Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are a very rich couple who can afford a very expensive modern house. The pair – who live with their four children – purchased their current home for $20 million in 2013 before starting extravagant renovations which continued for four years. Kris Jenner later tweeted that the property is now worth $60 million. The family moved into the house in 2017 and their fans and followers have been curious about their life inside the mansion ever since. And they got a few glimpses of it.


    After Kim Kardashian and Kanye West purchased their current home, they spent fours years renovating it

    Image credits: KimKardashian

    Not so long ago, Vogue went to visit them. Kim called their place a “minimal monastery” and said that it was inspired by Axel Vervoordt, a Belgian art dealer and interior designer, as well as Kanye himself. She also recently tweeted a few pics of the modern interior, however, a lot of people seem surprised that her and Kanye’s house looks very empty. Which, according to some, is even more confusing given the fact that the power couple have little kids running around.

    Eventually, the internet decided to help them decorate, and everyone started photoshopping things into Kim and Kanye’s house. Continue scrolling to see Twitter’s interior design ideas, and check out more Photoshop battles that Bored Panda has written about. Like the one with a badass hawk. Or this awkward half-cat.

    People seem very surprised that Kim and Kanye’s house looks so empty

    Image credits: KimKardashian

    Image credits: KimKardashian

    Image credits: KimKardashian

    Image credits: KimKardashian

    Vervoordt said that teaming up with the couple to create the interior for their modern architecture house was an unlikely meeting of the minds. “I’m not from the pop world, the rapper’s world. But I discovered Kim and Kanye as wonderful human beings,” he toldArchitectural Digest. “We have common values in life, important human values, like respect for the beauty and spirituality of art. You can call it religion, but this is perhaps beyond religion, a search for cosmic values of peace and positive energy. We had very profound conversations about the space of the mind and the importance of silence.”


    The designer and tastemaker explained that these conversations were what guided the vision of the modern design look. Vervoordt described the process as distillation. “Kanye and Kim wanted something totally new. We didn’t talk about decoration but a kind of philosophy about how we live now and how we will live in the future. We changed the house by purifying it, and we kept pushing to make it purer and purer.”

    As a result, many of the rooms in the house were transformed. They became luminous, further accented with pale natural materials. Most of the furnishings consist of Vervoordt’s subtle designs, complemented with works by the likes of Royère and Pierre Jeanneret. “The proportions are the decoration,” Kanye said. However, Photoshop wizards clearly disagree.

    Eventually, the internet decided to help them decorate, and everyone started photoshopping things into the $60M mansion

    Image credits: gastodemais


    Image credits: liviamariaok


    Image credits: celiolizar

    Image credits: danihelldias1

    Image credits: queenbeeac

    Image credits: jrmisaki

    Image credits: bicmuller

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    Image credits: cristhiandolfer

    Image credits: erikapl

    Image credits: alexisopz

    Image credits: juscelia_sodre

    Image credits: nshimaboii

    Image credits: AlieCorpete

    Image credits: AlieCorpete


    Image credits: KardashTruths

    Image credits: itstavio

    Image credits: YesSarahS

    Here’s what people said about the extravagant house and the Photoshop battle it has sparked

    Image credits: gimmegimmemora

    Image credits: daly_zack

    Image credits: MakaylaSueRoe

    Image credits: dannythompsoo


    Image credits: CinnaBunnzXXX

    Image credits: trashtvbby

    Image credits: jakewoolf

    Image credits: Ntandoes_

    Image credits: Oreodrama