Everyone says that summer is too short. And they're right. Which is why we need to celebrate every sunray it gives us. So to start things off right, we at Bored Panda decided to commemorate the 1st of June with memes that perfectly describe summertime.
From putting on shorts to sitting inside the house with the AC set to 65, here's a list of things we'll go through before September.
When you're done scrolling, fire up these funny comics about summer problems too!
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Of course, keep in mind that the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are the opposite of those in the Southern Hemisphere. This means that in places like Argentina and Australia, June is actually the beginning of winter. The winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is June 20 or 21, while the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, is December 21 or 22.
We have seasons because Earth is tilted on its axis relative to the orbital plane, the invisible, flat disc where most objects in the solar system orbit the sun. Earth's axis is an invisible line that runs through its center, from pole to pole. Earth rotates around its axis.
THAT LOOK. It's literally how I feel when there is any insect around me.
In June, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, the sun's rays hit us for a greater part of the day than in winter. This means we get more hours of daylight. Conversely, in December, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, there's fewer hours of daylight.
Seasons not only impact our vacation schedule but also have an enormous influence on vegetation and plant growth. If you need a laugh amidst this reality, a good vacation meme might lighten the mood and offer a humorous perspective on the changing seasons. Winter typically has cold weather, little daylight, and limited plant growth.
But in spring, plants sprout, tree leaves unfurl, and flowers blossom. Since summer is the warmest time of the year and has the most daylight, plants grow quickly during this time of year. But in autumn, temperatures drop, and many trees lose their leaves.
I'm a reading teacher. When school is in session I work from 7am to 7:30 most week days and I work Sundays as well. I will also be spending a portion of my summer creating a reading program for my school.... y'all, summer break is necessary to keep your kids and your kids' teachers alive and functioning haha
The four-season year, however, is typical only in the mid-latitudes; areas that are neither near the poles nor near the Equator. The farther north you go, the bigger the differences in the seasons. Helsinki, Finland, for example, sees 18.5 hours of daylight in the middle of June. In mid-December, however, there is daylight for less than 6 hours. Athens, Greece, on the other hand, is in southern Europe, and has a smaller variation—14.5 hours of daylight in June and 9.5 hours in December.
But whatever your summer is like, you should find something relevant on this list!
Hah, that really is true for me. Though even with a tan people are saying 'wow, you're so pale'. My dears, you should see me in the winter.
If you’re a redhead like me, there is no way to avoid sunburns. I will get them somehow no matter what I do.
And all your friends did exactly the same thing, but nobody admits it.
Promises, promises...seriously, we haven't had snow here for almost 20 years, and we've already hit above 100-degree weather.
lol where i live it's still too hot in october wait til november. we got the hot and the cold season with a little mini-spring.
I hate summer. I hate the heat, it's so uncomfortable. I hate the bugs, I hate the sunburn, I hate the crowds everywhere in my town (I live in a touristy town by the coast) and Ijust hate everything about summer.
I've never been stung by a bee or a wasp, but those mosquitoes... we got somethin' special between us. They love me, and they leave tons and tons of itchy lil bumps all over me <3 xd
There is a certain blood type that mosquitos lile more than others. I think its AB- but idk.
I hate summer. I hate the heat, it's so uncomfortable. I hate the bugs, I hate the sunburn, I hate the crowds everywhere in my town (I live in a touristy town by the coast) and Ijust hate everything about summer.
I've never been stung by a bee or a wasp, but those mosquitoes... we got somethin' special between us. They love me, and they leave tons and tons of itchy lil bumps all over me <3 xd
There is a certain blood type that mosquitos lile more than others. I think its AB- but idk.