50 Times Knitting Enthusiasts Shared Their Masterpieces Online (New Pics)
InterviewKnitting is a form of magic. Or it sure seems that way to someone who’s never held knitting needles, let alone tried to use them for anything other than wizarding wands of wizardry. Whether it be a form of artistic expression or a means of creating some lovely mittens to combat the cold winds hitting them fingers, it’s a craft that holds a special place in many hearts.
Bored Panda is definitely a fan! Last year, we compiled a list of 50 incredibly talented people who’ve shared their masterpieces online. Guess what we’re doing today? Well, if you’ve read the title then you know very well that we’re doing that again!
The Reddit community named r/knitting has united over 426k knitting enthusiasts, with many sharing their lovely little creations. Whether total beginners, or long-standing (or should I say long-knitting?) masters, everyone is welcome to partake in the warmth that this community garners, and today we’ll be celebrating our favorites!
We got in contact with Whitney Cant, known as Knitted by Whitney on Instagram and YouTube, who was kind enough to share her knitting journey with us, as well as giving some very useful tips for those looking to get into knitting. So make sure to stick around for that!
Dearest Pandarandas, do enjoy this voyage into the nifty and creative, vote on your favorites along the way, and if you’re still craving more, here is an article—and look, here’s another one! Let’s dive into it!
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I Was Convinced I'd Finish This Blanket In The Six Months Before I Graduated In 2018. I Moved House Four Times And Am Studying For My Second Masters Degree, But I’ve Finally Defeated It!
I have a confession to make: I have never knitted before in my life. It’s one of those things that I’ve never been exposed to: my family members aren’t knitters, my friends aren’t knitters, and we weren’t forced to learn this at school. We learned how to sew a button in, though! Very useful!
So, I will be falling upon experts of the craft or those who’ve been mesmerized by its simplistic complexity and the alchemy that turns a regular piece of string into an artistic expression of fashion. Or a warm cozy blanket at the very least…
One of those experts is Whitney Cant, who’d been sharing her knitting creations with the world since 2015. As a plus size knitter, she’s been bringing attention to the importance of size-inclusivity in knitting patterns, and encouraging others to share their knits, regardless of their size, as well as promoting self-love and body positivity.
She got into knitting thanks to The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, as she loved the vest the main character, Katniss, wore, yet couldn’t find one readily available. So what did she do—make one herself, of course! Ever since that first project, knitting has become a creative outlet and a means of crafting garments that fit her perfectly.
Knitted This Dress For My Daughter. She’s So Proud, Saying "My Daddy Made This For Me"
I Am Part Of A Facebook Group Called "Knit For A Unique Fit" That Matches Knitters With Individuals With Hand Differences To Make Custom Gloves. I Just Finished My First Pair!
When asked what the knitting process is like, she laughed: “It can honestly feel like herding cats sometimes!” She proceeded to describe the different ways knitters take on projects. “I’m a monogamous knitter, which means I work on one pattern at a time and don’t start anything new until I finish it. However, I’m in the minority—most knitters have multiple projects going on at the same time, but that is too chaotic for me, so I prefer to keep things simple with just one pattern.”
Although knitting may seem to be a purely physical process of moving about needles and pieces of yarn, it can also be a beautifully artistic and therapeutic practice.
Robbin Derry, an associate professor at the University of Lethbridge, believes that “the act of knitting is an opportunity to create and express ideas visually rather than verbally, to learn from our senses, to engage in active loving even while at work, to inspire others by actions and beauty.”
In other words, the world of knitting opens up doors for deeper insights and self-understanding than just what is beyond the yarn. The craft of knitting, thus, has a multitude of purposes: from the construction of warm and cozy garments to the construction of a more self-confident, more generous, and calmer self.
Five Years Ago I Started Him, And Then Hid Him Away In A Box For Being Frustrating And Way Above My Skill Level
A few months ago I was inspired by a post on this sub to pick him back up and now, at long last, he's done!!
This Embroidery Piece Has My First Ever Knitting Sample Sewn Onto It. This Piece Is A Reminder For Us To Honour Those Who Weave Our Clothing, Even If We Never Meet Them
Eleven Months Later, I Finally Finished This ‘80s Space Jumper I Found On R/Knitting
Robbin argues that the process and products of knitting may become “the outward expression of attitudes, emotions, and aspirations, well before these are articulated in words.” In simpler terms, what we carry inside of us is easier to come face-to-face with when we’re working on a creative project, requiring us to work together with the one person we argue with the most—ourselves.
“I have experienced and described knitting as performance art, as active loving, and as an expression of strongly held values,” states Robbin, portraying the craft as a means of making sense of the world. “Reflecting on my adventures with yarn and needles, it feels like I am knitting my life into one integrated fabric,” she continues.
“When we knit, we create a row of loops and then build another row of loops on top of those and keep going until we have a finished garment. When we live, we loop the relationships, moments, activities of our lives together; pile them on top of each other, creating links, making abrupt turns occasionally. Starting anew, and then sewing it onto the section we already had, we continue through to the end.”
For Whitney, it’s done wonders to her mental health. “I have minor anxiety that spikes when I’m in certain situations, and the physical act of knitting helps me alleviate that anxiety so much, either during the situations or immediately afterwards,” she said. “The creative side of knitting helps stimulate my mind and helps me just have fun in my spare time.”
“I wouldn’t have the self-confidence I have now without knitting, and I desperately want other plus-sized women to feel as confident as I do, and to normalize sharing bodies that look like mine because we are ALL beautiful,” she continued.
Alaska Hats For My Gymnastics Team That I Coach
Knitted My Greyhound A Suit For My Wedding Next Weekend
I Got Married On Saturday. I Made These Socks For My Wife To Wear When Getting Ready, So That She Didn't Get Cold Feet!
Although it seems that knitters usually form an emotional connection to the craft, the fact remains that the traditions and techniques of knitting have been passed from generation to generation. What that means is that knitting is a deep-rooted part of our culture.
Rebecca Elaine Schuiling argues that the artists who use knitting as a medium are “part of an ancient lineage of women around the globe who have transformed fibers into clothing to protect their families for tens of thousands of years.”
With the power to create comes a great responsibility. Does life imitate art far more than art imitates life? It’s a philosophical debate my straightforward brain cannot even begin to fathom. I understand the interconnection of both—one is not whole without the other—and the fact that soft colorful socks make me happy.
Whitney has some thoughts on that debate, however. “I think knitting can be a form of artistic expression, but it’s really a craft with a purpose that has been passed down through generations of knitters, mostly women. Knitting is primarily about making something functional—yes it helps if it’s also beautiful, but it’s more important that it’s wearable and useful. I don’t think you can clearly say whether it’s art imitating life or life imitating art because it was never meant to be art in the first place. It’s capable of being art, but that’s not its true purpose.”
Avena Sweater With Gradient Yarn!
Proud Of This One! Yarn Is All Made By Me
Finally Off The Needles And Done. This Clogged Up My Knitting Mojo For Almost A Year
Knitting is a living tradition, yet in modern times, it’s become more of a meditative act. “The notion of actively disengaging from the technologically saturated world is appealing to many artists,” Rebecca explains. “By engaging in a slow process of creation like knitting, artists feel connected to the medium through its therapeutic qualities.”
The repetitive motions, much like a mantra, the feel of the yarn in the hand, and the sound of the clicking of the needles are soothing to the soul. Rebecca argues that we can take back control over our daily lives by engaging in a process that has a long production time, such as knitting.
Many scholars believe that knitting as an art form surpasses the powers of paint and marble because of its association with everyday life. Peter Stallybrass states “Cloth … [is] powerfully associated with memory, or to put it more strongly, cloth is memory.” Knitted fabrics can be understood by many, bringing art to the regular day of regular human beings, doing their most regular things.
I Knitted My Wedding Dress. It Took A Year And A Half
Good Afternoon. I'm From Ukraine. A War Has Been Going On In My Country For A Whole Month Now. Thank You All For Your Support. Only Now I Was Able To Put The Knitting Needles In My Hands
My Proudest Knit Yet!
Something about the clouds (is that what they are?) reminds me of the intro to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. The white clouds/waves billowing under The King of Red Lions when you turn on the game and have not pressed Start. Am I a 40-year-old Legend of Zelda nerd? Yes! Proudly! Since around the mid 90s!
Buying a bunch of yarn, then trying to read a knitting pattern can be pretty intimidating, yet one should remember that there are a lot of resources available to help guide you through. Whitney has 3 key pieces of advice: Use YouTube for tutorials (she recommends Very Pink Knits), find patterns on Ravelry, and keep trying!
“I knitted my first sweater pattern after less than a year of knowing how to knit. It was a complete failure. So were the next three sweaters I knitted. I didn’t knit a successful sweater until the fifth one I made, and I still have that sweater and wear it all the time,” she said. Practice makes perfect, after all!
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk on knitting! And a big thank you to Whitney for sharing all her insight with us! Hope it was helpful or, at the very least, interesting. I definitely had a blast diving deep into it! For now, please enjoy the rest of this colorful list and refer to the links all the way back in the introduction for more crafty goodness! I bid you a good day and happy scrolling!
Just Finished A Pair Of Socks Inspired By The Very Hungry Caterpillar For An Arts Project
I Made Her For My Friend, Who Loves Knitting. I Hope This Mouse Will Make You Smile And Inspire You To Start A New Knitting Project Or Finish An Old One
My First Published Pattern Since My Stroke In 2020!
Mommy & Me Sweatah Weathah! Maja And Voff
Mermaid Blankets Are Out, Giant Sock Blankets Are In
Was Jealous Of Kiddos Sweater So Made One For Myself
The feat here is you managing to achieve your goal before your kid outgrew his sweater! You must have been fast
Finally Got To Wear My Dress And Mittens Set Skating!!
My Design Skyward Was Published In Pom Pom Magazine!
I Spent All Day, Waiting For Someone To Tell Me
"Hey, nice sweater!" So, I could aggressively shout, "THANKS, I MADE IT!!!" Tomorrow, my strategy will be to aggressively ask strangers, "DO YOU LIKE MY SWEATER?!?"
Tried My Hand At Knitting Some Chameleon Socks!!
I Taught Myself To Knit Last Fall, With The Help Of Youtube And Lots Of Encouragement From My Best Friend. Today I Finished A Lace Shawl As A Surprise For Her Wedding
Ha! Boom, Baby!
I Have A New Contender For The Least Practical Item In My Wardrobe
We Survived The 'Sweater Curse' With The Hardest Pattern I've Attempted Yet!
I’m Back With My Own Cable Sweater!
Look, It Has Pockets!
I wanted to be clever and say Sockets, but that's already a word.
Adding A Hidden Alien Face
When The Yarn And The Pattern Come Together Perfectly
Finished My First Jumper! Bit Lumpy But I Love It
I Knitted A Dress Inspired By Alyosha Karamazov, A Character In My Favorite Book
All My Knits For My Baby Due This Week
Do I Get An Award For Actually Finishing A Halloween Sweater Before Halloween?!
I Used Gradient Yarn To Make A Hat Inspired By The Northern Lights
It’s Finals Week, So Of Course I’m Wearing My New Fo For Good Luck
Matching Sweaters With My Bubble Buddy
My Sweater Accidentally Turned Into A Dress But I Couldn’t Be More Pleased! Should I Add A “No Signal” Bar To Make It More Obvious For People Who Won’t Get It?
I'm Pretty Proud Of My Totoro Sweater
Me 10 Years Ago: "Waste Yarn? Who Has Waste Yarn?" Me Today: Knits An Entire Sweater Out Of Sock Yarn Leftovers
When You Can’t Pick 2 Colors Choose 8 Instead
Finally Finished My Brain Hat! I Knitted It Through My Neurology And Behavioral Health Courses
I Finished My Magnum Opus Of Knitting. May I Present My Terra Nova Sweater!
Finally! Done! Marceline’s Sweater From The “Return To The Nightosphere” Episode Of Adventure Time!
Handed Down To Me, A Blanket Made By My Great Grandmother In The 1970s/80s
Ooh, those squares were the first thing I knitted, such a nice pattern. Never finished a blankets worth though or even a scarfs worth but still fun to knit.
“Maybe This Town Is Big Enough…” Trans Pride Edition
Matching Hand-Knit Socks For Our Wedding Day
Not me, and not knitting, but my amazing mum crocheted this beautiful blanket for me and my husband. blanket-63...cb9283.jpg
That's a wonderful blanket! Mums are the best :) Mine knitted a pullover for herself when I was a little kid. It's her masterpiece. I don't remember when it came into my possession but it's mine now and I still love to wear it. Though it's ~30 years old it still looks great. pullover-6...10412a.jpg
Not me, and not knitting, but my amazing mum crocheted this beautiful blanket for me and my husband. blanket-63...cb9283.jpg
That's a wonderful blanket! Mums are the best :) Mine knitted a pullover for herself when I was a little kid. It's her masterpiece. I don't remember when it came into my possession but it's mine now and I still love to wear it. Though it's ~30 years old it still looks great. pullover-6...10412a.jpg