Etta Ng, the daughter of actor Jackie Chan, used Youtube to make an outburst. Alongside his girlfriend, Andi Autumn, the young woman stated that the two have been homeless for a month because of their parents’ homophobia. “We are living on the street because of homophobic parents. We sleep under a bridge and other things,” said Etta.

Andi also said that she has already sought help from friends and family. “Everybody keeps sending us to shelters, where they know they’re going to separate us, we’re going to be separated if we go to any government facility, and now no one answers my phone calls,” he said.

“We went to the police, we went to the hospital, the food banks, the LGBTQ community, shelters, and none of them care. And that’s why we’re making this video, because Etta also said she was greeted with disrespect in several places. we do not know what to do.If you [who are watching] can share and show that they are trying to separate two people who love each other … I do not understand.I love you. “

Jackie Chan’s daughter assumed her homosexuality six months ago through a post on Instagram. The young woman is the result of the relationship that the actor had with Elaine Ng while she was married to actress Joan Lin, his current wife.

According to information from The Express newspaper, Ng stated in 2015 that “He (Chan) is not my father. I have no feelings for him, he is my biological father, but he is not in my life.”


In 2017, the actor was one of the stars of the film industry that raised more money, earning $ 49 million.

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