Hello, I’m Ren, the 20-something-year-old American comic artist behind kampingchicken! Born, raised, and residing in the Pacific Northwest, I’m best known for my terrible sense of direction, a slight obsession with pineapples, and binging shows on Netflix. Of course, when I’m not utilizing those skills, I spend my time drawing. My comics, like their name, are often unusual, a pretty good mix between amusing slice of life encounters and the weird.
Drawing has always been my creative outlet, and paired with a love for storytelling, comics quickly became an ideal way to express myself. In 2017 I showed some comics I’d scrawled out in a notebook to a friend while we were camping, and surprised by how much he enjoyed them, I began sharing with friends and family, and then took to the internet. Whenever I can get people to smile, laugh, or relate with my work, my heart is warm. I make art for love, kindness, and the weird things in life.
More info: Instagram
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White Shirts
Snapping Turtle
When You Finally Reach The Bar
First Impressions
Last Chip
When You See Your Crush Doing Something Totally Normal
Everything is so much cuter with pandas in it... bored-panda PANDAAAAAAAA*-*
New Projects
It's Always Good To Have Honest People In Your Life
Yep I’ve dated those mean teasing guys ;-; the whole relationship I was either blushing or trying to punch him... it all ended pretty quick...
Movie Date
Some People Just Don't Like Hypothetical Questions As Much As I Do
My hubby and me. I live asking hypothetical questions, but he takes them too seriously. Lol.
Slow Down
Tall Friend
Better At Growing Friendships Than Plants
Don't Stay Out Too Late
No Matter How Long I Live With Anxiety, It Still Catches Me Off Guard When It Pops Up
Mt. Rainier
What Does It Take To Find Happiness?
But At Least It's Friday
I'm A Scientist At Heart. I Needed To Know
The art style is makes the comics awesome. Original and well drawn comics make my day!
The art style is makes the comics awesome. Original and well drawn comics make my day!