30 “Then And Now” Pics Of Adorable Kittens Turning Into Majestic Cats, As Shared On This “Cat Grows” Group
Kittens on the internet are always welcome, some might say. Their cuteness is contagious and heartwarming; nevertheless, it takes a short time for a kitten to become a grown and developed cat, and they are just as adorable!
In a vk.com community called "Cat grows," cat owners share pictures of their loved ones when they were only babies, compared to more recently, showing how much they grew in such a short period of time. These before and after photographs highlight their character development and it is fun to see how they turned out to be.
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Did you know that cats could and would starve themselves if they find the food you've served them unappealing? It's not a secret that cats are picky eaters, and this is not because they are trying to get on their feeders' nerves, but because they are wired genetically different from most mammals. In fact, a cat is the only mammal unable to taste sweet foods due to a lack of sweetness receptors on its tongue.
Did you notice that cats change their attitude when the sun goes down? From sleepy to energized and ready to go in just a second. Some people think cats are nocturnal animals because of their energy levels in the evening; however, cats are considered to be the most active during dusk and just before the dawn. A crepuscular animal is one whose 24 h activity pattern has peaks during the twilight hours, in which the atmosphere is partially illuminated by the sun, being neither totally dark nor completely lit.
This one looks very sweet natured. Anyone who knows cats knows it's an act. Someone is about to demand tuna.
Cats conserve energy by sleeping for an average of 13 to 14 hours a day. Domesticated cats don't usually hunt for their own food; however, their instincts are still intact. In the wild, due to their physique, cats are considered to be predators, yet are still prey for larger animals; this is why they don't hunt during daylight. Cats would sleep during the day, hunt after dusk to avoid visibility, then would take a long nap, and just before sunrise, would wake for the day.
Cute face. Not quite as cute as Bouche, though. (The last sentence is a legal disclaimer, required by Bouche, Queen of the Kittens)
It's hardly surprising that many owners view their pets as members of the family and develop strong social relationships with them. Researchers discovered that cats presented characteristics that were common in their owners. For instance, if the owner had cats that displayed behavioral issues, they would have a higher neuroticism rating; also, cats loved being outside more when their owners assessed themselves as more outgoing and extroverted!
Me? No, not me. I'm just innocently lying here. I'm not going to pounce the wire. Not me.
SO MANY TINY LITTLE KITTENS!!! (especially the orange ones) <3 them all.
BP kept making me slow down commenting lol, so many kitties need upvoting xxx
SO MANY TINY LITTLE KITTENS!!! (especially the orange ones) <3 them all.
BP kept making me slow down commenting lol, so many kitties need upvoting xxx