Street Photographer Spends 30 Years Capturing Kissing Couples of New York City
Mark Weber has spent more than 30 years photographing the streets of New York. Although most of his photos deal with the darker side of life in the Big Apple, like poverty, violence, homelessness and the urban struggle, they also capture some of the more tender moments that make it all worth it.
Over those 30 years of photographing metropolitan life, Weber has captured scores of pictures of loving moments between couples in New York – be they nuzzling, hugging, sneaking in a last kiss before the subway doors close, or locking hands on the sidewalk. The photos stand out from his other images precisely because they capture moments of intimacy and love in an otherwise difficult city.
What do you think? Is it intimate and observant photography or voyeurism?
Source: Matt Weber
Subway, 2010
Midnight Kiss, 1989
Q Train, 2004
Coney Kiss, 2009
The Met, 2010
Times Square
57th Street Station
Coney Island, 2009
Perfect Kiss, 2003
iN-PUBLiC Display of Affection, 2012
Christmas, 2011
Gay Pride, 2010
Love is a Train, 2010
Strawberry Girl, 2011
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