IT Professionals In This Online Group Share What They Have To Deal With Every Day In These 40 Hilarious Memes And Jokes
Even if you love your job, there are always some aspects of it that are irritating, there are some things you would rather do over others, and once in a while you’ll have a bad day. Some professions have more of those bad days or irritating parts than others.
There is a popular subreddit that is dedicated for IT workers to vent. And apparently there are plenty of things that get on their nerves, whether it’s clients or stupid viruses. Professionals of this field come to the r/iiiiiiitttttttttttt subreddit and create funny memes, comics or share screenshots that they relate to, but even non-IT people can have a little laugh as well.
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Seriously, Every Time
The subreddit was created quite a while ago, back in 2012 and now has 192k members. If you are wondering how to spell its name, it has 7 ‘i’s and 12 ‘t’s.
The description when you open the page perfectly sums up what you can expect from it: “Tired of stupid customers? Having to deal with constant computer frustrations at work? Another virus ruining a perfect day? Having to fix incredibly-crafted spaghetti code in Visual Basic? Your database system was destroyed by an idiot coworker turning off the computer? Vent out here at iiiiiiitttttttttttt (i7t12), a subreddit dedicated specifically for Information Technology rage comics! (Limit two le's per customer).”
The Epic Job...
Jack Of All Trades
Error: Low Toner
Ah, this was once a bigger issue than it is now. Back in the 90s I had a Lexmark printer that had a single cartridge containing all the colors, only it didn't also contain black. It made black by combining yellow, cyan and magenta. If you wanted gray, you in fact did need yellow ink.
IT is kind of a broad term now used to refer to an array of technologies and related disciplines. Not all IT professionals do the same thing and as in every other field, like in medicine or music, everyone has their own role and their own expertise.
This is where a lot of confusion and misunderstanding come from for IT professionals that come to share their frustrations with people who will definitely relate. Most often these misunderstandings are between an IT professional and a client that doesn’t understand that a programmer who can fix a bug in a software program doesn’t necessarily know how to fix a keyboard that’s not working.
Yeah. Nobody Will Touch That
Yes, This Was A Real Ticket I Just Closed
Working In It Isn't Stressful
I work in IT and this one made me laugh out loud in my cubicle farm surrounded by broken laptops
There are different ways you can separate IT specialists into types, putting them in bigger groups or putting them into very specific groups. The job site Indeed lists 21 job positions for IT specialists. And each and every one of them will have different knowledge. For example, a software engineer improves new software, a support specialist works with clients and helps them solve their problems and a web developer works with creating a website from its appearance to its content using coding.
I Need A 6-Month Vacation, Twice A Year, Far Away From Society...
Thank God
Readme Never
Except where the readme is by engineers for engineers...they assume Phd level computer skills when a simple example of common usage would be far more helpful. I have been IT support for over 25 years, and I still see "man pages" where the author should not be allowed near a keyboard.
Though clients are a big source of complaints among IT professionals, not all of them deal with users that have no knowledge about computers, but they still deal with some annoying things that come up. In the subreddit you can find plenty of memes related to unexpected inconsistencies in programs, not very useful updates and how stressful the job can get.
Soooo Complicated....
Happy Little Outages Here And There
We're going to plug in a plug right here, and another right here becuase everyone needs a buddy
Upvote the memes and comics that you liked the most and sound off in the comments if you could relate to any of them. Maybe you could relate to them even if you don’t work in this field? Also we are interested to know any of your funny stories related to IT so feel free to share them!
Oh, So Now You're Going To Start Working Fine?
We Just Got Clever...
Big IT Time
Yes! We just finished 1909, now we get to start over with 20H2 Yay...
A True Hero
The Truth Comes Out
Administrative Access
I Made This Meme Instead Of Doing The Thing They Asked For
A customer did this recently. He came with a really short deadline (less than 3 weeks). I delivered on tuesday (did the job in 1 week) saying that he has to tell us when they plan to test it, to be sure we will be available to deliver on the next test environment. Tests are really quick to do. 5 days later I don't have any news. 9 days until it has to be in production. Maybe we will have some fix to do, no idea. Pretty sure he will come back like "deliver the next step now". Can't wait to reply "That's not how it works, honey!" 😂
This Hits Home
ID10T - Pulling Teeth
Its Really Not Hard
In the modern era, it only goes together one possible way! It's not like we have LPT and 25-pin serial ports on the same PC anymore (both DB25)... Or RS-232 and CGA graphics (both DB9). Or, god-forbid, RGB graphics and joystick ports (macintosh, both DB15).
It Was Old Man Teams!
"Can You Help Me Get The Files Of This USB?" Get Handed One Of These
Every Damn Day
One Day Son, All This Will Be Yours!
Yup, I Know It Is Time To Go Home On Friday
Faculty With 2 Masters Degrees And A Phd: "My Speakers Wont Work And I Am Giving A Very Important Presentation Right Now. Need This Fixed Asap" ....... Me: (Drives 20 Miles) "Ma'am, The Green Plug Goes In The Green Hole" ...... Faculty: " I Have Worked Here For 20 Years, When Did They Change That?"
F**k Covid-19
Boomers invented video conferencing. You are just riding on the shirttails of their fame.
My Co-Worker Decided He Wanted A Standing Desk
It Do Be Like That
*How I see other people in my school asking how to get capital letters* (Ok, maybe a tiny bit exaggerated, but only a tiny bit) xD
Users Be Like
Users Who Are Annoyed When You Try To Troubleshoot Their Problem >:(
Hmm. I have been on the other side of this on multiple occasions, where I did all the recommended troubleshooting with no result, contacted IT with a full report of what's wrong, what I tried and what the results were and IT insisted I do it all again.
I Don't Have To Worry About Viruses, I Have A ___
I Cant Possibly Be The Only One With This Problem...
OMFG, no you are not alone! At first I figured it was just still searching and I was removing the s just as it finished searching, but extensive testing has proven that it’s really just messing with us. >.<
Each And Every God Damn Customer Calling Tech Support!!
When I See People Complaining About Forced Windows Updates ...
Soon There Will Be No IP Addresses Left
Most of these went so far over my head, I didn't even hear the sonic boom. I just came here to thank each and every IT professional for all your work. I know I'm a technological troglodyte and openly admit this to every IT professional I work with. So I do follow your instructions and try my best to be a decent customer. I also try to bring IT treats every so often and make a point of wishing them good morning or good weekend.
Most of these went so far over my head, I didn't even hear the sonic boom. I just came here to thank each and every IT professional for all your work. I know I'm a technological troglodyte and openly admit this to every IT professional I work with. So I do follow your instructions and try my best to be a decent customer. I also try to bring IT treats every so often and make a point of wishing them good morning or good weekend.