It’s Cool To Be Kind: Tell Us How You Can And Have Been Kind Recently
Hey Panda’s, recently I’ve noticed a lot of rude comments on Bored Panda, so take this opportunity to tell us something you’ve said or done to be kind, or something you look to do tho be more kind. Also feel free to share times you haven’t been kind, and let us help you. Bored Panda is supposed to be a place where everyone can share things and be supported no matter what they are sharing. Telling people to change their looks or their style on a post about improving, is not kind. Telling people what they posted is stupid, is not okay. We all make mistakes and we all have struggles, but remember, it’s cool to be kind.

Hey Panda’s, recently I’ve noticed a lot of rude comments on Bored Panda, so take this opportunity to tell us something you’ve said or done to be kind, or something you look to do tho be more kind. Also feel free to share times you haven’t been kind, and let us help you. Bored Panda is supposed to be a place where everyone can share things and be supported no matter what they are sharing. Telling people to change their looks or their style on a post about improving, is not kind. Telling people what they posted is stupid, is not okay. We all make mistakes and we all have struggles, but remember, it’s cool to be kind.

I saw a lady in a wheelchair literally bouncing along because one of her tyres had come half off. No-one else noticed in a the middle of a bustling city centre - or chose not to notice - and so I approached. I asked her if she knew her tyre was half off and would she like some help with it. She said yes, I sorted it, she thanked me, all was well. Happy ending.
I saw a lady in a wheelchair literally bouncing along because one of her tyres had come half off. No-one else noticed in a the middle of a bustling city centre - or chose not to notice - and so I approached. I asked her if she knew her tyre was half off and would she like some help with it. She said yes, I sorted it, she thanked me, all was well. Happy ending.