The past months I went to frozen days of winter and endless hours of darkness. Although I was born in autumn, I really love those long and lazy summer days, so during these shortest days of the year, I’m really counting the hours of the returning of spring.
Nevertheless, I admire the beauty of the low winter light, so this is my tribute to the past winter.
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Birds returning home
Melting ice
Frozen winter days
Sparkling flower
Fire and ice
Reflection of a winter day
Once upon a long ago…
Frozen morning
Waiting for spring
Share on Facebook"Natural light photographer". These shots are great, but you had to photoshop them to get them this way. This is for damn sure not what they looked like SOOC. That's what I don't get about people who feel the need to spout that they don't use strobes, as if that's a badge of honour and somehow more "legit" or something. How about "I'm a photographer"?
"Natural light photographer". These shots are great, but you had to photoshop them to get them this way. This is for damn sure not what they looked like SOOC. That's what I don't get about people who feel the need to spout that they don't use strobes, as if that's a badge of honour and somehow more "legit" or something. How about "I'm a photographer"?