From nomophobia, an irrational fear of being without a mobile phone, to xanthophobia, a fear of the color yellow, countless phobias exist out there. Now this time, we’re delving into the mind of megalophobes, people who are in fear of anything large, like skyscrapers and jumbo jets.
In fact, there’s a whole corner of Reddit dedicated to sharing examples of this phobia known as megalophobia. “A place to post images of all things large, particularly ones that are 'triggers' for those with megalophobia,” the group’s description states.
Below we rolled up some of the most interesting examples shared on the group, so scroll down. Also, when you’re done reading this one, make sure to check out part 1 of the article.
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The Tallest Tree In Wales Got Damaged By A Storm And Was Supposed To Be Cut Down, Instead Chainsaw Artist Simon O’rourke Found A Better Solution To Symbolize The Tree’s Last Attempt To Reach The Sky
A Minnesota Woman Recently Captured A Cloud Formation That Appeared To Look Like An Ocean In The Sky
If I looked up from my phone, in the passenger seat, I would immediately p**s myself so badly-
Angel Oak, The Oldest Tree East Of The Mississippi
Pyramids On The Horizon
Ukrainian Helicopter Flying With Freeway Traffic To Avoid Russian Radar
Clever - but it must be terrifying for the truck driver. Imagine thinking you might be hit by a Russian missile!
Imagine This Showing Up In Your Hospital Room
Worlds Without End
A Towering Thunderstorm As Seen At 37000ft Over Panama
Temples In Thailand
Anyone Else See A Bear?
An Iceberg Underwater
Standing Over 7 Feet Tall And Weighing A Massive 2600 Pounds, “Big Jake” Is Currently The World’s Largest Horse
Rare Jellyfish Red Sprite Lightning Found 30-90km In The Atmostphere
Remember "Paranorman"? Yeah, I think you know who I'm talking about in that movie
40 Feet Of Snow, North Dakota (1966)
I Hate Hot Air Balloons In General, But These?? With Faces?? Looking At Me?? Absolutely Not
Point Nemo, The Spot Farthest Away From Any Land In The World, Where You Are Closer To Astronauts Aboard The Iss Than Humanity
Just A Spiral Staircase
Just Something About This Being Able To Float Is Stressing Me Out Somehow
A Giant Statue Of Chinese Warrior Hero Guan Yu
Just A Frozen Waterfall
Quetzalcoatlus, As Tall As A Giraffe, The Largest Known Flying Animal In History. Imagine This Flying Towards You
Excuse me do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Quetzalcoatl?
Supercell Forming In Wyoming
It looks like one of the four elephants has stepped off the giant turtle onto Earth :o
The True Size Of The Easter Island "Heads"
A Blanket Of Mammatus Clouds Dwarfing A Plane
The Fog... Oh God
How I imagine the Mary Celeste may have looked, minus the people of course.
Face In The Clouds
Ominous and unsettling. Pareidolia, of course but I'd still run away from it as fast as I could.
Mosquito Flying Over Camera Lens
Earth Next To Jupiter
Oil Rig Platform Being Towed Into The Sea. The Platform Itself Is Dwarfing The Luxurious Hotel On The Left
Like this! Here's a video explaining the entire process
Load More Replies...This looks like an artist rendering it is so huge compared to everything else!!
Yes. It's not actually a platform, it's called a jacket and the platform is mounted on top of it.
Load More Replies...The tugboat has the size of said luxury hotel. That doesn't fit. You can't believe imagery any more, today. Like the picture of the princes of the sea, the liner isn't even finished yet.
That IS a big a** tugboat! I find these big tugs more interesting than whatever they are towing actually. Definitely worth reading up on if you like random facts.
Load More Replies...I bet its surprisingly light-weight for its volume to be transported by boat!
You'd be surprised at what a few of those little boats can pull out to sea (or in).
Load More Replies...just wow! no wonder they need those billions in profits every year... oh wait.....
As a forklift operator, I see something like this and weep. Hoooooooooooooly fuuuuuuuuuuuck.
150 Ft Iceberg Floating By A Small Town In Newfoundland, Canada. Gives Me The Heebie Jeebies
Recently Got A 17 Hour Ferry And Looking Out Into Nothing At 3am Was Terrifying
Looking up and seeing the milky way in all of its glory is breathtaking though.
A Cave
I love caves, but at the same time, despise them with all my being. Looking at this, I feel waves of calm and wonder, and also "HOLY S**T F**K NAH NOPE S**T GET IT AWAY"
Statue Of Unity In India. The Biggest Statue In The World At Present
Mount Saint Michel
The Biggest Bug Known To Ever Live. The Arthropleura Millipede That Predates The Dinosaurs And Grew Up To 100 Pounds.
Toy Story Room Size
150 Meter Aluminum Sea Serpent Skeleton Sculpture In Saint Brevin Near Nantes
damn. even though i know it’s fake, i still think it’s amazing. the sheer size of the beasts in the past never fail to amaze!
The Vastness Of Fishermen’s Nets
Ponte City Apartments In Johannesburg, South Africa. The Tallest Residential Building On The African Continent
Hong Kong From A Different Perspective
Each Frame Of Interstellar's Black Hole Took Over 100 Hours To Render
Burning Man Festival
Burning man used to be cool. Now, not so much. When a kardashian attends your festival, it's a sign of lame.
Never Realized These Were That Big
Inside Of A Windmill
A Research Team Surveys A Remote Area In Antarctica Where There Have Been Historical Accounts Of An “Ancient Giant Frozen In Ice”. Its Exact Size And Location Were Never Given. If Real, Scientists Suspect The So-Called “Giant” To Be A Mummified, Prehistoric Animal. The Team Is Looking For Traces
“Duga” Was A Soviet Radar System Used As Part Of The Soviet Anti-Ballistic Missile Early-Warning Network. These Things Were So Powerful It Interfered With Radio Signals Half Way Around The World
The Typhoon Is A Class Of Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarines Built By The Soviet Union. With A Submerged Displacement Of 48,000 Tonnes, The Typhoons Are The Largest Submarines Ever Built
The Inside Of 160 000m³ Long Containment Tank
And even if I do sleep... best believe it'll be with serious nightmares!
Load More Replies...I wrote a song about his list, it’s called OH MY GOD WHY DID I CLICK ON THIS and a one and a two…… AAAAAAAAAAAA
And even if I do sleep... best believe it'll be with serious nightmares!
Load More Replies...I wrote a song about his list, it’s called OH MY GOD WHY DID I CLICK ON THIS and a one and a two…… AAAAAAAAAAAA