STOP THE PRESS! Someone had a shave. In news that is sure to send shockwaves around the world, it appears that Jason Momoa has lost his beard. The dramatic footage of the event was uploaded onto YouTube, where people predictably lost it.

More info: Instagram


    Image credits: Jason Momoa

    Bidding farewell to the various bearded characters he has played, Momoa is shown trimming up with an electric razor while in a remote desert location. He also takes the time to show us some canned beverages which turn out to be water, because shaving in the desert is thirsty work. He delivers a salutary message about recycling and not using plastic bottles and voila, the beard is gone.

    Image credits: Jason Momoa

    “I just want to do this to bring awareness that plastics are ruining our planet, and I think I have a solution,” he said. “I don’t want to bitch about it. There’s only one thing that can really help our planet and save our planet as long as we recycle, and that’s aluminum. It’s 100 percent recyclable.”


    Image credits: Jason Momoa

    Amazing. Of course, it’s not the first time that facial hair has been used to promote good causes, both ‘No Shave November‘ and ‘Movember‘ encourage men to do the opposite of Momoa, and grow it out for awareness, in these cases men’s health.

    Image credits: Jason Momoa

    “I’m shaving this beast off, it’s time to make a change,” Momoa continues. “A change for the better…for my kids, your kids, the world. Let’s make a positive change for the health of our planet.”

    Image credits: Jason Momoa

    “Let’s clean up our oceans, our land. Join me on this journey. Let’s make the switch to infinitely recyclable aluminum.”

    Image credits: Jason Momoa


    Watch the video to experience Jason Momoa shaving off his beard:

    Image credits: Jason Momoa


    A nice message, but judging from the comments however, most of the focus was on the actor’s looks and how ‘distraught’ people are. What do you think? Are cans a better alternative to plastic bottles? Would you pay a few cents extra to reduce your plastic consumption in this way? How else can we go about ensuring less plastic ends up in our oceans? Let us know your opinion about plastic waste reduction in the comments!

    Here’s what people had to say:

    Image credits: J4CKMULL

    Image credits: emmampb


    Image credits: sansaasnark

    Image credits: Josie_Hay

    Image credits: woahshxti

    Image credits: regpostrero

    Image credits: IAmMissRivers