of this really surprises me, the number of people who grow up without learning how to do the laundry is almost unbelievable.
Major lesson. Never buy clothes (or bedding) that isn't washing machine safe. Never.