Adorable Labrador Has To Eat In A High Chair Because Of A Rare Medical Condition
From the first glance Tink, short for Tinker Vol, looks like a happy puppy like every other. But even though she’s happy, Tink has a very serious medical condition.
“Since we brought Tink home on Saturday, September 17, 2016, she has stolen our hearts every second of the day. She’s also had some digestive issues and trouble keeping food down. One week after bringing her home we took her to the emergency vet when she was vomiting constantly and knew something wasn’t right. We finally got some information that wasn’t promising and a huge vet bill for the tests and procedures. X-rays showed that Tink had an enlarged esophagus that wasn’t contracting to help push food to the stomach. She was regurgitating everything that she would eat because of it and not get any nutrients down” wrote Tom Sullivan, her owner, on gofundme page that was set up to help with the puppy’s medical bills.
The condition that Tink has can be caused by undeveloped nerves and it means, that she can’t get normal food safely into her stomach, so she requires some help. She eats several small meals throughout the day in a special high chair, called a “Bailey chair.” The bailey chair allows gravity to help Tink’s special food travel safely to her stomach.
The condition of the puppy is not easy and requires much help from her owners, but Sullivans are happy to look after a member of their family.
More info: Instagram
“Since we brought Tink home on Saturday, September 17, 2016, she has stolen our hearts every second of the day” her owner Tom wrote
“She’s also had some digestive issues and trouble keeping food down. One week after bringing her home we took her to the emergency vet when she was vomiting constantly”
“Tink had an enlarged esophagus that wasn’t contracting to help push food to the stomach”
Because of her condition, Tink requires some help
She eats several small meals throughout the day in a special high chair, called a “Bailey chair”
The bailey chair allows gravity to help Tink’s special food travel safely to her stomach
The condition of the puppy is not easy and requires much help from her owners, but Sullivans are happy to look after a member of their family
Share on FacebookPlot twist: medical condition turns Labs into Weimaraners :o
Load More Replies...She is so sweet. God gave her to the right family, what a labor of love and patience!
I saw a short documentary on this chair and another dog with the same condition. The owner actually built the chair from scratch when the Dr. explained that his dog could die if not fed properly. This is how we love our animal pals. I would do anything to help mine. Now I'm off to "gofundme" page!
Megesophagus? My dog had that too, and we also had to feed him in an elevated position <3
I love the photo of dog and kid. that speak a lot about the love that the bring.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story! My brother's dog, Toby, had megaesophagus and they did everything you're doing. The vet said they should put him down because he "can't live like that" but all it took was some extra attention and care with the proper tools. Toby got to travel around Oregon and go on adventures for over eight years and was one of the happiest pups I've known. ♥️
Fortunately, this puppy found two hearts gold: Their owners. My-dog-goe...07c277.jpg
They are also lucky humans to have that good boy, such a good boy.
Load More Replies...I think he's a mix, he's got a big of a strange face for a pure Weimer
My husband had the same problem after radiation for esophogeal cancer. No peristalsis. Alas, he had to be fed through a tube in his stomach.
first God does not make mistakes, second what a wonderful family , that fur ball is loved and time is given , she will always protect you and love you , even if that breed can be clowns at times
First God isn't real, stop using some made up fairytale hero. Second, God isn't real.
Load More Replies...Plot twist: medical condition turns Labs into Weimaraners :o
Load More Replies...She is so sweet. God gave her to the right family, what a labor of love and patience!
I saw a short documentary on this chair and another dog with the same condition. The owner actually built the chair from scratch when the Dr. explained that his dog could die if not fed properly. This is how we love our animal pals. I would do anything to help mine. Now I'm off to "gofundme" page!
Megesophagus? My dog had that too, and we also had to feed him in an elevated position <3
I love the photo of dog and kid. that speak a lot about the love that the bring.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story! My brother's dog, Toby, had megaesophagus and they did everything you're doing. The vet said they should put him down because he "can't live like that" but all it took was some extra attention and care with the proper tools. Toby got to travel around Oregon and go on adventures for over eight years and was one of the happiest pups I've known. ♥️
Fortunately, this puppy found two hearts gold: Their owners. My-dog-goe...07c277.jpg
They are also lucky humans to have that good boy, such a good boy.
Load More Replies...I think he's a mix, he's got a big of a strange face for a pure Weimer
My husband had the same problem after radiation for esophogeal cancer. No peristalsis. Alas, he had to be fed through a tube in his stomach.
first God does not make mistakes, second what a wonderful family , that fur ball is loved and time is given , she will always protect you and love you , even if that breed can be clowns at times
First God isn't real, stop using some made up fairytale hero. Second, God isn't real.
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