Keanu Reeves is one of the most loved people on the internet. You know what, scratch that, he’s one of the most loved people in the whole world. Period.

Well, brace yourself, the lovable Keanu Reeves has just become even more lovable as CBC shared an old-school video where he reported on teddy bears. And it just goes to show that Keanu never really changed and has just been a very lovable person his entire life.


    When you think Keanu Reeves can’t get any more awesome, a video from his youth surfaces

    Image credits: CBC

    So, CBC, a Canadian news and broadcasting network, recently shared on their Twitter a video of Keanu Reeves back when he was working at CBC as a correspondent for their news magazine Going Great.

    CBC shared a video from their 1984 news magazine Going Great featuring Keanu Reeves where he was covering the Canadian International Teddy Bear Convention

    Image credits: CBC


    Image credits: CBC

    Image credits: CBC

    He was covering the first Canadian International Teddy Bear Convention, where he walked around meeting people and asking them all of the most important questions, like why are all the bears’ first names Teddy? and what college did some of these teddies attend?

    The report is also sprinkled with a number of Reeves’ shenanigans, like him meeting a bear named Graham and it attacking him after Reeves says he’s cute, and also talking to a rad bear with red glasses about bear business and bear necessities (yes, there were many puns.) He even kissed the little guy, scoring massive internet points.

    Check out the full one-minute video here

    Besides asking all the hard-hitting questions, Keanu was also up to some shenanigans


    Image credits: CBC

    Image credits: CBC

    Image credits: CBC


    Going Great as a show was broadcast from October of 1983 until mid-February of 1984. Keanu joined in 1984, when he was estimated to be around 20 years of age. The show performed poorly with regards to viewership and ended at a total of 39 episodes.

    Since then, Reeves moved on to bigger and better things, doing a number of TV movies as well as cinema releases like the Bill and Ted films and later the Matrix trilogy, among many other projects.

    It is estimated that Keanu was around 20 years old in the video segments

    Image credits: CBC


    Image credits: CBC

    Image credits: CBC

    Image credits: CBC

    The internet was already in love with Reeves before CBC shared the video report, but everyone just had to see the video to truly understand just how adorable he really is.

    Many pointed out how Keanu never really changed as he was adorable and he continues to be so with all of the cool stuff he does, highlighting that we, as humanity, don’t deserve such a treasure.

    One commenter pointed out that Keanu is like fine wine—“he just gets better and better as he ages.” And since he was super lovable in his 20s, he is, at this point, reaching the ultimate heights of awesomeness.

    CBC’s shared video soon started making rounds on the internet, getting over 80k views


    Image credits: CBC

    Image credits: CBC

    Image credits: CBC

    Image credits: CBC

    Image credits: CBC

    The video garnered over 80,000 views on Twitter and soon started making headlines throughout the internet.

    What are your thoughts on this? What is your favorite thing about Keanu Reeves? Let us know in the comment section below!

    Here are some of the best internet reactions to Keanu’s performance in the 1984’s Going Great


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