Sibling Drama Ensues After Guy Sees Brother’s Tattoo ‘Loyalty’ And Can’t Stop Laughing
I believe most of us have heard that tattoos have to be meaningful, especially from our parents. And most folks, at least for their first one, want to do it with meaning, so that they won’t get tired of it and that they won’t need to search for laser tattoo removal after a few years or even months. Of course, not everybody! Some people do random things that they like, some choose carefully, and some mix it up.
However, often people like to tattoo phrases or words that are important or valuable to them and to folks who know them quite well, those words may look funny, because, well, that’s the opposite version of them that they know.
More info: Reddit
Tattoos don’t necessarily have to be meaningful, but when they are – make sure that value doesn’t change
Image credits: Cody Black (not the actual photo)
Man asks if he was being a jerk for laughing at his brother’s new tattoo
Image credits: u/Specific_Volume_1824
Image credits: Julia M Cameron (not the actual photo)
He shares that his brother hasn’t been the most loyal guy since he started dating
Image credits: u/Specific_Volume_1824
Image credits: ale10_tattooartist (not the actual photo)
Once the guy saw his tattoo, ‘loyalty’, he started laughing out loud, as the tattoo looked really ironic
Image credits: u/Specific_Volume_1824
His brother stormed out of the BBQ and the man ended up being called a jerk by their family members
One Reddit user shared his story to a certain community asking its members if he was being a jerk by cracking up at his not-the-most-loyal brother’s tattoo which said ‘loyalty’ in cursive. The post caught a lot of attention and received 16K upvotes and more than 2K comments.
The man shares that his brother hasn’t been the best boyfriend since he started dating. Quite a few relationships have ended because he was caught cheating. Moreover, his current girlfriend is the ‘other woman’ from a previous relationship. Recently, OP met with his brother at their parents’ home for a BBQ, where he noticed his arm was red.
Turns out it was a new tattoo that he just got, with ‘loyalty’ written in cursive. After seeing this, the author couldn’t help himself and burst out laughing as the tattoo was really ironic. However, his brother didn’t take it well and stormed out, locked himself in his room and didn’t join the family for dinner. OP got called a jerk by his family members as ‘people are allowed to change.’
Community members backed the guy up and gave him the ‘Not the A-hole’ badge. They agreed that the tattoo is ironic and laughing was a normal reaction. “Maybe he’s loyal to cheating,” one user joked. “Maybe he had it put there so he wouldn’t [freaking] forget,” another added. Others also mentioned that such tattoos are not a good sign: “Honestly, ‘loyalty’ as a tattoo is a red flag for a lot of girls.”
Image credits: Blake Wisz (not the actual photo)
For context, tattoos are really becoming more and more popular nowadays. Have you ever wondered how many people have tattoos? I have, so according to Gitnux statistics, Approximately 14% of adults in the European Union have a tattoo and an estimated 225 million people worldwide have at least one tattoo. Probably numbers are even higher, as some people do tattoos at home and it’s really impossible to know an exact number.
Moreover, to this day, older generations say that tattoos are for criminals and can’t understand why young people do this. I think many of us have experienced the disappointed looks from our grandparents when they see us covered in tattoos. Well, Psychology Today shares that in fact, when tattoos first emerged in the 1800s, they were a sign of a criminal or deviant.
Speaking about the reason behind people’s decision to get tattoos, psychologist Luzelle Naudé investigated why college students choose to get tattoos. To begin with, 25% did this to memorialize significant experiences or struggles, such as parents, children or certain times of their life. 12% of students simply said that tattoos are expressions of themselves.
To conclude, everybody can choose freely whether they want to get tattoos on their bodies, or if they think that they are beautiful on others but they wouldn’t like to get one themselves, or just don’t understand the point of some permanent ink on people’s bodies. And all opinions are okay, just, please, don’t shame other people if you don’t like what they look like.
So, folks, what’s your opinion about this story? Was the OP being a jerk, or did he have every right to react this way knowing the history?
Redditors agreed that tattoo was ironic and backed up the author
My daughters father has her name on his arm- but chose not to be in her life after she was 3. He got the tattoo after he vanished
This would be like me tattooing the words bad a$$ across my arm. I know that's not who I truly am and put it on my body permanently would be a stupid. He had so immature because of this and is probably expecting an apology.
Perhaps he got it tattooed as a reminder since he clearly can’t grasp the concept lol
My daughters father has her name on his arm- but chose not to be in her life after she was 3. He got the tattoo after he vanished
This would be like me tattooing the words bad a$$ across my arm. I know that's not who I truly am and put it on my body permanently would be a stupid. He had so immature because of this and is probably expecting an apology.
Perhaps he got it tattooed as a reminder since he clearly can’t grasp the concept lol