Hi! It would be nice to see some yet unseen cursed images. Not necessarily cursed, might be just something weird you’ve encountered once. No NSFW/inappropriate photos tho, please.
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Hi! It would be nice to see some yet unseen cursed images. Not necessarily cursed, might be just something weird you’ve encountered once. No NSFW/inappropriate photos tho, please.
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Publish🌞Hi! My name is Anastasia, she/her, 23 y. o.🌞 I like writing and drawing (it’s not like I’m good in either of these, haha). I enjoy reading, mostly sci-fi and fantasy. I absolutely adore animation, especially works of Hayao Miyazaki, Satoshi Kon, Tomm Moore, though I always like to find something new! Idk what else to write🤷🏻♀️
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🌞Hi! My name is Anastasia, she/her, 23 y. o.🌞 I like writing and drawing (it’s not like I’m good in either of these, haha). I enjoy reading, mostly sci-fi and fantasy. I absolutely adore animation, especially works of Hayao Miyazaki, Satoshi Kon, Tomm Moore, though I always like to find something new! Idk what else to write🤷🏻♀️
Hey there, Pandas! My name is Diana (though some prefer to refer to me as Diane, Deanna, and even Liana sometimes), and I am a Community Post Moderator Lead for Bored Panda. As my position title states, I am one of the people (employed Pandas for bamboo) over here who work with the community side of things on this website to ensure all is well, and while at that, I also help various creators and artists get recognition for the incredible work they do by connecting them to a large worldwide audience. Other than that, outside of work, you can find me brewing a nice cup of coffee, making a pizza from scratch, or baking brownies. I also love traveling, concerts, and cats (heavy on that, because I am a cat mom).
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Hey there, Pandas! My name is Diana (though some prefer to refer to me as Diane, Deanna, and even Liana sometimes), and I am a Community Post Moderator Lead for Bored Panda. As my position title states, I am one of the people (employed Pandas for bamboo) over here who work with the community side of things on this website to ensure all is well, and while at that, I also help various creators and artists get recognition for the incredible work they do by connecting them to a large worldwide audience. Other than that, outside of work, you can find me brewing a nice cup of coffee, making a pizza from scratch, or baking brownies. I also love traveling, concerts, and cats (heavy on that, because I am a cat mom).