45 Times Italians Expressed Their Disgust Over Italian Dishes Cooked By Other People
The whole world knows how proud Italians are of their cuisine. And they have a reason to be. After all, they are the ones who invented pizza and they know how to prepare a dish as simple as pasta a million different mouth-watering ways. And let’s not forget about gelato and tiramisù. Are you hungry yet?
Well, maybe you should hold your appetite. Turns out, there is an account on Twitter that is dedicated solely to Italian food, but it’s not what you think it is. @ItalianComments shares food that Italians are mad at and cannot approve of. These dishes are a sacrilege in Italians’ eyes and they have a lot to say about them.
More info: Twitter
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Symmetrical Diet
The highly entertaining Twitter account @ItalianComments has more than 100k followers and they post everything that has to do with Italian food. Especially food that is so far from the traditional cuisine that you can only vaguely see the resemblance.
Of course, the dishes that attract the most attention are pizza and various pastas. The screenshots @ItalianComments posts almost always contain comments made by Italians mocking the food and expressing their expert opinion on the matter.
The American Cross
this is somthing i would make as a dare then i would take one bite almost die from a heart attack then wake up then think about my life choices
Italian cuisine is the most popular in the world. YouGov actually conducted a survey in 24 countries asking 24,000 people which foods from 34 national cuisines they've tried and which of them were their favorite. The research revealed that surprise, surprise, Italian cuisine was preferred by the majority. 85 percent of the people agreed that they liked Italian food, especially pizza and pasta.
The nation that liked Italian food the most, with 99 percent of the representatives in the survey, was Italians. They are their culinary tradition’s biggest fans and they will defend it when they see it being mistreated.
Come Here, Dinner!
The account has been active since 2015 and has blessed its followers with more than 1,500 tweets. You can find some patterns in the content @ItalianComments shares. The photos often are of weird food combinations of pasta, for example with rice, and of course, the sacrilege of sacrileges that makes an Italian's blood boil—pizzas with pineapples on them. Share your opinion—is pineapple on pizza appropriate or are you with the Italians?
The comments under these photos are as entertaining as the photos themselves. The Italians are not holding back and are critiquing the dishes without mercy. They compare the food in the photos with puke and other nasty things, expressing their disbelief that someone actually eats this and go as far as to say that what they are seeing is a crime. Of course, we understand that they are mostly joking, but knowing their passion for their food, part of an Italian's soul probably is truly suffering seeing things on pizza that they consider should never be put on it.
It is not surprising that the Italians are so passionate about their own food. It’s part of their national identity; they have a whole culture surrounding it. Eating is a pleasure, dinner is considered quality time with family, and their food traditions go way back. Did you know that modern pizza developed in the 18th or at the beginning of the 19th century? All those circumstances explain why Italians are so attached to their food and why seeing others making the dishes barely recognizable provokes heated reactions.
Same Thing
Not only do I break pasta in half to cook it, I hate twirling it. Hows that for psycho?
The Secret For Immortality
i need to go burn my eyes out and cut off my tongue after seeing this picture and imagining this taste
In The Name Of Carbonara
Like Grandma Used To Make
Ah, the famous german cuisine. Everybody loves us for our cooking skills
Italian Wisdom
How About Giving Them Short Pasta
Car Wash
After reading this thread, I want to mention that everyone is welcome to eat whatever the f**k they like. You love spaghetti with ketchup? Very well. Only don't call it an Italian dinner. And don't post it anywhere. This is a guilty pleasure and you should not brag about it. :D
Yeah, most of it was fine. If you're hungry and that's all you got go ahead and be creative, it can taste yummy.
Load More Replies...I mean I got my housemate to eat vegetables so I’m gonna brag about that. It wasn’t Italian though... not after what I did to it...
spaghetti and ketchup is the kind of dish you make when your pantry is empty and you're waiting for paycheck. Or you're 6 yo kid. In any case, it's neither italian nor it's cuisine ...
I speak as an Italian and you highly offended me. I think you eat pizza with pineapple after all. And you are American. THese 2 ingredients combined form the perfetto ignorant person.
These are abominations to food. The Italians are right to feel outraged and insulted.
A few days ago, an american got really upset when I said some of them really disrespect other cultures by butchering their food. I stand by my statement.
Yes. If you want to cook food from a region try to keep it as original as possible (inside reasonable limits). I hate seeing people cooking "paella" that has 0 to do with my culture. Then call it rice.
Load More Replies...A few years ago, I wanted to make paella, so I asked my friend whose family came here from Spain. They gave all the instructions, I followed them perfectly, when another spanish friend walked in and started giving me different instructions... I ended up stepping out and having them fight over it hahaha. That's really common, though, cause here, a lot of dishes vary if you live in the north/center/south
They butcher paella? OK, fetch the tar and feathers.... Paella is amazing. "Glop with rice" is .... glop with rice. IMHO.
Yikes. Imagine taking on the emotional weight of what everyone else is eating. Eat whatever you like people - put cheeseburgers on pizza. Cut up your spaghetti, hell, dye it different colors if you want. Use as few or as many dishes as you want (not everyone has dishwashers and piles of dishes). I'm glad you're able to feed and enjoy yourself.
My American family is filled with great cooks and I cannot understand why so many of these people think they are Gordon freaking Ramsey because they mixed dessert and dinner or put puke on their food.
(Now, I'm writing something that shouldn't be taken seriously, but... ) This is not only cultural appropriation, this is also the worst level of offence to our Italian hearts!!! Seeing those not-very-edible things be called "carbonara" or "pasta alla bolognese" or "lasagne" and writing that those things are "inspired to Italian dishes" or even claming them to be Italian is a true Blasphemy!! Our foods is our soul!! How dare you.... the ghosts of thousands of Nonne (grandmas) will persecute you and your family until the end of the world!! They will beat your ass with rolling pins and ladles whenever you think of putting ketchup on pasta again!! ( And I'm sure you don't wanna know where they will put you if you dare ordering some ananas on your pizza, respect first kid) I have warned youuuuuuu
LOL.... and my grnadma ain't Italian and she's gonna haunt these peple! FOOD IS HEART AND HOME. Ooooh someone's gonna feel the wrath ;-)
Load More Replies...I have something to please the Nonne. I'm French and my family don't joke with pasta, my family has totally appropriate your pasta culture, family gatherings kitchen fights included! It goes like: mom - "i would make spaghetti". My brother and i in one voice - "it needs riccioli with that mushrooms sauce we are making!" Once the kind of pasta is found in blood and sweat and tears it goes like "- first of all it needs more water ! " "- why did you add the salt now?!" "-it needs a lid" " - it didn't!" and then start the serious al dente fight, we all love al dente but my mom more raw-al dente, me my al dente and my brother have his own al dente... and so on then "put the parmiggiano in the pasta pot" "- hell no! it's disgusting when it's totally melt in the sauce, all the tastes are ruined"... Then while eating we talk about "rummo is better than de cecco", "i prefer garofalo and mozzo"... and we do have knives. Maybe we should take a dna test.
And sure the Italian Nonne will be proud of you and your family! I can hear that they are crying of joy! I don't think a dna test is needed, with that attitudes toward pasta you have earned the honorary citizenship for sure! I'm so touched about your pasta knowledge.. good job. Bravissimo!
Probably gonna get a ton of downvotes but, if people like pineapple on pizza just let them do their thing, yeah? Please don't call me offensive to Italians it's just my opinion please don't downvote me thanks!
Have you seen the abominations many foreign countries try to pass off as "American food?" No one has any room to talk - or any room to downvote.
Does anyone else notice this issue... in some of the comments, if I press “view more replies,” the original reply that was shown totally disappears. It is just gone from the replies section. It happens to both negative and positive replies. And it doesn’t happen all the time. On a mobile phone platform, for context.
As someone with Italian ancestry, my grandmother would kill me if I made any of these (and I would not blame her)
What is everyone's problem? Eat whatever you like even when everyone hates it. Yeah, some of the food looked pretty disgusting or weird to me as well but I am not the one who's gonna eat that. My boyfriend loves spaghetti with powdered sugar and cheese - seems weird to me but if he likes it, what's the big deal? Am I supposed to yell at him that he is eating it wrong or what? Jee, people just take it easy and mind your own businesses. :D
Honestly, I don’t find most of these too bad. And who cares if it doesn’t look nice? As long as it tastes good, I couldn’t care less what it looks like.
I have, but I‘ve also been poor in my younger years and know what it means to work with what you have.
Omg these are great... Glad there are normal people who see these and want to die
Italian pandas rate my pizza (homemade based, fresh ingredients) IMG_3863-6...d-jpeg.jpg
i actually couldn't make it through all of these, they were such monstrosities. how do people not get heart palpitations after eating this crap?
Why comment - oops - well it's fun to make fun of crap food like Chief Ramseyand "Kitchen Nightmares" sadly seniors with no taste buds eating there like Sizzler pretending it is better than say McDonalds or Dominoes - but hey not everyone can afford or have great taste buds like the pros. Just look at Hollywood Celebrities and what they eat when they are drunk eating a burger as our famous night rider video - classic junk food - yum - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1xqby
I wonder where there are all the people who shout "culture apropiation" when they see a person that they deem white doing something from a non western culture. Why is it ok then to butcher european culture? Just because we are white?
Since I live in the US, European culture/cuisine here is not so much butchered as it is "blended". And European cuisine owes potatoes, tomatoes, etc. to the Americas, so the "appropriation" argument could go around for-freaking-ever at this rate...... IMHO. No disrespect meant. Let's just say, "Please cook and sing and dance and dress with courtesy and respect."
Load More Replies...With respect, @Pervinca, I did not state that the US is doing it the Old Country Way. I stated that much of what we think of as "traditional" is not necessarily so if we look back far enough, so maybe we should accept that we've become a "blended" world. Also, I did not say it's okay to appropriate culture ----- but that if we start tracking where each thing comes from ----- as you pointed out ------ we end up with very limited options. Please do not put words in my reply box. Thank you. (I said "blended. As in, American cuisine is what it is, versus European.)
Sure Europen cultures were influenced from other cultures, but these is true for the majority of cultures ( if you go back enough in time every cultures was influenced). For examples, mango fruits are a big parts in the Caribbean and in some african cuisine. But they are originally from India. I don't think that the fact that the European cultures blended in America means that you know how these traditions are performed by native European (as you can see in these post). Personally, I don't care if you like to cook pasta in a way that sure isn't even near from the traditional method. But if people say that is disrespectful for a not Japanese girl to wear a Kimono as a party dress, the same way you can say that pasta with ketchup is disrespectful for Italian people. As I said I'm against all of these "cultural appropriation thing" and I agree with your last statement. But people can't say that when a European culture is misunderstand is normal, but it is disrespectful for other cultures.
That's exactly what comes to my mind. I don't really care if people like to put ketchup in pasta or to call carbonara a dish with mushrooms. For me it's just funny seing this type of posts. But if we look at the definition of "cultural appropriation" this , sure as hell, should be classified as that. I don't really like that term much, especially if we consider, as you said, that it seem to be used only when the culture in question is "from a nation predominanly not white". In my opinion, these only instigate hate and division. If someone misunderstand your culture and you find that uninformed or offensive you can simply correct them in a polite way and I'm sure that most people will understand. The witch hunt will help no one.
Later I may show this to my Italian girlfriend and ask her to cook me dinner.
Italian Pandas - rate my homemade pizzas (gf made the dough) IMG_3863-6...8-jpeg.jpg
These are the same people who think Olive Garden is authentic Italian.
please give me the pill from the Matrix movies. i want to forget what i saw
I worked as a chef at a Michelin star restaurant. We made incredible Italian food. And then a customer decided to show is what we were doing wrong with the caniloni. He was a rich VIP brat, so the owner told us to let him. He "fixed" our caniloni sauce by adding ketchup. The head chef just about keeled over and died. He made us all taste it. It took every fiber of my being to not puke.
DamnMurica is a nation of addicted meatheads (aka idiots). 09192012_O...6e67f7.jpg
I'm sorry for that. Unfortunately Venice is known in Italy to be a scam for tourists (expecially if you eat or drink in places near "piazza san Marco" ). Venice is wonderful to see, but really expensive. If you want to eat traditional pizza the city of Naples is the best. But you can find good pizza in most cities around Italy, you just have to follow the local (like in most nation, you have to be aware of the tourist traps).
Most lemmings have been brain washed into believing food has to look a certain way to be acceptable. Taste is the final test!!!!!!!!!!!
Most of these aren't any worse than the abominations many Europeans try to pass off as "American style."
I just can't with people anymore. My nonna is dying over this and she's already dead.
The rest of the world should be ashamed of what they have done to italian food. I have to wonder how many have gone to Italy, only to find out Spaghetti Bolognese isn't on the menu. Ragu alla bolognese bolognese
When I was living in China I ordered a "Canadian" pizza at Pizza Hut, it came with corn on it. As a Canadian I can tell you, we don't do corn on pizza. A "Canadian" from Pizza Hut in Canada is generally pepperoni, mushroom & bacon. Canucks have no version of pizza that comes with corn.
I was gonna come in to say who cares how someone eats their food, if it is perfect by someone else's standards or not, or if it is adapted. Maybe they have NO idea it isn't authentic. But then I saw the actual garbage in most. so the steak and alfredo...let them eat steak on top of their pasta on one plate. But s full pineapple on a dish? Wtf. Yes, why not cut the spaghetti for your kids? I know my kids and the appropriate bite for their 2 year old mouth, why dictate that for someone? My daughter was eating long pasta at 3 in a restaurant when she wasn't used to it and she choked on it. I wouldn't eat short spaghetti but I wouldn't bitch at someone if they did.
I mean...my extremely low standards still would. This looks like uni staple.
After reading this thread, I want to mention that everyone is welcome to eat whatever the f**k they like. You love spaghetti with ketchup? Very well. Only don't call it an Italian dinner. And don't post it anywhere. This is a guilty pleasure and you should not brag about it. :D
Yeah, most of it was fine. If you're hungry and that's all you got go ahead and be creative, it can taste yummy.
Load More Replies...I mean I got my housemate to eat vegetables so I’m gonna brag about that. It wasn’t Italian though... not after what I did to it...
spaghetti and ketchup is the kind of dish you make when your pantry is empty and you're waiting for paycheck. Or you're 6 yo kid. In any case, it's neither italian nor it's cuisine ...
I speak as an Italian and you highly offended me. I think you eat pizza with pineapple after all. And you are American. THese 2 ingredients combined form the perfetto ignorant person.
These are abominations to food. The Italians are right to feel outraged and insulted.
A few days ago, an american got really upset when I said some of them really disrespect other cultures by butchering their food. I stand by my statement.
Yes. If you want to cook food from a region try to keep it as original as possible (inside reasonable limits). I hate seeing people cooking "paella" that has 0 to do with my culture. Then call it rice.
Load More Replies...A few years ago, I wanted to make paella, so I asked my friend whose family came here from Spain. They gave all the instructions, I followed them perfectly, when another spanish friend walked in and started giving me different instructions... I ended up stepping out and having them fight over it hahaha. That's really common, though, cause here, a lot of dishes vary if you live in the north/center/south
They butcher paella? OK, fetch the tar and feathers.... Paella is amazing. "Glop with rice" is .... glop with rice. IMHO.
Yikes. Imagine taking on the emotional weight of what everyone else is eating. Eat whatever you like people - put cheeseburgers on pizza. Cut up your spaghetti, hell, dye it different colors if you want. Use as few or as many dishes as you want (not everyone has dishwashers and piles of dishes). I'm glad you're able to feed and enjoy yourself.
My American family is filled with great cooks and I cannot understand why so many of these people think they are Gordon freaking Ramsey because they mixed dessert and dinner or put puke on their food.
(Now, I'm writing something that shouldn't be taken seriously, but... ) This is not only cultural appropriation, this is also the worst level of offence to our Italian hearts!!! Seeing those not-very-edible things be called "carbonara" or "pasta alla bolognese" or "lasagne" and writing that those things are "inspired to Italian dishes" or even claming them to be Italian is a true Blasphemy!! Our foods is our soul!! How dare you.... the ghosts of thousands of Nonne (grandmas) will persecute you and your family until the end of the world!! They will beat your ass with rolling pins and ladles whenever you think of putting ketchup on pasta again!! ( And I'm sure you don't wanna know where they will put you if you dare ordering some ananas on your pizza, respect first kid) I have warned youuuuuuu
LOL.... and my grnadma ain't Italian and she's gonna haunt these peple! FOOD IS HEART AND HOME. Ooooh someone's gonna feel the wrath ;-)
Load More Replies...I have something to please the Nonne. I'm French and my family don't joke with pasta, my family has totally appropriate your pasta culture, family gatherings kitchen fights included! It goes like: mom - "i would make spaghetti". My brother and i in one voice - "it needs riccioli with that mushrooms sauce we are making!" Once the kind of pasta is found in blood and sweat and tears it goes like "- first of all it needs more water ! " "- why did you add the salt now?!" "-it needs a lid" " - it didn't!" and then start the serious al dente fight, we all love al dente but my mom more raw-al dente, me my al dente and my brother have his own al dente... and so on then "put the parmiggiano in the pasta pot" "- hell no! it's disgusting when it's totally melt in the sauce, all the tastes are ruined"... Then while eating we talk about "rummo is better than de cecco", "i prefer garofalo and mozzo"... and we do have knives. Maybe we should take a dna test.
And sure the Italian Nonne will be proud of you and your family! I can hear that they are crying of joy! I don't think a dna test is needed, with that attitudes toward pasta you have earned the honorary citizenship for sure! I'm so touched about your pasta knowledge.. good job. Bravissimo!
Probably gonna get a ton of downvotes but, if people like pineapple on pizza just let them do their thing, yeah? Please don't call me offensive to Italians it's just my opinion please don't downvote me thanks!
Have you seen the abominations many foreign countries try to pass off as "American food?" No one has any room to talk - or any room to downvote.
Does anyone else notice this issue... in some of the comments, if I press “view more replies,” the original reply that was shown totally disappears. It is just gone from the replies section. It happens to both negative and positive replies. And it doesn’t happen all the time. On a mobile phone platform, for context.
As someone with Italian ancestry, my grandmother would kill me if I made any of these (and I would not blame her)
What is everyone's problem? Eat whatever you like even when everyone hates it. Yeah, some of the food looked pretty disgusting or weird to me as well but I am not the one who's gonna eat that. My boyfriend loves spaghetti with powdered sugar and cheese - seems weird to me but if he likes it, what's the big deal? Am I supposed to yell at him that he is eating it wrong or what? Jee, people just take it easy and mind your own businesses. :D
Honestly, I don’t find most of these too bad. And who cares if it doesn’t look nice? As long as it tastes good, I couldn’t care less what it looks like.
I have, but I‘ve also been poor in my younger years and know what it means to work with what you have.
Omg these are great... Glad there are normal people who see these and want to die
Italian pandas rate my pizza (homemade based, fresh ingredients) IMG_3863-6...d-jpeg.jpg
i actually couldn't make it through all of these, they were such monstrosities. how do people not get heart palpitations after eating this crap?
Why comment - oops - well it's fun to make fun of crap food like Chief Ramseyand "Kitchen Nightmares" sadly seniors with no taste buds eating there like Sizzler pretending it is better than say McDonalds or Dominoes - but hey not everyone can afford or have great taste buds like the pros. Just look at Hollywood Celebrities and what they eat when they are drunk eating a burger as our famous night rider video - classic junk food - yum - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1xqby
I wonder where there are all the people who shout "culture apropiation" when they see a person that they deem white doing something from a non western culture. Why is it ok then to butcher european culture? Just because we are white?
Since I live in the US, European culture/cuisine here is not so much butchered as it is "blended". And European cuisine owes potatoes, tomatoes, etc. to the Americas, so the "appropriation" argument could go around for-freaking-ever at this rate...... IMHO. No disrespect meant. Let's just say, "Please cook and sing and dance and dress with courtesy and respect."
Load More Replies...With respect, @Pervinca, I did not state that the US is doing it the Old Country Way. I stated that much of what we think of as "traditional" is not necessarily so if we look back far enough, so maybe we should accept that we've become a "blended" world. Also, I did not say it's okay to appropriate culture ----- but that if we start tracking where each thing comes from ----- as you pointed out ------ we end up with very limited options. Please do not put words in my reply box. Thank you. (I said "blended. As in, American cuisine is what it is, versus European.)
Sure Europen cultures were influenced from other cultures, but these is true for the majority of cultures ( if you go back enough in time every cultures was influenced). For examples, mango fruits are a big parts in the Caribbean and in some african cuisine. But they are originally from India. I don't think that the fact that the European cultures blended in America means that you know how these traditions are performed by native European (as you can see in these post). Personally, I don't care if you like to cook pasta in a way that sure isn't even near from the traditional method. But if people say that is disrespectful for a not Japanese girl to wear a Kimono as a party dress, the same way you can say that pasta with ketchup is disrespectful for Italian people. As I said I'm against all of these "cultural appropriation thing" and I agree with your last statement. But people can't say that when a European culture is misunderstand is normal, but it is disrespectful for other cultures.
That's exactly what comes to my mind. I don't really care if people like to put ketchup in pasta or to call carbonara a dish with mushrooms. For me it's just funny seing this type of posts. But if we look at the definition of "cultural appropriation" this , sure as hell, should be classified as that. I don't really like that term much, especially if we consider, as you said, that it seem to be used only when the culture in question is "from a nation predominanly not white". In my opinion, these only instigate hate and division. If someone misunderstand your culture and you find that uninformed or offensive you can simply correct them in a polite way and I'm sure that most people will understand. The witch hunt will help no one.
Later I may show this to my Italian girlfriend and ask her to cook me dinner.
Italian Pandas - rate my homemade pizzas (gf made the dough) IMG_3863-6...8-jpeg.jpg
These are the same people who think Olive Garden is authentic Italian.
please give me the pill from the Matrix movies. i want to forget what i saw
I worked as a chef at a Michelin star restaurant. We made incredible Italian food. And then a customer decided to show is what we were doing wrong with the caniloni. He was a rich VIP brat, so the owner told us to let him. He "fixed" our caniloni sauce by adding ketchup. The head chef just about keeled over and died. He made us all taste it. It took every fiber of my being to not puke.
DamnMurica is a nation of addicted meatheads (aka idiots). 09192012_O...6e67f7.jpg
I'm sorry for that. Unfortunately Venice is known in Italy to be a scam for tourists (expecially if you eat or drink in places near "piazza san Marco" ). Venice is wonderful to see, but really expensive. If you want to eat traditional pizza the city of Naples is the best. But you can find good pizza in most cities around Italy, you just have to follow the local (like in most nation, you have to be aware of the tourist traps).
Most lemmings have been brain washed into believing food has to look a certain way to be acceptable. Taste is the final test!!!!!!!!!!!
Most of these aren't any worse than the abominations many Europeans try to pass off as "American style."
I just can't with people anymore. My nonna is dying over this and she's already dead.
The rest of the world should be ashamed of what they have done to italian food. I have to wonder how many have gone to Italy, only to find out Spaghetti Bolognese isn't on the menu. Ragu alla bolognese bolognese
When I was living in China I ordered a "Canadian" pizza at Pizza Hut, it came with corn on it. As a Canadian I can tell you, we don't do corn on pizza. A "Canadian" from Pizza Hut in Canada is generally pepperoni, mushroom & bacon. Canucks have no version of pizza that comes with corn.
I was gonna come in to say who cares how someone eats their food, if it is perfect by someone else's standards or not, or if it is adapted. Maybe they have NO idea it isn't authentic. But then I saw the actual garbage in most. so the steak and alfredo...let them eat steak on top of their pasta on one plate. But s full pineapple on a dish? Wtf. Yes, why not cut the spaghetti for your kids? I know my kids and the appropriate bite for their 2 year old mouth, why dictate that for someone? My daughter was eating long pasta at 3 in a restaurant when she wasn't used to it and she choked on it. I wouldn't eat short spaghetti but I wouldn't bitch at someone if they did.
I mean...my extremely low standards still would. This looks like uni staple.