Someone Just Explained How The First Jurassic Park Created Realistic Dinosaurs, And It Will Blow Your Mind
With ‘Jurassic World’ series hitting the cinemas, many fans looked back at the original ‘Jurrasic Park’ with awe and wonder. While the current day CGI is so advanced that it is used in almost every movie, it wasn’t exactly there back in 1993 when the ‘Jurrasic Park’ dinosaurs first graced the silver screens. Yet that didn’t stop Steven Spielberg from creating the glorious prehistoric creatures that shocked everyone in the cinema. Spielberg’s dinosaurs seemed real, too real. And it wasn’t CGI. Tumblr users grouped up together to find out how the beasts were created for the iconic cinematic masterpiece. Scroll down to read the full post and find out about the marvelous process!
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Some users grouped up to find out how dinosaurs in ‘Jurassic Park’ were created, and it’s fascinating!
Share on FacebookI can't believe the article doesn't credit Stan Winston anywhere, he was the the special effects genius behind making all those animatronics, he was responsible for so many of the cool special effects from 80's and 90's, he worked on the Xenomorph in Aliens, the terminators in the first two movies, the alien in The Thing, the Predator. He is one of the only special effects artist to have a star on the walk of fame. The man is totally an unappreciated genius.
When we were watching Jurassic Park on the tv, our cat Salem was scared of the TRex. Later he crept out from behind the sofa and smacked the TRex on the tv screen!
Oh and yes, dinosaurs do walk among us. When my hens, Buttercup and Shelley, are walking in the garden, I hum the theme tune from Jurassic Park. Shelley, I am sure, remembers when hens were dinosaurs, and has decided that she is still is on.
Load More Replies...I can't believe the article doesn't credit Stan Winston anywhere, he was the the special effects genius behind making all those animatronics, he was responsible for so many of the cool special effects from 80's and 90's, he worked on the Xenomorph in Aliens, the terminators in the first two movies, the alien in The Thing, the Predator. He is one of the only special effects artist to have a star on the walk of fame. The man is totally an unappreciated genius.
When we were watching Jurassic Park on the tv, our cat Salem was scared of the TRex. Later he crept out from behind the sofa and smacked the TRex on the tv screen!
Oh and yes, dinosaurs do walk among us. When my hens, Buttercup and Shelley, are walking in the garden, I hum the theme tune from Jurassic Park. Shelley, I am sure, remembers when hens were dinosaurs, and has decided that she is still is on.
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